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Archive for the tag “Yoga”

A Healers Mission

Ever dealt with one of these?

As a healer, you can have other people in life (clients, past relationship partners and random acquaintances) who latch onto you. ‬

‪It’s like a toddler who smacks a baby in the face and feels they need to be picked up and coddled by you. It’s a person who gets joy out of poor behavior and then points their poor behavior as judgments towards you because you refuse to give them the nipple.

‪This type of behavioral disability in another is a pattern I have noticed appearing in my life for a bit too long. A pattern from distant relationship partners that I have not even thought about in years. A pattern from Acquaintances who were interested in me whom I had helped heal of their personal issues but had no interest in on a personal level.

A pattern with both men and women who felt an online connection with me because of what I did for a living and felt I somehow should be obligated to respond to every comment, private message and e-mail.

At times I felt as though I was the mother Theresa of Gaia. The healer of the ages. Some type of raw food relationship guru responsible for the entire worlds weight gain and break ups.

Over the past year I learned of a person who spent YEARS attempting to ruin my online standing with Google. This person actually linked thousands of my recipe videos to horrific pornographic sites. The thing is I’ve known this person hasn’t liked me for a very long time but I just allowed the situation to play out instead of ever taking a legal stance. This person has interfered with every relationship partner I’ve had over the past eight years. He’s sent random emails and messages to almost every friend, connection or partner I’ve had. He’s even tried to get me removed from a home I’ve lived in for 7 years.

But recently things took a turn. A new group of supporting loving people and one man in particular encouraged me to do more than take a legal stance. They encouraged me to fight back by growing bigger and better than ever before. They are teaching me to rise above.

It’s funny, how these synchronicity’s work. I’ve put on 15 pounds over the past four months intentionally with




My bff chiropractor Dave’s adjustments (he took this pic)

Daily juicing



Eating abundant raw living foods

All things I’ve done for over 20 years but this time this weight gain came with a mission attached. A mission to build my body and strength so that I could put an end to an unspoken war with a person that felt like every time I was beginning to fly I need to be pulled back down.

Today I’m asking for prayers. As I Illuminate and eliminate this stressful situation from my life completely by bringing a much needed end to this almost decade long chain of online bullying, hacking and abuse.

Maybe I’m an oddball but my heart fills with joy as I see others accomplishments. It actually fills me up. I can’t imagine why another human would want to pull anyone down.

I love you

Please Love yourself

Honor yourself

Stand up for yourself against marketing tech bullies

Remember, you’ve got this

Until tomorrow, Andrea

Andrea Cox, post pilates and chiropractic session.

Strength – Meaning

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the word strength. The people in my life who have embodied strength and some who have not. I come from a lineage of strong women. We all have been tested just as I’m sure you have been too.

Lately however the word strength has provided a different meaning. One that goes beyond courage.

There is a natural rhythm to life. A rhythm that should generally flow in a relaxing way. Sometimes however our strength is tested purposely. Not by the Universe but by people who have some sort of karmic beef with us unbeknown to us. By people or even ourselves when we haven’t done “the work”. It’s important to recognize that these unknown issues they (or you, or anyone) may be struggling with really have nothing to do with us at all.

It could be something like a deep issue from childhood. Maybe you remind them of a parental figure who somehow wounded them. It can also be that they aren’t doing what they feel is their life’s calling and want to blame and shame you for following your destined path. More seriously it could be a past life issue which can evoke jealousy or anger. Or, that they haven’t been taking care of themselves in the correct manner. Remember, “our issues LIVE in our tissues”!

My new meaning of the word strength is this… Strength when you’ve been forced into battles you never wanted to partake in and still feel victoriously grateful.

Life feels like art to me these days! Like a peaceful work of art that I am building from the ground up. Purified, strengthened and true to self. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever felt more happy or free! 

I invite you to discover your strengths in both health and within your spirituality. Please subscribe to both of my YouTube channels below. Discover the real you who has been buried within past pain. 



Secret SOS Self-Care Routine

‪Daily Message ~ Peace is the recognition that everything that happens to you is actually happening for your highest good!


Once in a while I can fall into a routine of no routine. Although I LOVE spontinanty I recognise that not having a crystal clear routine does not work in my favor. Over the past few weeks I’ve been “extra” careful to nurture myself.

