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How to change your health and your life!


Andrea Cox Intuitive healer, detox specialist, holistic health coach

Andrea Cox Intuitive healer, detox specialist, holistic health coach

Hello friend,

Once per year I extend an offer to you that far surpasses ANY Black Friday sale you’ll come across today! It’s the gift that keeps on giving! A gift of a renewed life refreshed mind and refurbished body! It’s the only gift that allows you to heal from the inside out. It’s the gift of my health coaching and intuitive guidance services.

The results my clients achieve after working one on one with me in the areas of cellular detoxification, weight-loss, eating disorder recovery, intuitive guidance and overall spiritual health are life-changing! In fact, I often say to my clients “I don’t want to see you back again let’s get it right the first time”. And every time, we do get it right!

You see, my goal is not to have you come back as a repeat client. My goal is to send you back into the world as an entirely new person. Someone who feels confident within their body mind spirit and soul. A healed person who is doing their life’s work. A balanced human who is interacting healthily with their life partner, family, and friends.

When I work with clients it is not for the sole purpose of them losing weight however most of them end up losing about a pound to two pounds per day. While discovering their true calling in life and ending codependent relationships friendships and business partnerships that have had them in a struggle or even feeling trapped.

Have you been struggling with your weight, emotional over-eating, binging, people-pleasing, relationship toxicity, or mental blocks? Do you feel that you are in a codependent relationship where you are not getting the love, attention, and admiration that you deserve? If you find yourself answering “yes” to any of the above mentioned, it’s time to book a call to begin our month-long coaching.

Here are just a few benefits my clients achieve along with proven healing protocols they learn with them during our month-long process together!

* Loss of the ego-self
* More Self-confidence and elevated self-esteem
* Profound emotional healing
* Identify and clarify business or personal goals (you will discover and clarify your life’s purpose)!
* Forgive others and release old feelings of resentment towards past partners, family members, and colleagues
* Improve relationships with loved ones and co-workers
* Get motivated with a clear action plan
* Create and maintain healthy boundaries
* Opening your heart (learn to become vulnerable while still protecting your boundaries)
* Work through major life transitions
* Develop and implement organizational skills
* Be held accountable for a weight loss plan
* An ending to binge eating
* Cellular detoxification protocols (never get sick again)!
* Meal planning for post-chemo patients
* Herbal protocol and meal planning for post addiction recovery
* Anorexia, bulimia, and BED (binge eating disorder) meal
* Stop over-spending and get out of debt
* Develop leadership and public speaking skills


Look, I’m not like other so-called “coaches”. I don’t take on 4-6 people per month. I am an avid teacher of self-care! I lead a VERY balanced life. Seventy-five percent of my new clients come from clients with whom I’ve worked with in the past.

I’ve found over the years that by only taking on one client per month, I can transform your life while maintaining a healthy balance of my own. Besides, I prefer your month of guidance to be entirely devoted to your healing process.

If you are ready to get back into the driver’s seat of your life. If you are ready to TRULY change the look and health of your body along with your entire outlook on life, please contact me on my business cell at 937-760-0865. Please note this cell phone only accepts text messages. 

I only want the best for you and I look forward to paving your path towards healthy, abundant, and mindful new beginnings!

~ Andrea

Awaken Through The Lessons ~ Coaching & Spiritual Detoxification Retreats!

For years I didn’t know how I would ever be able to clear out the emotional clutter of the co-dependent relationships of the past. I had no clue how to end LONG KARMIC CYCLES of on and off relationships or in and out behavior. I was fighting with the people that were the most dear to my heart. Those who I loved the most. I wasnt visiting my family or cultivating close friendships into my life. I was over working while being under paid. I felt like I wasnt truly living my lifes purpose.

My name in the raw vegan detoxification movement was up there with the big boys! But my soul was crying out for more. I knew there had to be MUCH MORE to what I was destined to leave as my legacy. More than just juices and a group of happy glowing people that I had taught my secrets to.


I’ve taken two decades of eating a living foods diet, juicing every day and my cellular detoxification secrets and combined them with a way of communicating with others from a perspective that includes our astrological chart and past life connections. This way of communicating evokes healing past pain to create a better future. Whether you join me for a month of one on one coaching or, for a retreat in a group setting. This program is sure to work in your life towards healing your health, mind and your relationships.

As our past life trauma is awakened the realization that we are working through our soul groups to create change is learned. Here is where REAL IMPROVEMENT OCCURS! Here is the kicker… the one fact that EVERYONE tends to miss! Our issues live in our tissues! If you don’t start detoxifying your body on a cellular level, these past life traumas will never truly come alive! They will simply stay dormat and you will continue to suffer.

