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35 Healthy Tips that will change your life!

Hi Beautiful! I wanted to share a little something with you today:) They are thirty~five “Life Tips” that I created years ago & try to live my life by! I don’t always follow through to the best of my ability however in 2016 I plan on REALLY putting these into play on a much bigger scale!

I’ve listed the tips below! I want to remind you today of how wonderful you are! Would you do me a favor? Would you remember to always hold your head up high even when you are finding it difficult to stand. You are part of a MUCH bigger plan here on Earth! When you keep the faith and know with all your heart what your true purpose is, you simply cannot go wrong!


“I live my life by the 35 Life Tips~Not everyday~I’m a work in progress”! Andrea Cox


1) Love what you do & you will never “work” a day in your life!

2) Have faith in all that you do while knowing you are a success & you will be sure to succeed!

3) Move forward~Only glance back to see how far you’ve come!

4) Leave everyone you meet feeling happier than they were before spending time with you.

5) Trust your gut, it never lies! Never!

6) Steer clear of salesmen, they always lie!

7) Do something different every day!

8) Eat chocolate often but eat nothing daily!

9) Stay hydrated! A dehydrated body creates a crazy mind!

10) Eat fruit to stay cute!


12) Drink your juice!

13) Move your body a minimum of 35min per day! Sweat daily!

14) Adopt a dog, a cat or both!

15) Take up a yoga practice! Thank me later:)

16) Try to meditate three times per day! Keep at it~It will come!

17) Be kind to everyone you meet! You never know what they are going through!

18) Listen more than you speak!

19) Know your worth & never allow anyone to make you feel bad about yourself! No-one can steal your happy!

20) Karma is a VERY real thing! Be mindful as you make your decisions!

21) Love more & worry less!

22) Eat organically grown food and always buy local!

23) You need very little supplementation to your diet when you eat quality food grown in REAL soil!

24) Try to eat a minimum of 80-85% of your fruits and vegetables RAW! Eat a lot of them!

25) Respect your elders!

26) Let go of who you thought you were meant to be! Know

that you are EVERYTHING you need to be, here & now!

27) Travel often & lightly (but always with a “Food bag”)!

28) Be good with not knowing what is to come~Learn to love the journey!

29) Recycle, we get one planet!

30) Treat your body like the temple that it is! You only get one body!

31) Love yourself first! Without this one key element, it will be impossible to love anyone else!

32) Appreciate your curves, freckles and gray hair! What you don’t like others see as beautiful!

33) Stop saying “I’m sorry” all the time!

34) Embrace your age! Forty is the new twenty & Seventy is the new fifty!

35) Always love with an open heart! ♡♡♡

I love you~Andrea


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Andrea L Cox is the owner of  The Healthy Haven &  (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!)

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people! 

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her home town of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities! 

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

If you’ve not checked out Andrea’s Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Twitter yet FOLLOW her below!!! She would love to see you there! 

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