My top five tips on getting back to a routine

My every five day organic food haul!

* I load up on fresh fruit and vegetables. I never miss a good farmers market. If I’m super busy however… I’ll just hit the local organic grocery store.

* I take a detox epsom salt sage walnut bath every night. This is great for relaxing my sore muscles after a workout. It’s also a stellar way to ward off any negative juju from anyone who may be “jelly” of my transparency or light.

* I hit my yoga mat daily! Yoga is my moving meditation. Nothing relaxes me quicker than my practice.

* I get tucked in no later than 10pm! Even if I don’t fall asleep, I am always tucked in bed (or sometimes on me couch) by ten pm.

* 4:44 Prayer, Chanting and Meditation Although I only occasionally speak publicly about my spiritual practice, it is responsible for many things I value in life.

My peace of mind

My gratitude for everything I have

My connection with source and my ancestors

Remember, I only want the best for you.

Until tomorrow ~ Andrea

Enjoy my Secret Tips to raise your vibration at the start of each week in the video below!

Have you ever felt this way?

After suffering through an extremely difficult time in my life, 2018 is serving me well!

I’m not perfect & never claimed to be

I am honest

I share my mistakes so you can be victorious

I wear my tender Pisces heart on my sleeve

I’m next to the word Sensitive in the dictionary

I’ve always been disciplined in life

With diet & exercise

With my time

With who I allow & don’t allow in

But somewhere along the way I slipped up

I let my yoga practice slip away

My peace was stolen & in the dark of the night, my heart was stolen too

I’m guilty for trying

Guilty for trusting FAR too much

Guilty for not demanding answers

From others & more importantly from myself

The one thing I’ll never feel guilty for is the way that I love

With all of me

My whole heart

My loving soul

My loyal body

My dedication of not giving up

& my open ever expanding mind

I will never apologize for the way that I love…unconditionally! No matter what you have or what you have not! This is my greatest gift & I am so very proud that it can not be taken.

I can remember a time last year that I didn’t want to see the sun rise. I didn’t want to do yoga, I didn’t want to breath.

I was isolated, sad & angry

I felt just awful about myself

Then I woke one morning in early November feeling a little stronger

A little better

A little more clear

I stopped being the “yes girl”

I began using my intuition

Letting it speak to me

I called upon my angels, God & the Universe to guide me

Finally, I looked into a mirror and said “pull it together”! You’re SO much better than this!

Without answers

Without clarity

Without peace, I did just that

I pulled it together

I had been sleeping in almost daily, I now wake at 4am

My bedtime switched from “whenever” to 9pm

I stopped taking calls & texts from people that didn’t have my best interest at heart

I stared looking at my life history. In business In relationships with my family & most importantly, with myself! I made a list of what I wanted to change & one by one I’m beginning to incorporate these changes.

I still have a LONG road ahead of me!

I have many goals to achieve

I have a deep need to spend as much time as possible visiting my family this year

I’m working diligently to be able to do so at leisure

So far I’m conquering building a new business that I’m truly passionate about! While crushing a business that I feel I’ve mastered. I’ve picked my yoga practice back up & feel that for the first time in my life, I’m proud of the woman I am!

A better woman!

A woman of depth & substance who knows how to love with an open heart

It wasn’t easy

I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy

I would however go through this all over again

Not for the love

Certainly not for the heartache

I would do it all over again to become the woman I am today

I love you & want the very best for you ~ Andrea


A day in the life at a detox retreat!

Wake ~ Another beautiful day!

Morning guided meditation

Dry brushing

Steam room

Enjoy a fresh liver detox juice

colonic or enema

Yoga with Trevor!

Have another juice!

Class with Andrea!

Go for a massage!

Enjoy your detox tea with evening supplements!

Get an excellent nights sleep!


Anniversary!! Be beautiful without botox!

Over the years I’ve been accused of getting botox, fillers etc! The only “work” I EVER had done was breast implants over 16 years ago (PRIOR to knowing about the dangers of implants)! That being said my implants are saline NOT silacone! Still toxic however I’ve chosen NEVER to go under the knife again!

I will say this to all of you …beauty can be achieved naturally through proper diet and exercise! We should LOVE aging because so many never have the opportunity! They lose their lives FAR to young such as my father did at age 36!

Love yourself! Every last drop of YOU! This my friends is what will make you beautiful!

