Andrea cox

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My #1 Beauty Secret!

My Morning Tonic! It’s my #1 Beauty Secret!

Hi there:)

I don’t claim to be a beauty Queen. In fact, I struggled with a low self esteem for the first twenty-five years of my life. What I do know is that I FEEL better than I did ten years ago! I truly believe that much of this is due to my Beauty Elixir I drink every morning!


I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do! It’s truly delicious!

16 oz of Synergy Kombucha

1 2 inch slice of fresh aloe

1/4 tsp green leaf stevia

2-3 capsules of My smiling gut pro & pre biotic {found here}

2 heaping TB of The Raw Detox Formula {found here}

1 TB of Sexy & Raw Hair Skin & Nails Formula {found here}

Blend and enjoy the earthy & sweet taste of a drink ULTRA HIGH in vitamins, minerals & probiotics!

I’ve drank this every morning for three years now. I feel that I look & feel better than I did at twenty-five!


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