Andrea cox

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Sexuality and Ascension

How do you see sex? I see sex as sacred. If you don’t see sex as sacred, I encourage you to read this article.

The normalization of random sexual behaviors has become more and more prevalent in recent months and years. It’s a fact that 3 million Americans contract the herpes virus every year.

As a high vibrating woman, I take sex very seriously. This doesn’t mean that I don’t practice tantra, engage in hot yoga and take stellar care of my body. This means that I can count on one hand how many partners I have been intimate with within my lifetime. And I am very proud of this.

Many people I know have 20 to 30 partners by the time they’re 25 years old along with a couple of kids and unfortunately an STD to boot.

Do I sound prudish? Read on…

FACT: Sex is the preferred method of creating a powerful toxic link for psychic feeding.

I also believe in a common theory referred to as Telegony. This was a theory of heredity holding that offspring can inherit the characteristics of a previous mate of the female parent; thus the child of a woman might partake of traits of a previous sexual partner. You can learn more about telegony in this article here.

Another common belief is the confusion within the mind space that is constantly wavering in your decision making whether it be about what relationship partner you need or what life choices you need to make. If you find yourself having trouble making decisions, from what to wear to who to be with, you’ve probably had more than one sexual partner over the past several months to a year.

Spreading yourself so thin that you are carrying the DNA of not only all of the people you have slept with within the last seven years but also all of the partners they have slept with.

I love Sex! Absolutely adore it! But the type of sex I prefer is responsible and full of committed love. What I don’t love is drama and messiness. The bottom line is sharing intimacy with multiple partners is the quickest way to derail you off of your goals.

It’s all about RESPECT!

Casual sex is not based on mutual respect, understanding, love, or deep third eye connection. In fact, sex is an open door to many demonic forces entering a woman’s sacred womb. Sex should be an enjoyable participation of two people connecting on a deep high vibrational energetic third eye  level.

Sex should be enjoyable but mindfulness should be at the forefront of every human’s thought process before engaging in intercourse with another life force. Participating in loose sexual behaviors can literally destroy one’s mental, physical, and energetic health. Whether we want to admit it or not, our spiritual potential and intuition can be greatly affected after engaging intimately with the wrong person.

For me, great sex is with a person I know deeply and love. When this type of sacred union is formed, lower forms of sexuality become sloppy and eventually repulsive.

Setting healthy boundaries while finding and addressing both our past life and childhood traumas are a must on the path towards elevating into the 5D.

Once we awaken to the fact that our unconscious reactions are nothing more than past life traumas or an open overspilling childhood wound, we will evolve to new heights.

Developing the capacity for highly evolved skills of discernment within the realm of relationships is of extraordinary importance. One cannot sage or Palo Santo away a venereal disease. Just as we cannot drench ourselves in essential oils to heal a wounded heart-space.

If we have not addressed our own “hidden agendas” (“getting laid, quick pleasure, money, conquering the next piece of ass) our unconscious triggers will stand front and center! Controlling our every move.

I don’t know what all of you are experiencing lately. Both my clients and I are feeling the need to practice mindfulness. Now more than ever we must be open to outside observation along with self-observation.

Many people do not have a clear sense of what is really going on in their surroundings. Especially with the way the world is currently situated ~ this can be a time of great evolution or, of great downfall. Within the world and within one’s own personal life.

Sex is one of the easiest ways that narcissists and entities can attempt to miss use our precious energy.

I do not see a man who boasts about the notches in his bedpost as a captain, leader, or king. Nor do I see a woman who is “easy” or needs to pick up a prescription for birth control because she never knows when she’s going to meet someone and “get laid” like a queen.

Again, Sex is a sacred union between two people that is holy. And if you feel the need to chase it you have a lot of work to do.



The benefits of taking a Digital Detox

After feeling “looked at by many but known by few” I decided to turn my cell phone off over the weekend. I did this to reconnect with God. To reconnect with my yoga practice, my animals, and myself. I made the conscious choice of rediscovering the benefits of a Digital Detox.

I had my VA post to my stories for me and didn’t share anything on my platforms. I have also disconnected the messenger apps for Instagram and Facebook. This way, all messages go to my VA instead of me.

My discoveries…

Having trouble completing projects? I completed a home project and two business projects that I simply couldn’t find the time for prior. A headache that I began to get a few months ago disappeared. I reconnected with a friend I haven’t seen in years. I hit my yoga mat every morning consistently.

With all this newfound time on my hands, I decided to research the symptoms of people who truly needed a Digital Detox! My findings were alarming though not shocking!

Six Signs You Need a Digital Detox

1) You spend more time than intended on your devices.

2) You feel guilt/dissatisfaction afterward or like you just don’t measure up in society.

3) You are suddenly motivated by a fear of missing out or you feel like you are not producing enough in your business or career.

4) You experience sudden urges to check your social media (how many likes, comments, etc.)

5) You never have enough time in your day to spend with loved ones, pets or to complete important projects.

6) You experience headaches often

Above are only a small few of the side effects of being addicted to social media, the news, and other technologies. I could have extended that list further down to be completely honest with you.

There is a balance to everything in life and although I have been consistently sharing on social media for 10 years, I don’t intend on continuing. I am finding more balance out in nature, within my yoga practice, and by connecting with friends, clients, and loved ones. Not over social media, but in the flesh.