It’s our anniversary!

Five years ago today I began Alkalize with Andrea Detox, yoga, raw food educational retreats!

We begin & end each day with yoga at our retreats! We cleanse our body with colonics & enemas while FEASTING on fresh pressed juices and Living foods! We educate ourselves on the benefits of cleansing! We utilize healing modalities such as breath work, lymphatic drainage and good old sweating to detox both our minds and our bodies! I can honestly say that work feels like play for me! When you do what you love, there is no work only happiness!

Book your retreat today at (click on retreats)

Fresh juice, fruit, greens and seeds!

I’ve often said “in order to take care of you (my clients and loved ones), I must first take care of myself!

Here is a little sample of the vegan gluten free food both my guests and myself indulge in at Alkalize with Andrea retreats!


You deserve this!


One of the most common questions I get ALL the time is “What do you get at Alkalize with Andrea detox yoga raw food educational retreats”?

Aside from the YOGA!

Aside from the BREATH WORK!

Aside from the NATURE HIKES!

Aside from the ONE ON ONE ATTENTION!


Aside from DETOX


Aside from RAW FOOD!



Learn how to create BEAUTIFUL living food! 

The proof is in the client list! From TV stars to Tony award winning play writes! I’ve created food for Hollywoods TOP celebrities! This is a sample of what you will learn to make while attending Alkalize with Andrea Detox raw food, yoga juice fasting retreats!


In San Diego or in Mexico, the resort grounds are stunning!side-bar-promoting-retreatsbedroom-walls

Hiking in Mexico with the love of my life:)

Hiking in Mexico with the love of my life:)

Whether you are staying in Mexico or San Diego, both resorts are absolutely stunning! As your body becomes better in balance, so does the mind!

Have questions about attending my retreat? E-mail me at

One thing that differentiates my retreats from all others is the fact that I don’t want to see you back! I want you to LEARN as you grow at your retreat!


Day 1 Why we detox

Day 2 Detox 101 / The importance of colon cleansing and juicing1

Day 3 Breath work and letting go of what no longer serves us!

Day 4 Raw food demo

Day 5 Essential oils 101    Click here to book your retreat today!essential-oils

Look what the stork delivered!

The 7 Day Juicy Cleanse! 7day

I’M SO EXCITED! Hi friends! I’ve got an exciting announcement to make! I just released my NEW seven day Juicy cleanse program on my NEW website!

If you’ve been looking to lose weight, clear up your skin or just desire to FEEL & LOOK better, this is the program for you!For less than what it would cost you to purchase a consultation with a dietitian {who is just going to put you on a standard American diet of pasteurized yogurt fruits vegetables and cold cuts}, you can get a program THAT ACTUALLY WORKS!

I’ve worked on this program for a very long time but wanted to release my new website first! Therefore it’s been tested time and time again on my staff and clients to make sure that it is absolutely fool proof!

This video-based program is a weight loss and detoxification powerhouse! You’ll even be part of a private forum {Here on Facebook} that you can share support tips to keep you on track! You can also ask me questions in this group about the program, detox and weight loss!

GET EXCITED!!! Check out the program below!

Here’s the program!


I was on TV again Last night!

What a blessing to play the roll of “A detox specialist” AKA my role in real life on the hit TV show “The Romance” last night! I made the dating contestants a detox salad! Thank you to everyone who watched! I loved working with such an AMAZING cast!

yoga-treesYour weekly MOJO!

Don’t give up! I know you feel like tossing in the towel. I promise you that all the goodness you’ve poured into this World is about to pay off! You can’t be the guiding light without a little darkness!

Here is what I say when something or someone is leaving my life and I may be struggling! “Dear past, thank you for the lessons. Dear future, I’m ready”!

I love you! Never give up!

Enjoy My latest blog post here

LIVE Video – Five Tips to have a Healthy Happy week!

Hi beautiful:)

It’s Monday and I want you {more than anything} to have a happy healthy week!

In fact, I want everything you do this week to turn to GOLD!



So this is my promise to you! On this week long countdown to release my new website ~ I’m shooting my Facebook live show EVERY day this week! 


Here’s a link to today’s show click here On today’s episode I give you five tips on having a happy healthy week! We even do a short meditation at the end! Enjoy!

