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Five tips on how to do what you LOVE! Bonus video!



If there’s not enough sunshine in your life then it’s up to you to create it! 

Hey there friends! I LOVE what I do! It is such a joy for me to work with eager clients around the globe who are ready to change the way they live in order to achieve optimal health! I also LOVE being behind the camera! I never thought in a million years I would be able to make money at what my God given talents and passions are! 

For far too long I stayed in Ohio where my gifts and talents were not appreciated by others. If you used the words “raw food” in Ohio people thought you meant sushi:) Although I had made it onto the news and on the cover of our newspaper there, many people still found my way of life and the food I ate as weird and strange. Only after uprooting myself to California 5 years ago was I able to create the life of my dreams! I finally can say that I feel I am free to be the woman I’ve always been meant to be!

Theres a saying I’ve said for quite some time now “go where you are appreciated, not tolerated!” for me that meant moving to a state where health and well-being was at the forefront! for you it may mean leaving a relationship where your partner isn’t appreciating you or leaving a job that you feel is not your true calling in life. Whatever it is I encourage you to go after that one thing that scares you! Begin by planning today! I promise you that you will have no regrets!!!

Andrea shooting You Tube videos!

Andrea shooting You Tube videos!


1) Figure out what your passion truly is!  This is vital for your success! Guess what, you may have several passions and thats Ok! The best advice I can give any of you is to try and determine what “dream job” would bring all of those passions into one!

2) Determine if your current paying job is worth keeping or is stealing more than 50% of your time that would be better spent working on your business!  No, I’m not telling you to go quit your current job! What I am saying is to first determine what amount of time your current job is taking up. After that ask yourself if there is anything yo could do on the side to supplement your income that would allow you to quit your current situation to go after and build your dream empire! For example could you take a few clients on the side as a consultant? Would that then lend itself into allowing you to go after your dream career?

3) Nix the nay sayers! Sadly there will be plenty of Nancy negatives including those who are closest to you. I like to allow their words to simply F-L-O-W! Flow into one ear and out the other! Ask yourself this….”How happy are they in their current working situation”? Chances are they’re not!

 4) Stay the course and focus!  Schedule, plan, schedule and plan!!! I cannot repeat that enough! You will want to map out your plan of action then set aside at least a few hours every day to put that plan of action into play! Spend your time wisely! Just because you are working from home that doesn’t mean you should be lounging in yoga gear all day!

 5) Keep your body in OPTIMAL shape so your mind will follow!  You all know the drill! Healthy body leads to a healthy high functioning mind! Keep up with your exercise routine EVERY day even if you do begin working from home! Keep your food combinations in check and always keep the alcohol consumption to a minimum if at all!

BONUS TIP! Find a mentor! A person that is CRUSHING it in your dream field! Send them an e-mail for guidance! Follow them on their social media page and see what works for them! And remember! YOUR TIME WILL COME!!! You are everything you need to be, here and now!

Andrea shooting her YouTube videos!

Andrea shooting her YouTube videos!

Remember! I only want the very best for each and every one of you! Have a great week!!!

Andrea L Cox

Follow me on Facebook here!

Check out my digital products here!

Check out my retreats here! 

Go where you are appreciated, not tolerated! One of the reasons I relocated to California….

If there’s not enough sunshine in your life then it’s up to you to create it!

For far too long I stayed in Ohio where my gifts and talents were not appreciated by others. If you used the words “raw food” in Ohio people thought you meant sushi:) Although I had made it onto the news and on the cover of our newspaper there, many people still found my way of life and the food I ate as weird and strange. After uprooting myself to California 5 years ago I finally can say that I feel I am free to be the woman I’ve always been meant to be!

There is a saying I’ve said for quite some time now “go where you are appreciated, not tolerated!” for me that meant moving to a state where health and well-being was at the forefront! for you it may mean leaving a relationship where your partner isn’t appreciating you or leaving a job that you feel is not your true calling in life. whatever it is I encourage you to go after that one thing that scares you! Begin by planning today! I promise you that you will have no regrets♡♡♡ 
‪#‎picoftheweek‬ ‪#‎youtuber‬ ‪#‎love‬ ‪#‎selflove‬ ‪#‎LoveWhatYouDo‬

Andrea shooting her YouTube videos for all of you!

Andrea shooting her YouTube videos for all of you!


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