We can never get wasted time back in this life. And if we are constantly having our cell phone in our hands what will we have as regret at the end of our short time here on earth?

Are you ready to transform “Looked at by many and known by few” into “looked in on by few and known personally by many”? Let’s take a look at ten ways you can easily make this happen!

Six Tips to take a technology break! 

1) Turn your device off

Turn your device off when you leave your home and leave your purse (with your cell) in the trunk! I actually do this often. I began doing it to avoid texting and driving. It’s such a joy to listen to music while driving! Or, to roll the windows down and to be overwhelmed by the fresh air! Try this, you just may love it!

2) Don’t buy into the hype

Stop comparing yourself on social media to others. Seventy-five percent of what you see on social media is fake. The majority of people only share the positive parts of their lives, not the argument they had with their husband or girlfriend last week. In fact, a study was done found here proves that too much time spent on social media actually leads to more depressive thoughts. 

3) Employ the 25 rule

I have 25 people that I can actually see on social media. Even on my Facebook personal page found here that has 22,000 followers and 5000 friends. I actually have unfollowed everyone’s posts outside of my family’s. And I’ve done this for years! Trust me, it will work wonders in your life! If you need to know how someone is doing, call them up. This is what real connection is all about. 

4) Remove messaging apps from your device!

This was a game-changer for me. Messaging apps such as the ones that Facebook and Instagram provide will drain you of your time and life-force energy. When I removed these apps from my social media phone, I realized how much time I REALLY had available to me. 

5) Get a second phone and keep your social media phone off for 90% of your day!

I realize this may seem extreme but with the recent “change of terms and agreements” that many social media platforms have put in place, it’s a must in order to protect your privacy. The benefits of having one phone designated for your business and social media and then a second phone for personal use are astounding! 

I use my “tech phone” once in the afternoon and then for any client or business meetings I have. It’s generally turned off promptly at 5 pm. 

Only 12 people have my personal number. Honestly, after practicing this for a year, I wouldn’t have it any other way. 

6) Get outside 

This is the way of the masters! The bottom line is nature heals. If you’ve not mastered the skill of being in nature a minimum of one hour per day (rain or shine), there has never been a better time than now! 

Being in nature allows our cells to regenerate and our mind to rejuvenate.

Could it be this easy?

Could changing your life and improving your health really be as simple as turning your cellular device off on the weekends? For me, it’s looking to be the case.

More irony…

Ironically, the most popular detox program that I created 9 years ago that EVERYONE loses weight on is called “The Digital Detox”! Check it out here! Although this program isn’t about taking time off of your devices, (it’s actually about how to detox through the foods we eat), it works! 

It’s a program guaranteed to cleanse you of one pound of toxic waste per day.

I love you, please love yourself

Andrea Cox, creator of the Digital Detox

Andrea Cox, creator of the Digital Detox


Eating better as you enter the 5D

It’s been months since I’ve had to buy fruits or vegetables at the grocery. There is abundant joy in growing your own food! I hit the store today for some dried herbs oils, vinegar,s and raw sweeteners to make a batch of my own dressings! I always put dressings in all my plant-based books but my next book has several! For me, it’s all bout Eating better as you enter the 5D!

I’m so excited about my new book, the future, and the way this world is changing! I literally FEEL like each day is becoming more fruitful than the next! People are waking up to the fact that they must change the way they eat, move, and live! This has been a dream of mine for decades… for this world to awaken to the truth!

I’m about to share with you a small change yielding BIG results! Let’s catapult you into eating better as you enter the 5D!

If you’re not currently making your own salad dressings I highly recommend it. There are so many fillers in the dressings you buy at the store! Many contain atrocious ingredients Such as calcium disodium (EDTA) and hydrolyzed vegetable protein (a source of MSG)!

With just a few ingredients (many that you can buy in bulk) you can save money and create delicious healthy alternatives! I make everything from… a dairy-free ranch dressing out of cashews to my famous tahini bikini salad dressing which is in a base of raw tahini!

There is never a need to waste the money or throw away your health on store-bought salad dressings. In fact, those very dressings that you are covering your greens with may be loaded with cancer-causing chemicals.

Wise up! Grow your own food and start making your own meals! Your body mind and soul will thank you

Raw Vegan Dressings

grocery haul

Comment on this post on my Facebook wall!

Below is a Fantastic Raw Vegan 5D Recipe to aid you during your ascension process!

Pour me a rainbow dressing

I’ve said time and time again that I don’t believe in eating overt fats. Overt fats are oils. I prefer you to eat an avocado instead of avocado oil, coconut meat instead of coconut oil, and olives instead of olive oil.

That being said, there are some people that just have to have a vinaigrette! They simply will not eat a salad unless you give them oil and vinegar on top.

For these people, I have designed a beautiful dressing that has a rainbow of colors! This is a crowd-pleasing dressing that won’t lower your vibration! My pour me a rainbow dressing will not slow your Ascension process just because it has a base of an overt fat. I have lightened it up with a plethora of colorful vegetables in order to balance out the energy.


1 cup of high-quality olive oil

1/2 cup raw apple cider vinegar 

2 stalks of celery

1/4 of a white large onion

4 TB dried garlic flakes

3 TB red pepper flakes

3 TB dried carrot flakes

2 tsp raw honey

2 tsp green stevia powder (green only) 


Put all the ingredients in a high-powered blender and blend until you get a rich golden green or red color! 