With your health

your work

your family

and especially within the rhealm of your relationships!

So how does this work? How do you sign up today to be a part of this transformational life changing experience? You simply make a choice! You ask yourself the following question. 

Do I learn better over an extended period of time? Or, am I more receptive to learning when in a group setting away from home?


Here is the List of ceremonies and classes at the retreat

Divine feminine & Divine masculine Connection

Plants as medicine

Raw Living Foods Education

Food combining

Elixir Tonic making to heal adrenal failure

Juicing with Andrea

Vision board Creation

Daily yoga and meditation

Birth chart and reading from Andrea

Colonics and coffee enemas

Transformational breath work

Lymphatic drainage massage

Learn to lead and partake in moon rituals

All fresh organic juices, raw living foods and supplements provided All fragrance free, chemical free and fluoride free toiletries will be provided. A journal for jotting down Andrea’s recipes and your thoughts will be provided. IN A LUXURIOUS ALL-INCLUSIVE RESORT IN SUNNY SAN DIEGO!


List of classes through our coaching program

The coaching program embodies each of the above cerimonies and rituals that I will be teaching for you. This is excellent for those of you who simply cannot take off from work, or who want a one on one experience with me leading the way.

We speak over skype, Facetime or the phone three times per week for about one hour each call. You also have my personal cell number to reach out to me at ANY TIME within business hours. For services such as the lymphatic drainage, yoga and breath work, I’ll be referring you to the proper instructors in your area from my own personal data base.

To Book Your Retreat Simply Click Here

To Sign Up For Coaching You May E-mail me @

Remember, I only want the best for you ~ Congrats on taking the first step towards loving yourself ~ Andrea


Do Yourself a favor…

Have you joined me live lately? 


I’ll be going live at 7pm tonight on my Facebook page here! Would you do me a favor and do yourself a healthy favor? After subscribing to my two YouTube channels AndreaCoxTV and TheDetoxIntuitive, would you join me live tonight at 7? 

I’ll be sharing a new way I’ve been eating that I think you may benefit from!

I also wanted to mention I’ll be taking ONE CLIENT ON mid November until mid December for my life changing coaching program! 

Heres what you need to know!

* The program is a thirty day program where I literally retrain your thoughts about food, what to eat, when to eat and how to combine foods properly in order to drop weight FAST! It’s literally magic!

* Binge issues GONE! The beautiful part of my protocol is that if you have any binge eating issues what so ever…they will be gone by the end of the month!

* The program IS NOT a diet! In fact I encourage you to eat high carb foods such as sweet potatoes and white rice. You even get to have chocolate or a sweet treat daily (and NO, you will not be triggered to binge after.

* You will know exactly what to eat and when to eat it! Food should come like second nature. My goals with you are clear. To help you find balance in your life, with your food, routine and within your mind. Only after this are you able to experience life fully!

* You WILL lose approximately a pound per day when you follow my program. If you don’t have at least 30 pounds to lose, than we can shorten the program however thirty days is optimal to get the program down to a science.

* There is NO portion control! (sounds crazy, I know…you will see)! My 30 day program gets results FAST so buckle your seatbelt!

* You must be able to free up time! I’ll need you to engage in three 30 minute chats with me per week for the next four weeks. I’ll also need to connect with you once per day or evening via E-mail. These chats can be via Skype, on the phone using a free calling plan (for out of Country clients) or, using any call app.

* You are stuck with me keeping you on track FOR LIFE! After your one month program is complete, I follow up with you once per month for a year. You also have access to my private cell phone number to text me about restaurant choices, health and detoxification protocols you have questions on. This never ends and I am ok with this:) We are always learning and growing.

* Your coaching program is WELL WORTH the cost! You can pay me now or pay in not living your life to it’s fullest and possibly pay high medical bills later! The choice is yours!

* You will see drastic changes! This program WILL change your health, your body, your skin and your quality of life forever! Your entire life will change in 30 days or you can have your money back!

Are you ready to show your friends and family your new body and new outlook on life over the holiday season?

Fill out this form on my coaching page and i’ll give you a call! 

Link to coaching form

When it rains it pours!



Hi there beautiful:)

Have you ever noticed that when it rains, it begins to pour? Of course I’m speaking in general terms of problematic times that we all go through in life. Your car breaks down, computer gets a virus, one of your children begins having difficulties in life. These are just examples of course.

What about within the area of our health?

Have you ever noticed that when you begin having a health issue, many soon follow? You can cough it up to aging but in my opinion thats just an excuse! After all, 50 is the new 20! The truth is our bodies are wired like a computer of a car. When we give our cars bad gasoline (the cheap stuff), our cars begin to break down and the wires to our computer stop working! Before you know it, your adrenals crash, hormone levels spike and your flat tummy you’ve always had is protruding like a GoodYear tire!

