Andrea cox

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Archive for the tag “weight loss retreats”

Sharing my secrets with you!

Imagine you at your very best!

You walk into a room and every head turns! Not because you have some low cut dress on or the latest tight fitting yoga pants. Not because you have a great new hair cut. Because you FEEL BEAUTIFUL!

I’ve shared with all of you simple food combining techniques and other tips to get weight off quickly. What I’ve NEVER shared with you (not even with my coaching clients up until this point) are my hidden secrets that have ASTOUNDING affects that get both the weight loss results you need and also the anti aging affects you desire!

Now (for a limited time) you can discover the special never revealed RESULTS I only share in my new two week “Intuitive wellness” program! I guarantee you will not find these time-tested secrets ANYWHERE else! You won’t even find them on any of my 600 videos!

This is your ticket to quick fast weight loss, beautiful skin and complete emotional balance over your food and your health.

Heres the great part about this program, if you don’t look and feel better at the end of the two weeks, I guarantee you a refund!

Now, if you LOVE your body, are happy with your weight and feel you are already on the anti aging ban wagon, just delete this E-mail and move along.

My intuition tells me this is not the case!

Starting today until Sunday at 6pm You can save money on this program! A whopping HALF OFF! Yes half!

As an added BONUS you will be automatically added to my private Facebook group where you will be able to have ANY health and beauty question answered for the next year!

Whether you have your class reunion coming up or you simply want to make your partner drop his jaw just like the first time he ever laid eyes on you, these secrets will change your body and skin health forever!

Again, you will not find these in ANY of my videos nor have I EVER shared them with any of my clients or even at my retreats up to this point!


Look, I know my coaching clients well! Especially the clients that are now coaching others! If you wait until Sunday, you will miss your chance. I want to see you feeling and looking your best! I want to see your self esteem go through the roof! I want to hear about your husbands jaw dropping!

Here today Gone on Sunday!

I need to mention to you one last time, you have until Sunday at 6pm to save half off on this program! All you need to do is send me an E-mail of your current weight, goal weight and any other health and aging problems you have.

We are going to fix your problems together!

I only want the very best for you! I want you to receive all the love you deserve! I want you to have the quality of life you deserve! Nothing makes me smile bigger than seeing you get the results you deserve!

Here is my private E-mail address or, simply respond to this E-mail!

Lets talk



Prepared to be blown away! Full Body, mind & soul detox!

I’m SO excited to be hosting a retreat in April at a beautiful resort in Mexico!

For years I have searched for the perfect location to hold my Alkalize with Andrea yoga, juice fasting raw food detox retreats! This never became so important as it did this past year! During the major planetary shifts that occurred in 2017, I was thrust into a spiritual journey! This journey has truly changed every facet of my life! So much so that I knew I had to bring my new spiritual awareness to all of you! The only part missing was a beautiful destination! 

I’m happy & proud to say that my angels, God & The Universe conspired to make this happen! A friend of mine told me about a retreat center their friend built last year! They were looking for a retreat facilitators. And the rest my detox savvy friends is history!

During your detox retreat we do not limit your cleansing experience to just the body! We focus on many spiritual aspects as well!

Chakra alignment ~ This brings your entire body into a higher vibration by opening the pathways for better receptivity & a faster healing process! You can expect better digestion, less foggy thinking and old aches and pains to disappear.

Natal Chart ~ Every guest who attends Alkalize with Andrea detox, yoga juice fasting raw food spiritual retreats gets their natal chart along with an explanation of each element. This helps you to better understand personality traits of yourself that you may have struggled with in the past. Often times we go through flux (ups & downs) of our moods due to planetary alignments.

Crystal therapy ~ Each guest will receive a crystal to balance them. These crystals are based off of their natal charts & planetary placements mentioned above.


Price is all inclusive {massages & spa treatments are available for an additional fee} All food & juices are 100% organic! No need to bring toiletries. In fact, we prefer you don’t! We provide organic soap, sulfite free shampoo’s, conditioner & fluoride free toothpaste! Just bring comfortable clothing, a good book, yoga clothes and your bathing suit!


Questions? E-mail me at

Enjoy the most stunning sunsets in the World!

Enjoy the most stunning sunsets in the World!


The rooms are incredible! Many rooms have ocean views! You’ll be right on the water!


Daily yoga classes are taught by a certified instructor in a beautiful environment with an ocean view! This assists the body in gently letting go of stuck waste, old patterns & addictions! If you are new to yoga, don’t be afraid! Yoga is like a moving meditation!

You will love it!


All recipes are my very own from my book Raw-Licous! The food & juices are made with 100% organic ingredients! These recipes of mine will be prepared by a professional chef on site!

I can’t wait to meet you at our April 29th retreat! 

Sharing something VERY private…


I remember the days of dieting down for fitness magazines:(

Avoiding foods such as

white rice


sweet potatoes


I remember how moody (bitchy) I was! I remember how although I had what everyone else perceived to be the perfect body, I felt sick all the time and my cellulite just wouldn’t budge:(

Yes, I remember those miserable days of my skin looking like a teenage boys back!

This photo was taken of me Friday night while eating a red velvet vegan cupcake at a place in downtown San Diego! It was a fabulous treat after eating THREE sushi rolls (also vegan) made with white rice! I was in heaven! So much so that I repeated the meal last night!

