Andrea cox

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Healthy Holidays

I hope all of you had a beautiful Christmas holiday! I love seeing everyone’s photos! I had a meditative 6 Hour drive to my sisters home in Phoenix on Christmas Eve. I packed the car with healthy food and took the furry husbands with me:)

It’s SO worth the drive with the dogs to listen to my sisters jokes while she makes homemade cinnamon rolls♥️ Watching furry Louis jump on top of my mom while hearing her scream “omg no” when she wakes…is classic!

I think the number one reason for making my trip is always my beautiful nephew Alex. We watched a beautiful sunset and took an hour long walk on Christmas morning. What a joy…what an absolute joy! He is truly brilliant!


As far as what I ate, you’re looking at it. I don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater when it comes to the holidays. I never have and my family has always cleared off a shelf in the fridge for me. It’s not even a discussion and this is another reason I love my family. We accept each other for who we are at all different stages in our lives. It’s always been this way with us and it always will be. It’s the reason I feel so free to express myself with all of you. I know this is a lot to write for a bowl of raw vegan 🌱 pasta but what can I say…my heart is full! My “ten of cups” (tarot lingo) is my family and helping others get healthy.


Here’s to a FABULOUS 2019

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