But where do I begin…I heard you shout just now:) Keep on reading below! nfa

The truth is you’ve been given bad information for a very long time! You know what bad info is? Right?

Low Carb

Low fat

High protein

Eat right for your blood type

How to kill Candida

Detox your metals “this way”

The anti histamine diet BLA BLA BLA

What if I told you I knew of a simpler way to gain control over your body, hormones and your health once and for all? Would you be interested? Would you want to know more? Or, would you keep on paying for a counter full of supplements that don’t work! Doctors that could care less about your overall well being and just rush you in and out of the door like a cattle call!

The truth is I’ve helped thousands of people just like you gently detoxify their bodies, regain their hormonal health and achieve their ideal weight without any struggle!

During the month of August I’m taking on three new clients (just three)! Three of you will be taken under my wing and taught the ins and outs of how to TRULY care for your body once and for all!


In fact, I believe I may already have one spot filled! You’ve seen the results and heard the testimonials from my clients. Now is your opportunity to jump on board with both feet! It’s a one month commitment that will have you anti aging at ROCKET speed while gaining control of your health and weight!

Interested? Send me an E-mail to Tell me why you want to work with me and more importantly, why you have a strong desire to regain your health and vitality!



Getting back in tune with what my body did for ten years!

100% RAW!

Of course 100% plant based!

Liquids liquids liquids

Dinner prior to sun down!

Follow my journey on the following social media links below!

Facebook Follow me on Facebook!

Instagram You will LOVE following me on Instagram!

Twitter Follow me on Twitter!

YouTube Subscribe to My YouTube channel

Blog, News letter, Books & Detox programs



You’ve been asking and I am delivering! Now until tomorrow at 12 noon Pacific time, get $50 off your personal VIP phone or Skype consultation!

This is the closest service I offer to help you conquer any or all of the following!

lose weight

Have better skin

CRUSH chronic health issues!


Transition onto a plant based diet

Once I see your purchase come through I will send you an Email so we can set up a time that works for us both!


#1 Click this link to purchase and I will send you $50 back immediately!

#2 Paypal (as a friend or family member) $297 to Paypal is safe and secure! I’ve used them for over a decade with no problem! PAYPAL LINK


Join me LIVE tonight at 6pm Pacific on Facebook live!

No idea what I’ll be whipping up tonight but I guarantee you it will be excellent!

Watch here!


Want a sip?

Fresh OJ anyone?

I’m spending a few days at a place the “man-pan-ion” has downtown and I must say, I’m LOVING the urban vibe! I’m so inspired by this sun filled kitchen that I may just forget about the fact I’ve had no sleep the past two days and shoot some more live videos for my private VIP 7Day Juicy Cleanse group!

I just shared The 7Day Juicy cleanse grocery list with them this morning! I honesty think having a private group where people can ask me whatever they want about health, herbs, raw foods and detoxification is the BEST way to help people transition onto a healthier path!

Join us for the 7Day Juicy Cleanse here!


Cryotherapy & self care!

cryoI lost the battle with having my home tented for termites yesterday. So I did what every highly intelligent woman does! I first called the “man-pan-ion” who single-handedly packed up all of my belongings and moved them to a home he has downtown. Then, I took a self-care day💕

I began the day with a beautiful workout followed by a cold pressed juice that is excellent for the skin! I sat in the steam room sipping on my cold pressed juice while dry brushing. Then it was off to the nail salon! They turned out lovely.

I followed this with a trip to Nicole Miller boutique to treat myself to a pair of earrings and a necklace similar to jewelry that was stolen in last months robbery. My last stop was “chil-tonic” for an amazing cryotherapy session! I’ll definitely be doing cryotherapy weekly!

I ended the evening with a lovely dinner and a view of the city! Life is good

A live video that everyone loved! 

I decided to shoot a Facebook live video the other night on ways to prevent binge eating on the Holidays and my top tips on preventing cancer! WOW! It’s gotten some serious movement! Check it out here! Until tomorrow my friends! Love you!

Cyber Monday!


Hi Beautiful! When 2016 rolled around I set a goal to spread the word about health and wellness even more than I had the year prior through TV appearances, radio shows, YouTube channel & news letter. I also wanted to help a minimum of fifty clients one on one! These private VIP clients were not to be part of my retreats. I was seeking to help serious people who had either a serious health issue or needed to lose a significant amount of weight. I’m happy to say I’ve helped those fifty! This is why I’ve chosen to take on 3 new private clients over the next month! You heard me right! It’s almost December and I’m going to be holding your hand to walk you through the weight loss process FOR GOOD!