Note: The color of this dressing will always change depending on the amount of ingredients you use. Here I show it with more celery (rich green color) and with more red pepper flakes (golden-red color). 

I encourage you to play with the different types of vegetables you add. This dressing will keep in the fridge for up to two weeks.

Green Goddess dressing

Green Goddess dressing




pour me a rainbow dressing

pour me a rainbow dressing



Health benefits of my Pour me a rainbow dressing

  1. Apple cider vinegar is amazing for digestion
  2.  Olive oil is a natural anti-inflammatory
  3. Green leaf Stevia is a cancer preventative, this herb can also grow abundantly in any garden. 

Eating for ascension really isn’t that difficult.

  •  It’s about making sound choices for yourself and your family.
  • It’s about not buying packaged processed foods.
  •  It’s about not buying into the “Got Milk” ads or fast food commercials that you see on TV! 
  • It’s about learning to grow your own food
  • It’s about cultivating old ways of living such as our ancestors did. For me, this means making my own fermented foods such as sauerkraut.
  • It means growing, making, and storing your own pickled and canned goods in mason jars.
  • It means making more food at home and eating out less or maybe not eating out at all. 

Further assistance along your path…

Having issues with your ascension process? Let’s have a one on one session together to remove those blocks that are holding you back. This is common among many people today. I’ve listed two popular roads that many of my clients who are ready to ascend in a major way tend to choose.

You can read about them by clicking the links below. I look forward to holding your hand along this short journey we call life. Whether helping you get on a path towards Eating for Ascension or, aiding you with intuitive guidance, I’m ready to listen with an open heart and innovative strategic mind.

8 Ways to open your third eye

I’ve been diving deep into the spiritual connection that is directly linked to our gut health, liver health, and especially our pineal gland. Going so far as to record and document the 8 ways to open the third eye. I’ve eaten a Raw food detox diet for decades now! In fact, I’m working on something to tie this all together for you. Before that comes out, let’s start with the basics. Let’s begin with a few ways to cleanse your pineal gland in order to open your third eye.

8 Ways to open your third eye

Decalcify your pineal gland The primary function of the pineal gland is to produce melatonin. This regulates our sleep-wake cycle. Melatonin production is stimulated by darkness and inhibited by light. Over time our pineal gland basically calcifies. A few of the ways to decalcify this important gland is to

  • Avoid Fluoride Pay close attention to the water in your life, avoid tap water completely! Tap water is a source of fluoride, which contributes to pineal gland calcification. Add water filters to your sink and shower faucets.
  • Supplement with humic and fulvic acid The list of supplements that support and detoxify the third eye is long and includes raw cacao, goji berries, garlic, lemons, watermelon, bananas, raw honey, coconut oil, hemp seeds, cilantro, seaweeds, honey, chlorella, spirulina, blue-green algae, raw apple cider vinegar, zeolite, ginseng, borax, Vitamin D3, bentonite clay and chlorophyll and especially humic and fulvic acids!

I’ve taken the guesswork out of combining all of these in my clay-based Raw Food Detox Formula.

  • Eat a Raw Food Detox diet

I tell my clients to start with a big juice in the morning and a HUGE salad at night! This seems to be the winning ticket! Here is a sample of what I tend to eat at night on a Raw Food Detox Diet!

  • Use Essentials Oils Many essential oils stimulate the pineal gland and facilitate states of spiritual awareness. A few of my favorites are lavender, sandalwood, frankincense, blue spruce, and pine. Essential oils may be inhaled directly, added to body oil, burned in a diffuser, and added to bathwater. Be mindful around your pets however, these oils can be toxic.
  • Gaze into the sun! I LOVE sun-gazing! The sun is a great source of power. Gaze gently at the sun during the first few minutes of sunrise and the last few minutes of sunset to boost the potency of your pineal gland.
  • Yoga Y’all know I LOVE my yoga practice! Unfortunately, most of the studios are requiring you to wear a mask. These days, I’ve been enjoying yoga at home. I actually find it much more peaceful at home. My doggies love it too!
  • Chanting and Meditation both activate the pineal gland through setting the intention. Start by sitting in a quiet space while chanting “I am love” over and over again. Try visualizing the decalcification of the pineal gland as you do so.
  • Wear Crystal jewelry Crystals are major influential allies in the mission to awaken the third eye. Use crystals and gemstones in the colors of purple, indigo, and violet along with gold and white. These are the colors to awaken, balance, align, and nurture the third eye.

Check out my Etsy shop with a variety of spiritual jewelry and crystals here

Raw Food Detox

Raw Food Detox ~ Jackfruit jicama roll ups













A surprise coming soon!

Jackfruit wrapped in thinly sliced jicama with cashew cheese & dill from my garden.

This is just one of my upcoming recipes in my Love your liver ten-day detox program coming out in the new year!

People just aren’t making the connection between the health of our liver and our third eye-opening. These things truly matter.


Messages from my Morning Meditation…

* The universe needs what you are creating!

* Just like my ancestral guides came through 20 years ago telling me to go vegan and that one day the world would be plant-based, your guides are going to start coming through speaking prophecies as well.

* Codependent behavior will not be allowed or accepted in 2021. In fact, you will start to feel repulsed at the very idea of someone controlling you with money, guilt, or shame.

* Gone are the days where you can research someone’s social media history and try to emulate their vibe. People have woke. They see through the actors and actresses of this world. Saturn will not allow this.

