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Archive for the tag “yoga every dam day”

Are you helping your life become more beautiful? Healthy lifestyle tips!

Andrea lounging in Mexico eating one of her "nanna" salads! :)

Andrea lounging in Mexico eating one of her “nanna” salads! 🙂

I have a few questions for all of you….Please leave honest replies. Do you make an effort to create an even more beautiful fulfilled life than you already have?

When is the last time you dressed your salad with edible flowers? When was the last time you put on a little ylang ylang oil (or any essential oil) before you walked out of your front door? When is the last time you indulged in a piece of decadent dark chocolate (vegan-or not) cake with no guilt or shame? When was the last time you ate your lunch over looking the ocean? When was the last time you greeted your husband or boyfriend at the front door and gave him a 2 minute kiss while wearing next to nothing? When is the last time you created a four course meal for yourself, lit a candle said a prayer and indulged until satisfied? When was the last time you blew off work to treat yourself to a yoga class? When was the last time you took an hour walk in nature?

I ask you this because I do each and every one of these things EVERY DAY! I cannot remember a night when I didn’t eat a four course meal followed by a chocolate brownie, slice of vegan cake etc! I can count a million times when I’ve turned my car around to hit the grocery store a second time because I left the edible flowers there! I’ve been known to carry my essential oils in my car! I’m an entrepreneur just so I can go to yoga whenever I please~!!! YES! Those are my legs eating my big beautiful fruit filled salad in front of the ocean!

Life is SO very short! It is also SO very precious! I intend to do EVERYTHING in my power to enjoy every last delicious bite! More importantly, I intend on making my life & everything I touch BEAUTIFUL and filled with SO MUCH LOVE!!!



My interview with Tom Cronin, meditation expert.

I’m so excited to release this new interview with this beautiful man today for Andrea Cox TV! 

After finding meditation and the incredible space it brought him to within himself, Tom couldn’t fake his life any longer for his high paying financial broker life. So soon enough he jumped into silent stillness and is now living his dream.

Tom Cronin shares what he loves, meditation. Through that he has found amazing connections, an incredible life, a fun business and the freedom of living from his heart. Tom now spreads “stillness” through meditation all over the globe! I cannot wait to learn his secrets today!!! 

For more interviews such as this, health tips, beauty tips, love room videos and detoxifying raw vegan recipes and juices, leave me your email at



One year after they told me I would never do yoga again!

Today is an anniversary of victory for me! You see, one year ago I could not stand on this leg you see me balancing on! One year ago I could not walk or drive myself anywhere! One year ago I was told I would never be able to run again or practice yoga!

I didn’t listen when they told me I would need surgery! Instead I went on an eleven day water fast. I allowed my body to rest and fed it the BEST of foods and fresh juices! I gained the weight I needed to gain. I retrained my foot to walk again.

Balancing on the foot they never said I would use again!

Balancing on the foot they never said I would use again!

My posture is not perfect….my balance a little off but you better believe that I learned a valuable lesson, NEVER let anyone tell you what you will not do!

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