During this time, I’m going to show you one on one how to first cleanse your body and then how to keep it clean while removing excess weight and toxicity FOR GOOD! The beautiful thing is, you are eating the entire time, abundantly!This by NO MEANS is a diet! It’s a lifestyle! I will be speaking to you on the phone or via Skype for a period of thirty days {3-4 days per week} in order to keep you on track! Our initial consultation will take around an hour. You will actually have access to my personal cell number! You will also get exclusive access to my private support group on Facebook! Along with all of this you will get a program that I design exclusively for you in an audio and written format!
This will go if you message me (at the E-mail below) and I don’t respond, that only means all three spots have been filled. You are more than welcome to private message me at a later date if that happens, and if you are EXTREMELY interested…I may be able to fit 1 or 2 more of you in. If you have lost your initial weight (18-20 pounds or more) on my phase one or two program and are ready to take off your last ten on phase three or four than this is for you too!!! I CAN’T WAIT TO SPEAK TO YOU!!! I’ll be taking a few calls this evening and tomorrow and will choose who I’ll be taking on over the weekend! So GET EXCITED! You’ve got nothing to lose but excess weight!

Send me an E-mail to If you don’t hear back from me right away than contact my assistant Annabelle at

I cannot wait to speak to you! Get excited!


Another New Year is around the corner! Isn’t it time you take action?!


Hello lovely:)

So many people ask me for help to lose ten ~ twenty LBS!

They’ve tried an exercise program.

They’ve tried cutting carbs

They’ve tried going vegan

But still, NO weight loss! In fact, they often end up bigger than before with more weight to lose than they started with!

Let me tell you this is SO common! I hear it almost daily! Here are some of their other complaints…

Their skin is an absolute mess!

They feel depressed and on many days its hard to get out of bed!

Their relationships suffer! In fact, they often hide from social events because they are actually embarrassed of their weight!

It’s not motivation you need. It’s better habits and a system to keep you on the right track. Thats where my rapid weight loss coaching comes in!

I know for a FACT You can do ANYTHING when you have a system in place! I’ve watched my clients lose 10, 20 30 AND EVEN over 100 POUNDS! The good news is if your trying to take off 30LBS or under I can help you achieve your goal weight in as little as 30 days!

If you want to STOP the endless diets and pills out there and have success at this weight loss thing FOR GOOD where you DON’T GAIN THE WEIGHT BACK, I’m your girl and coaching is for you! In fact, it may be the only thing for you to try in order to achieve long lasting success!

IMPORTANT: This offer of my coaching could be good for days or just hours (depending on when you see this), and how fast you act!

Right now, I’m offering one month of my coaching services for $2900 This is happening right before I raise my prices for the new year! If you’ve ever wanted to work with me OR you are ready to RELEASE your excess weight FOR GOOD, NOW is the time!

THIS WILL GO SUPER FAST! I’m only taking five people on until the end of the year! When January first rolls around, my coaching prices are going to double.

TO TAKE ACTION AND TO GAIN YOUR LIFE SANITY AND YOUR PHYSIQUE BACK BEFORE THE NEW YEAR, Click here to fill out this brief questionnaire to make sure we are a good fit!

A promise a soul exercise & 2 Raw V. Recipes!

Hi there beautiful!

Another week! Are you ready? What if I were to make a promise to you? Yes, a big promise! Read this E-mail from top to bottom and I promise you if you either make one of my recipes or do the “soul exercise” below, You will have the BEST week ever!


Have you ever felt like you’ve been there for someone over and over again? Then, when you need a shoulder to cry on or a listening ear you are shunned away or even worse, screamed at or told you are being ridiculous? Instead of allowing you to FEEL, you are being told your feelings are NOT important!

When someone is in battle with their mind, self~worth or self esteem, treat them with love not contempt. Love works both ways. To be loved you must show up & openly give of yourself without expectations or desiring something in return. Even when you just don’t feel like it! If someone doesn’t allow you to feel your feelings, they are essentially telling you that you don’t matter! Thats not compassion or love! You can have a positive mindset about your life but you will always have down days. Surround yourself only with the people who lift you up when you are at your worst! The ones who are there for you, ready to listen with an open compassionate heart! With that kind of support your down days will become less and less and the good days will fill up your calendar!




Here we are, another beautiful week! More positive posts, quotes etc! What if I told you that I’m not going to stream a bunch of positivity your way this morning? What if I told you that I’m leaving to care for someone who is only in his 40’s with cancer? what if I told you that I feel that virtually all degenerative disease has to do with whats on your plate, the health of your gut flora, your environment & what chemicals you CHOOSE to rub onto your body everyday?