Oh, one more thing, be sure and hit the “follow” button on my Facebook page so you get an alert as to when the next show is! Heres a hint, tomorrows show is at 6pm Pacific time!

I’ll see you then! 🙂 Have a great day!



If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:)
Andrea L Cox

Andrea Leigh Cox is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people!

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her hometown of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities!

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at


Facebook ~ click here

Twitter ~ click here

Instagram ~ click here

YouTube ~ click here

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How to Make a Quick Anti-aging Energy Boosting Tonic~Your weekly mojo!

Mmmm! What am I drinking on this beautiful Sunday morning? What do I drink every morning? Delicious antioxidant packed, anti-aging Matcha tea! I feel that I owe a huge part of my skin health to drinking this tea daily for the last decade!

And rightfully so! Just look at all of the health properties in matcha!

1) Sustained energy for a minimum of 4 hours!

2) 10 times more antioxidants than other teas!

3) It’s anti aging!

4) It lowers LDL!

green tea

So how do I make this into a POWERHOUSE anti aging tonic? I mix it with other anti agers in a tonic!

First off lets talk Brands! I prefer the following!

The Republic of tea “Ginger Matcha” or “Matcha Love” by ITO EN!

Now, lets talk concoctions! Here is my anti-aging beauty recipe! 

2 tsp (Japanese tsp) of Matcha (always organic)!

2 tsp Maca powder

A pinch of Astragalus

Half a packet of each of the following teas by

“Four Sigmatic” ~ Reshi & Chaga!

Let me tell you that you will be flying by the seat of your pants all day long on this tonic! I go from a run to the gym to yoga write books, make love and then read a novel after drinking this baby! Not to mention HAVE YOU SEEN MY SKIN LATELY? I don’t want to boast but JEESH! People are telling me that I’mGLOWING! Alright, go get on it and hey, be sure and tell each company where you learned about them from and NO I’m not paid for any of this! I just LOVE their products!


I did my first solo headstand!


Always believe in yourself knowing “as you think, you will become”! Yesterday was a tough day for me! What started off as a positive ended up as one of the worst days ever. Still, I managed to force myself to go to yoga. My mind needed an escape from the endless chatter going on around me.

Head stands are NOT my strong suit! I have what is called a reverse cervical spine. Basically it means my neck is bent almost in the opposite direction. This happened after a severe car accident a few years back when my head hit the windshield. I have no scars no visible injuries and so to the average person I look normal. But when my neck goes out I’m down for days. And doing a headstand just isn’t always the best thing for a reverse cervical. That being said a few years back I met a fellow Yogi who had mastered his headstands and he too had a reverse cervical! His was much worse than mine. This motivated me to know that this was all in my mind that I couldn’t do this… This headstand thing. 

Yesterday after class I asked Tracy one of the owners of the yoga studio I go to Yoga Tropics to help me. To be honest with you other than a photo shoot about a month ago I’ve never been able to do it on my own. She tried to teach me how to do it just by putting my head down first and then allowing my body to lift itself up feeling weightless. She then tried to show me a second method when I failed at the first. I’m not sure but I think she could tell that I had a weak neck and upper arm strength. She placed the blocks under my shoulders and I was off and running!

I cried the entire way home. And although I didn’t return home to loving open arms, smiling faces and friendly chatter I will say that yesterday’s accomplishments has me motivated to build my upper arm strength and to see a chiropractor on a more regular basis to get my neck back in the best shape possible. 

To finish, complete and to succeed! They really are the only things I know how to do! No other way is acceptable! SO MANY have much worse injuries than mine! Once you see someone who cannot walk, stand or jump…. There aren’t any excuses! I truly believe ALL of us can do and create AMAZING things…ONLY if we believe we can! Remembering that as we think, we will become!

bottoms up2

I’m headed to the gym to get my pump on with the man~pan~ion!  Did I mention that matcha gives me a hands down advantage in my workouts too?! Sure does! Have a beautiful productive week! Hit the farmers market today & drink your green juice! Oh and drink your matcha too!

If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:)

Andrea L Cox


Andrea L Cox is the owner of The Healthy Haven & (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!) She is known as “The Detox Queen” and is a woman who walks her talk!

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people!

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her hometown of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities!

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

I WANT TO CONNECT WITH YOU! Find me at the following Social Media Links!






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