* Anyone who has had their life’s work whether written or displayed mocked, emulated or stolen from will rise above monetarily.

* The veil will be lifted that covers politicians and people in Hollywood who carry a false high status exposing pedophilia.

* Your health must come front and center in order for you to create the type of authentic lifestyle we were all put on this earth to create.

* If you’ve not gone plant-based yet, now is the time. We are evolving as a species and must stand up for the voiceless.

* We are being called to be more mindful to what our ears and eyes take in. Less social media, less news, less gossip.

God, spirit, and your ancestors who walked before you only want the best for you.

Cilantro kisses

~ Andrea

Get your 2021 reading below

Andrea Cox

Andrea Cox











Liver Cleanse – liver flush detox juice

January is a good time to help our bodies catch up with detoxification. A time to give our organs a chance to rest and recover. It’s a good time to think about removing environmental toxins too! Below I’m going to share with you my favorite Liver detox juice recipe! But first, let’s educate ourselves on liver function and why it’s so important to do a liver cleanse. 

We typically don’t think about our organs when we think about a detox. Typically we do a parasite cleanse or a sugar detox but rarely do we consider the most important organ in our body. The liver! From the time we wake in the morning until the time we go to sleep, to every food and supplement choice we make, our liver is in control! It’s up to our liver to process and filter out everything we take in. It’s easy to overlook the parts of our body that aren’t immediately obvious, but the liver serves some pretty important functions.

Why Liver Function is Important:

The liver is the hub of storing vitamins, minerals, and glycogen, removing toxins from your bloodstream, producing bile to digest fat, and breaking down your hormones. Did I mention your liver is in charge of balancing protein, fat, and sugar in the bloodstream? It is! 

All of the processes mentioned above directly correlate to the health of the largest organ of your body, your skin! So needless say, if you suffer from eczema or psoriasis, your liver needs a good detox! 

Signs Your Liver Needs Help and signs you need a liver cleanse :

Some telltale signs that your liver isn’t working as well as it should is if you experience irritable bowel symptoms. These symptoms can be as simple as bloating, gas, constipation, heartburn, or acid reflux. Other less connected signs that are a symptom of a toxic liver are anxiety or depression. Have psoriasis? It’s probably your liver! Trouble losing weight? Experiencing chronic fatigue, excessive sweating, and more? Liver, liver, liver! So basically, if your liver is upset, other systems in your body will magically pop up to let you know something’s wrong.

When we think of liver damage, we typically think of excessive alcohol consumption. This is a myth. Poor food choices along with eating too much fat can greatly damage the liver. Other common causes of liver damage are eating processed foods (in particular, hydrogenated oils and refined sugar), excess alcohol consumption, having an autoimmune disease, taking pharmaceutical medications, not absorbing the proper nutrients from your food (malabsorption), and more.

Did you know that certain foods and beverages are extremely toxic for your liver? Yep, they are! My upcoming program eliminates these for you! So you can figure out whether these particular foods are causing problems for you.

I have been working diligently on a liver detoxification program called Love Your Liver © for all of you! The following heavy hitters we eliminate in this 10 – day meal plan are:

packaged foods including sodas and flavored waters
refined sugar
supplements (except for probiotics and enzymes)
All animal products

This intense ten-day protocol is all wrapped up in ten days worth of recipes! More on this later!

What I really want to talk about is why you think you don’t need a liver detox! So many people clients included, E-mail me complaining about severe skin issues along with anger issues. Far too often they blame their hormones. The truth is, when the liver is clean, the hormones are great! This goes for both women and men! 

In fact, I can almost promise you, if you have ANY skin issues, food sensitivities, and or anger problems, you probably have a toxic liver! Got digestive issues? TOXIC LIVER! Still, blaming your parents or your child-hood for your emotional problems? LIVER LIVER LIVER!

For now, let’s get you on a good morning routine to really benefit your liver!

Below is my FAVORITE love your liver juice!

Andrea’s Love your liver juice recipe


1/2 beet
1 cucumber
2 carrots
4 celery stalks
1 large handful of spinach
1 handful of parsley
1/2 medium lemon
10 long sprigs of dandelion

Put all ingredients through a juicer
Pour into a mason jar and enjoy!
P.S. If you’re looking to get intuitive guidance or answers about why “Your Issues live in your tissues”, join me here at 3:33!

Liver Detox Juice Recipe

Although I never promote eating overt fats, at the end of my ten-day love your liver – liver cleanse, I often have my clients due the cleanse in the video with my buddy Craig Summers below. 


Look, I’m not a doctor and even I agree with this Hopkins medical article stating you should avoid over consuming alcohol and “risky behaviors”.

And of course, you are going to want to follow other dietary examples for good health such as intermittent fasting found in an article I wrote here.  

How to raise your vibration fast!

How to raise your vibration - Andrea Cox

How to raise your vibration – Andrea Cox

 Ways to raise your vibration!

Have you ever wondered how people you see on social media got to be so happy? Truth be told most of the garbage on social media is fake. Real happiness happens when you detoxify your body at a cellular core level. I call this raising your vibration! There are many ways to raise your vibration! 

Check out my top 15 tips below and the awesome BONUS tips in the video at the bottom of this E-mail and raise your vibe!

Welcome to the raise your vibe tribe!