Do I look bloated to you?

Does my skin look broken out?

Of course not!

I HAVE THE FREEDOM TO EAT ALL THE FOODS I LOVE in the right combinations and maintain a cellulite free STUNNING body and face! sfelt2

I’m not boasting here folks, I’m being honest!

WE ALL HAVE A CHOICE! And, this is EXACTLY what I teach you at my Alkalize with Andrea detox retreats and through my Skype coaching (more on those tomorrow)!

Don’t be foolish, learn how to have the FREEDOM to END food obsessions, food thoughts, dieting and starving for good! Did I mention there is NO PORTION CONTROL in my method! NONE!

Until tomorrow my friend, remember, I only want the very best for you!

Be well & namaste


Five reasons to eat figs!

Ahhhh FIGS! Figs have long been touted upon as being the fruit that represents ABUNDANCE, FERTILITY & SWEETNESS! No wonder they are my favorite food out of EVERY food on the planet!

Look at this DIVINE plate of fresh figs! They are in season in the winter months here in California and I absolutely LOVE them! In fact, I’ve been known to consume them daily! The early Olympic athletes used figs as a training food! Fresh Figs were also presented as a prize to the winners, becoming the first Olympic “medal.” Just three large plump fresh figs contain only roughly 130 calories (if you follow me you know calories don’t matter anyway)! They also contain 5.5 grams of dietary fiber! That’s more fiber than one cup of oatmeal!

This was a pre~yoga late brunch meal for me today!!! For me, there is nothing quite like a plate of organic figs from my local farmer! This is one of my favorite fruits of the season! I love to sprinkle them with ginger cinnamon and a little bit of Celtic Sea salt for a late afternoon pre-dinner delight! Enjoy this delicious raw vegan scrumptious treat on an EMPTY stomach for optimal digestion!



1) Figs are FULL of vitamins & minerals including vitamins A, K and vitamin C!

2) They can be used a s a fat replacement in baked goods~without the fat!

3) They taste SO GOOD! If you’ve not tried figs I encourage you to do so! They are considered to be a “sweet” fruit! Much like a date~ they are like eating candy!

4) They are high in fiber and provide AMAZING digestive properties!

5) Figs are great for your ovaries ladies! Yep thats right! If you look closely at a fig when split open you will see they look a bit like the ovaries as well!

In Rome figs are considered to be restorative! They are believed to increase the strength & known to maintain the health of the elderly! Figs also are believed to make the elderly look younger with fewer wrinkles!

So lets be more like the Romans and eat a plethora of fresh figs while they are in season! If you’re like me, you’ll be find a way to sneak the dried whens during the summer too! Enjoy!

Andrea L Cox is the owner of & She is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy lifestyle and detoxification! Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications. She runs yoga juice cleanse retreats both in San Diego and Mexico! Her You Tube channel is approaching close to 2Million views. Her website for retreats is Her other programs may be found at

If you’ve not checked out my Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Twitter yet FOLLOW me below!!! I would love to see you there!  





Have a beautiful Sunday & don’t forget to drink your juice!


‪#‎eattherainbow‬ ‪#‎fruit‬ ‪#‎ieatfruit‬ ‪#‎carbup‬ ‪#‎healthyfoodshare‬‪#‎healthyfoodblogger‬ ‪#‎youtuber‬ ‪#‎picoftheday‬ ‪#‎veganfoodshare‬

You have everything you need inside of you!

Hi there:) I wanted to share with you a story that I hope inspires you to know that you have everything you need inside of you to succeed.

After having my first experience in the boxing ring:)

After having my first experience in the boxing ring:)

This morning I took my first boxing lesson. I arrived five minutes late and was not in the most chipper of moods. The instructor was a close to 300 pound former professional boxer who trains professional MMA fighters and boxers today. He wrapped my hands in this long pink bandage stuff, told me my nails would need clipped if I continued to take his class and placed a set of boxing gloves on my hands. He then told me I would be punching at him since it was my first class. What happened next blew my mind and everyone else’s. I began hitting…hard….VERY hard! These were not girl punches he said, these were “knock out punches” “strong punches! Punches I didn’t know I had in me!

About ten minutes in he asked me “where I had been boxing at before here”, “nowhere I said, he thought I was lying! “I think I’m pissed off” I said. He asked me what I was pissed off about and gave me the freedom to say it out loud. I looked around at the packed room and then back at him. I took a side jab so strong it almost knocked him to the ground and then it began.

I screamed while punching! I began punching harder and I was getting faster. As the flood gates opened I knew I had found a new addiction! I was born for this I said! It turns out my forward jabs and upper cuts were very strong and my ability to transition between the different styles of punching was extremely fast. So fast that as he danced around the room holding two protectors against his face I was “to punch” he could not escape me and I did not miss a single punch!!!:)))

When he stuck me on the speed bag that he said would be “difficult for a while and that some people never get the hang of”, I nailed it! I had that speed bag bouncing off my fists like it was a hacky sack! He looked at me with the most honest eyes I have ever seen and said “you sweetheart are a little bad ass”…with tears streaming down my face, I thanked him!

As the tears fell and I screamed out my frustrations at this man I had met moments before I was reminded of what life is about. Our ability to transition from one situation to another and our choice to not “react” in the moment is what really carries us through to the breath taking exhilarating moments and I for one LIVE for those moments!

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