1. Learn to be alone.

There, I said it! After a decade of working with clients on their internal health while processing them into ascension. I’ve learned a thing or two. One of the biggest things people struggle with is the inability to end codependent relationships. This stems from a deep-rooted core wound of not wanting to be alone (AKA abandonment issues). Look, friend, if you can’t be alone, are staying in an unhealthy loveless relationship, you aren’t ready to raise your vibe! In fact, just ignore the rest of this message. You need to do the deep core “work” on yourself first.

2. Do a yoga flow.

Yoga is my kryptonite! The series of poses in yoga encourages you to dive deep. The mind-body connection you will feel after will be intoxicating. Treating yourself to a yoga class, even three times per week will free up stagnant energy. This definitely has a HUGE impact on raising your vibration!

3. Practice mindfulness.

Mindfulness can lead us to be more considerate and thoughtful. It expands the heart. Let us also not forget about compassion! Both towards others and ourselves. Practicing mindfulness means becoming aware of your treatment towards others both at a spiritual and karmic level. Karma is like a rubber-band. The more you inflict harmful thoughts, words, or actions towards another, the more your targeted person will rise above. I’ve witnessed this in my own life. For years I had someone hacking my work and SEO. This person simply couldn’t stand to see me happy, evolving, with anyone else, or especially making money. The more damage he inflicted, the more my reputation and finances improved. It’s the rubber-band effect!

4. Balance your chakras.

The chakras are the spiritual energy centers of the body. You can say they are the spiritual portals to raising your vibration. The chakras run from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. When they are open and aligned, energy flows. I guide people through chakra balancing during our intuitive guidance sessions. The results are miraculous! 

5. Use crystals.

Who else is a crystal junkie? Crystals have been used for centuries to help boost positive energy and vibrations. You can place crystals around your home and on your body.

Check out my crystal store here.

6. Get outside

Get into nature! Bonus points if you do it barefoot! This tip is self-explanatory. Nature is God’s healing force. Nothing will raise your vibration quicker than feeling the sun on your face while breathing in the fresh air.

7. Got singing bowls?

Certain sounds are scientifically proven to facilitate a shift in our brainwave state that makes us more relaxed and receptive. Find an in-person class in your area, or seek out a recording online for an uplifting session in the privacy of your home. Here’s one I recorded for my dog here.

8. Eat more healthy, sustainable foods.

Same message different day. Look, my friend, if you are still eating dead decomposing animals in 2020, I don’t know what to say. There is scientific evidence that acidic foods affect your personality. It’s pretty difficult to raise your vibration while consuming death.

9. Random acts of kindness.

Kindness and compassion are high vibrational emotions. Just think about how good you feel when you give to the poor! For me, acts of kindness mean rescuing an animal, giving a bottle of water to someone who is thirsty or opening my heart to a friend who is feeling down. Perform a random act of kindness (to a friend or a stranger) and you’ll quickly find that this lifts your vibration. Give and you shall receive.

10. Develop a gratitude practice

Rather than focusing on what you don’t have, make a list of all the things you can be thankful for. I always practice this before I fall asleep, making a mental list of the people and circumstances I feel grateful for. It means I end the day on a positive note.

11. Set healthy boundaries

Some of us have a tendency to diminish our positive vibrations by continually ignoring our own needs in order to give more to others. Reclaim your energy by saying no to something that you don’t really want to do, and watch your mood soar.

12. Dance it out.

Dancing helps us express emotions, and it can also distract us from any negative thought patterns. It’s also great exercise! Go to a dance class, or move around to binary rhythms at home and feel the energy move through you. 

I usually do a practice almost every day where I dance for about an hour. Sometimes it’s in my kitchen while I clean. And other times it’s on the RARE occasion when my mind is going and I can’t seem to sleep. 

13. Breathe work

Did you know deep breathing calms your nervous system? Find a calm, soothing space (or create one for yourself with headphones) and focus on your breath for a few minutes. When the mind wanders and gets distracted, don’t worry, as this is completely normal. Using compassion, begin to draw it back to the breath. Breathe in for three counts and exhale for six. Repeat this process several times. Or, until you feel a sense of calm within your heart.

14. Mindset is everything

Ever hear the expression “what you think about you bring about”? There’s a lot of truth to the idea that our thoughts create our reality. I’m not saying you should shun difficult emotions, but don’t overindulge negative low-vibrational thoughts either. If your thoughts are overly pessimistic or anxious, you may find that you are drawn to situations that perpetuate these feelings. Keep your mind pure and your vibration will follow!

15. Cultivate high-vibrational relationships.

I’ve been known to cut people out of my life quickly. No need to be shaking in your boots. It’s not that I’m cruel, it’s that I give people one chance and one chance only. In the past (prior to my rebirth process), I gave people several chances. Through time, I learned that anyone or anything that causes me stress must go immediately. Make sure the people in your life lift you up and don’t pull you down. Spend time with those who love and support you. The people who lift you up. Ignore the one’s who’s motivation is to pull you down. Sadly, those types really do exist.

I hope you enjoyed these tips and my latest YouTube video. Do hit the subscribe button while you are there. If you want more fantastic tips on heightening your vibration, check out this article I found here! 

Want to read a related article I wrote? Many of my coaching clients found this link health article helpful!

Remember, I only want the best for you I love you, Please love yourself and drink your juice:) ~ Andrea

Intermittent Fasting for weight loss using Circadian Rhythm Eating

As I write this tonight, I’m curled up on a couch snuggling with my dogs wearing turquoise yoga pants, a grey pullover, and leg warmers. I have a warm mug of chamomile licorice tea in my left hand. The lights are dim and my freshly laundered sheets are practically screaming at me to come to bed! But there’s a secret I want to share with you tonight! The beauty, weight loss, and anti-aging secret of Intermittent Fasting.

I’m doing something I do every night and have done every night for the last two decades. I’m preparing my body for sleep. More on this below… for now let’s chat a bit about one of my FAVORITE subjects! Let’s talk about intermittent fasting!

What is intermittent fasting?

I’ve been promoting intermittent fasting (IF) for years! Nowadays, it appears to be popping up everywhere. It’s a staple with my clients. Especially those in California and New York. I guess you could say what started as a trend, now has scientific evidence to back it up!

The eating plan, which has people restrict their eating to specific times of day or days of the week, seems to come with lots of benefits. A Harvard study found that following an intermittent fasting protocol appears to lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and inflammation in the body.

Intermittent fasting helps my clients drop their weight faster than any meal plan ever could. In fact, real detox specialists know that offering a program with a generalized meal plan is a one size fits all disaster! I believe, In order to truly help people lose weight, reduce inflammation, diabetes, and to feel better about themselves, you must address each individual separately.

So why, exactly, is intermittent fasting so effective? That question has been the subject of debate for years. Some doctors argue that if it’s just another form of calorie restriction; by eating for fewer hours during the day, you’re likely eating less overall.

Others claim that fasting temporarily triggers a “switch” that jump-starts your metabolism. But thanks to new research, experts suggest that intermittent fasting’s benefits could stem from timing meals to the rise and set of the sun. In other words, following your natural circadian rhythm.

What are circadian rhythms and how do they work?

It’s actually natural for diurnal animals such as humans to eat during daylight when we evolved to digest food.

You can think of circadian rhythms as a pacemaker for your body! It’s basically your brain’s master circadian clock (which controls your body’s circadian rhythm). It’s made up of cells located in the hypothalamus. As our eyes recognize light, this master clock sends hormones (mainly cortisol – the stress hormone), to wake you up.

At night it sends melatonin, to make you sleepy. This keeps the rhythms of the body in check. It keeps the cells clean and in good working order. It gives them the rejuvenation they need.

If you don’t have that signal, individual cells literally won’t know what time it is. This can disrupt normal bodily functions. Think about your body getting off track when you travel or when you go for 24 hours without sleep. This ran down out of whack feeling is due to your circadian rhythm being off track. Your natural rhythms in your body are out of step with the external signals it’s getting. This causes your body to struggle to adjust, making you tired, cranky, and hungry.

This is one of the reasons I give each of my clients a meal cut off time. I myself do not take in anything outside of tea or water after 6 pm sharp! I teach my clients that they need to train their bodies to quiet down for the evening. It’s like turning the lights off before bed, you just get used to it.

The Benefits of Daylight eating and intermittent fasting combined!

1) You’ll lose weight

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that eating late at night increases your weight. There simply isn’t any time left late at night to move the body and burn off those calories.

2) Intermittent Fasting allows for more Lucid dreaming with fewer nightmares

Avoid large meals late at night. According to the National Institutes of Health, late-night meals can cause indigestion that interferes with REM sleep. REM stands for rapid eye movement. This means you wake up more frequently. If you continue to eat late at night you can say bye-bye to beautiful lucid dreaming and hello to nightmares.

3) Healthcare without the price tag

It’s a scientific fact that people who eat late at night tend to eat more. In addition, studies show that late-night noshing increases triglyceride levels, a type of fat found in your blood. When you eat, your body converts any calories it doesn’t use right away into triglycerides; and high levels may increase your risk of heart attack and or stroke.

4) Heart health

Eating after 6 pm could be bad news for your heart because the digestive system is less efficient at night leading to a greater risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Andrea Cox - National Cancer Conference

Andrea Cox – Speaking about the benefits of fasting at the National Cancer Conference

5) More time for yourself and with your family

I utilize the hours between 6-8 pm to clean my home, walk my furry husbands, and catch up on work projects. Sometimes I just zone out completely and catch a yoga class or play good music. Who wants to be slopping up the kitchen at night? Not me!

6) Your Skin will thank you

The anti-aging effects and more specifically the effect that eating earlier will have are AMAZING! Your skin is the largest organ of the body. When you stop stuffing your body late at night, the first place it will show will be in your skin.

The Benefits of fasting

The Benefits of fasting

7) Greater Spiritual awareness

It’s hard to be grateful for food when we are constantly eating it and never truly experience hunger. We don’t even really enjoy food when we are eating very frequently. Fasting teaches us to appreciate food, but also many other blessings and pleasures in our lives.

Here’s a video I shot on a quick 24-hour fasting day. You can see it has gotten quite a bit of interest. And for good reason!

Intermittent fasting combined with daylight eating is a win-win! Not just for your waistline! For your emotional well-being, mental health, and spiritual growth too! I don’t want to begin quoting the Bible in this article but I am feeling led to do so. The fasting prayer has been my “go-to buddy” during both long and short term fasting periods. My longest fast being a 21-day water fast. Boy did this prayer come in handy!

The Fasting Prayer
“And whenever you fast, do not look dismal, like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces so as to show others that they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, 18so that your fasting may be seen not by others but by your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you”.

I only want the best for you
Please love yourself
and drink your juice
~ Andrea

Detox Specialist

Want to read more articles on the weight-loss benefits of intermittent fasting? Check out this great article I found here!

Intermittent fasting can also help with depression and anxiety! Read my article on herbs for depression here! 

Start Detoxing From Drugs Or Alcohol Today!

Have you ever struggled with addiction? Do you have a friend, family member, or loved one who has? Addiction can be damaging not just to the person with the addiction but also to their friends and family members.

I am not licensed to deal with people who are going through severe drug withdraw. I do however work with major institutions that recommend me when people have finished their withdrawal process and wish to return to a healthier lifestyle.

With each of my one on one retreat clients, my stance stays the same. I teach them how to eat, juice and properly food combine. I get them onto strong herbal protocols to support their adrenal glands. I re-enforce their self-esteem and inner wisdom to aid them in making proper choices for their future.

One thing is for certain, Juicing is a total GAME CHANGER! Especially if you have ever struggled with addiction or recovery! My underground list of elite clientele who struggle in this area sees miraculous results when they come to my retreats! Here’s the link to my one on one living foods juice fasting retreats


If you can manage symptoms on your own, consider these eight steps to safely detoxify your body. 


Look, I know this seems rough but at the beginning of a detox, you will want to stop consuming drugs and alcohol completely. This is imperative to find your balance. In order to rid your body completely of any substance, you must stop participating in the habit itself. This will allow your body to begin shedding the toxins it has long accumulated. The sooner you quit, the faster you’ll get healthy.


Alcohol dehydrates your body and can cause unpleasant side effects like headaches, muscle pain, and fatigue. By drinking lots of quality spring water, you can eliminate these symptoms. High quality high vibrational water (see my video here) also has the added benefit of naturally detoxing you at a cellular level. It flushes out your system, bringing chemicals, toxins, fats, and other unwanted items with it as it exits your body. I have my clients drinking 1 gallon of quality charged water per day!


The best way to change what your body craves on a cellular level is to feed your body high vibrating living foods. Ideally a raw food diet. Every client that does a private detox or group retreat with me consumes raw living foods and cold-pressed juices.

living foods






The best way to get your body jump-started into the healing process is by juicing. Drinking all-natural juiced fruits and vegetables is basically a shortcut to getting all the vitamins and minerals your body needs. It’s like a blood transfusion of vitamins! You can drink about five times more vegetables and fruits than you can eat because your body is only filling up on the juice (where the vitamins are) instead of also consuming the meat of the plant. This is beneficial because you get large amounts of vitamins and can consume more in a day, which is key to proper nutrition.

juice cleanse

juice cleanse


Eliminating toxins through waste, exercise, and sweating are the best ways to start ridding your body of its unhealthy build-up. By accelerating your heart and causing your body to sweat, you’re eliminating the unhealthy toxins through your pores. Running, biking, hot yoga, or any other exercise will not only help you detox but will also produce endorphins in your brain that can keep you in good spirits through this difficult process. An alternative method to remove toxins is to get yourself in a sauna. Not only is this a great way to de-stress, but the heavy amount of sweat that is produced releases chemicals out of your body.

I have two types of saunas I use with my clients. The infrared sauna and also a Finland style sauna that uses hot coals. Believe it or not, both serve a very valuable purpose in cellular detoxification. Epsom salt baths are another great way to accomplish the same thing. Hot water opens your pores and the salt carries the toxins away. I use a resonate light machine with my clients to help with the mental component and the physical components of their cellular detoxification from drugs and alcohol.


Lessen the stress: In the hectic world we live in, it can be hard to avoid stress. Make sure to unwind and treat yourself well each day. Stress hormones, such as cortisol, are detrimental to your health and path towards detoxification and healing. Stay away from coffee and cigarettes: Not only are they harmful toxins themselves, but they can also reinforce unhealthy habits that trigger addiction.

Every client I work with gets on a good herbal protocol after taking the free health assessment on my website. I also highly recommend to my clients that they get a lymphatic massage. This is another great stress-reducer and can aid in the release of toxins from your body via the lymphatic system.


Most of us are sleep-deprived. Ideally, you should get eight to nine hours of sleep a night to reduce stress and keep your body in peak health. You want to get on a good sleep-wake pattern prior to beginning your detoxification process.


Get your family and friends involved: Anyone can take these detox steps to build a healthier life. Having a support system is vitally important. When you can offer support and help one another to keep everyone on track. Start Detoxing From Drugs Or Alcohol Today! The decision to begin to detox is a big step and not one to be taken lightly. By following the above recommendations, you can start on the path to a healthy, drug- and alcohol-free life.

If you or someone you know is suffering from substance abuse and need detox support, please contact us today to learn how we can help after you’ve gone through an initial protocol. Sometimes learning to feed yourself, learning to juice, and discovering the best herbal protocol for you can win the race over drugs and alcohol! 

I hope these tips helped you! I only want the best for you

For more information on my one on one cellular detoxification retreats and coaching, contact me on my business cell at 937-760-0865

Copyright © Andrea Leigh Cox 2020

How to change your health and your life!


Andrea Cox Intuitive healer, detox specialist, holistic health coach

Andrea Cox Intuitive healer, detox specialist, holistic health coach

Hello friend,

Once per year I extend an offer to you that far surpasses ANY Black Friday sale you’ll come across today! It’s the gift that keeps on giving! A gift of a renewed life refreshed mind and refurbished body! It’s the only gift that allows you to heal from the inside out. It’s the gift of my health coaching and intuitive guidance services.

The results my clients achieve after working one on one with me in the areas of cellular detoxification, weight-loss, eating disorder recovery, intuitive guidance and overall spiritual health are life-changing! In fact, I often say to my clients “I don’t want to see you back again let’s get it right the first time”. And every time, we do get it right!

You see, my goal is not to have you come back as a repeat client. My goal is to send you back into the world as an entirely new person. Someone who feels confident within their body mind spirit and soul. A healed person who is doing their life’s work. A balanced human who is interacting healthily with their life partner, family, and friends.

When I work with clients it is not for the sole purpose of them losing weight however most of them end up losing about a pound to two pounds per day. While discovering their true calling in life and ending codependent relationships friendships and business partnerships that have had them in a struggle or even feeling trapped.

Have you been struggling with your weight, emotional over-eating, binging, people-pleasing, relationship toxicity, or mental blocks? Do you feel that you are in a codependent relationship where you are not getting the love, attention, and admiration that you deserve? If you find yourself answering “yes” to any of the above mentioned, it’s time to book a call to begin our month-long coaching.

Here are just a few benefits my clients achieve along with proven healing protocols they learn with them during our month-long process together!

* Loss of the ego-self
* More Self-confidence and elevated self-esteem
* Profound emotional healing
* Identify and clarify business or personal goals (you will discover and clarify your life’s purpose)!
* Forgive others and release old feelings of resentment towards past partners, family members, and colleagues
* Improve relationships with loved ones and co-workers
* Get motivated with a clear action plan
* Create and maintain healthy boundaries
* Opening your heart (learn to become vulnerable while still protecting your boundaries)
* Work through major life transitions
* Develop and implement organizational skills
* Be held accountable for a weight loss plan
* An ending to binge eating
* Cellular detoxification protocols (never get sick again)!
* Meal planning for post-chemo patients
* Herbal protocol and meal planning for post addiction recovery
* Anorexia, bulimia, and BED (binge eating disorder) meal
* Stop over-spending and get out of debt
* Develop leadership and public speaking skills


Look, I’m not like other so-called “coaches”. I don’t take on 4-6 people per month. I am an avid teacher of self-care! I lead a VERY balanced life. Seventy-five percent of my new clients come from clients with whom I’ve worked with in the past.

I’ve found over the years that by only taking on one client per month, I can transform your life while maintaining a healthy balance of my own. Besides, I prefer your month of guidance to be entirely devoted to your healing process.

If you are ready to get back into the driver’s seat of your life. If you are ready to TRULY change the look and health of your body along with your entire outlook on life, please contact me on my business cell at 937-760-0865. Please note this cell phone only accepts text messages. 

I only want the best for you and I look forward to paving your path towards healthy, abundant, and mindful new beginnings!

~ Andrea

The Immune-Boosting Benefits of Juicing!


Got Juice?

There is surmounted evidence that juicing is beneficial for your immune system. I began juicing twenty-one years ago! Sure, here and there I may have missed a day or two. Usually, because I was water fasting. But overall my go-to “food” is my life-blood… juice!

Now more than ever it is imperative that you juice! I mean let’s face it, the world is a VERY unhealthy place! With all the viruses floating around, don’t you think it’s time you juice?

Look, friend, I know what you’re thinking. You are thinking it’s a pain in your ass to clean your juicer! You’re are thinking you don’t have the time! I’m here to PROVE to you that you DO have the time!

I run two businesses

I have two YouTube channels

I have two rescue dogs

I have 4 websites

I run an Etsy store

I have two other online stores

I hit the gym

Have an avid yoga practice

Heck, I even clean my own home!


My top reasons you should juice!

1) Heighten your vibration!

Many people develop clarity of mind while juicing. Solid foods slow down your system, juicing is a great time to go inward, reflect, and develop new insights. For that very reason, meditation, nature hikes, turning off your cell phone and yoga are fantastic additions to add to your detoxification juicing protocol!

2) Detox! Detox! Detox!

With all of these viruses floating around now is the time to detox! Juicing allows the body to heal from injury and disease by eliminating toxic wastes. The energy used for digestion can now go towards healing your body from ailments it couldn’t heal before.

3) Go Raw

Raw produce offers better nutrition than cooked foods. Many enzymes die at high heat, so eating raw foods ensures you get all the enzymes and nutrients you need. If you can, take this opportunity to go completely raw while you juice, do so!

4) Save money and stop wasting food

Did you know juicing allows you to squeeze out every drop of goodness and money from your organic produce! You might as well get the most from the foods you buy. When you squeeze out the juice from raw fruits and vegetables, you receive a concentration of nutrition! You get all the minerals, vitamins, and enzymes that might not otherwise be available in whole foods. You also can utilize food scraps such as kale stems in your juice! These are hard to digest foods that would otherwise be thrown in the trash!

5) Heal at a cellular level

When you juice your cells have the time to repair themselves and detoxify. During this time, they can regenerate and strengthen your immune system. Many juicers experience a boosted immune system and fight off viruses more easily.

6) Give your digestive system a rest

When intake juice instead of solid foods, you give your body an opportunity to put the energy normally used for digestion into elimination, recovery, and heal


I love you

Only want the best for you

Cilantro kisses ~ drink your juice

~ Andrea

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