I don’t have to tell you! I have a feeling you already know this and you’re still choosing to make poor choices. You can lead a person or an entire tribe to the truth that you can expect them all to follow!

My only wish, my only prayer that my only vision for all of you on this Monday morning is that you begin to take that true that you all know and apply it in your daily lives! Especially at the meals that you make for yourself and for your family!

Don’t believe the hype you’re being taught in the “Got Milk” ads, the fast food commercials the “high protein” pushers!

Change your food and your life will follow! I believe in you, I’m in your corner and I’m rooting for you every step of the way!



God is my language, acceptance of others is my political view & the Universe is my tribe! If you don’t agree with what I say or do thats Ok! I don’t know about you but for me, criticism only makes me stronger!

This is one of my tribe members “Jack”! He loves me unconditionally! When we love without conditions & drop the judgements we become more accepting of others! That’s when magic happens!


                                          SOUL EXERCISE 

This week I would love for you to try this soul exercise! Think about a time in your life when you were criticized. I know this may be hard but I promise you I’m going somewhere with it! Ok, when you have that moment in your mind, I would like you to think about how it made you FEEL at the time! Were you sad? Angry? Go ahead and feel that in your heart. Once you feel those same feelings again, imagine a white light that enters your body and goes straight to your heart space. It literally is there to clear those negative feelings from your body! Do you feel better? GOOD!

RECIPES! Lately I’ve been getting a ton of questions from you guys about kale chips and coconut chips! They are snacks that are highly available on the market today with a hefty little price tag! I’m answering your questions below

1) Are they healthy? Well kale chips and coconut chips are healthy the store bought brands are often laden with salts and fat! 

2) Do I make my own? Why yes! I do

 My kale & coconut chips-)

Grab these quick healthy recipes here click here

Andrea L Cox is the owner of  The Healthy Haven &  (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!)

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people! 

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her home town of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities! 

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

If you’ve not checked out Andrea’s Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Twitter yet FOLLOW her below!!! She would love to see you there! 

I want to connect with you!

Find me on

FACEBOOK HERE –> click here

TWITTER HERE –> click here

INSTAGRAM HERE –> click here 


YOUTUBE HERE –> click here

TUMBLER HERE –> click here

MY RETREATS HERE –> click here



If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:) HAVE A BEAUTIFUL WEEK EVERYONE! Be Well & Don’t forget to juice!



Why your weight gain could be caused by your relationship!

I hear the following all the time from my clients. They’re over eating, not taking care of themselves, skipping yoga. Once we get to talking, I soon learn its not about the food at all! Its about their relationships with others, specifically their partner! They feel empty in their marriages, not listened to and disconnected from their mate. Some may even feel they have lost their identity in the relationship.  

The women I work with who have weight issues suffer from something I call “BED” or binge eating disorder. Women are emotional eaters by nature. Women eat when they are sad, angry, lonely or simply when they don’t feel listened to.

Many men I work with who are overweight also suffer from binge eating. They often complain of being talked over, controlled or simply feel bored with their partners. They’ve shut down  in order to avoid having an actual discussion about what comes up for them. Avoidance of conversation seems to be a huge factor with the men I work with. Sadly, many men also end up “eating their relationship problems”.

The biggest complaint I hear from women is that their partners don’t make them or their relationship a priority. There are no planned dates, rendezvous or even dinners together. They simply feel unloved and not cherished. This often ties into a under nourished “feeling”!

The biggest complaint I hear from males is that they feel unappreciated and that their female mate quite simply “talks to much”! They often shut down, become silent and don’t even hear what their mate is saying after the first few sentences. How does this relate to health? They end up with a “feeling” of needing to over nourish themselves to tune out the chatter.

When people come to me the first thing I ask them to do is to make a list of ten triggers that cause them to binge. Seven out of ten usually are perceived to come from their partner.

I then ask them to write down 25 traits in themselves that they LOVE! This can be physical or personality/character traits. This is often difficult for both men and women.

The third task I give them is to list 25 things they LOVE about their partner! Just as I did above. The list flows effortlessly. Odd? Not really. You see its not that they don’t love themselves and love their partners. Its that the traits they love about themselves are not being recognized and appreciated by their partners.

The key is communication. Both males and females always say “I don’t feel heard or understood” Why is it that if your marriage is the most important relationship you will ever have with another human being no one ever teaches us the precious skills of communication?

Here are the two homework assignments I always give to my clients who come to me with a food issue that are in a relationship (75% of them)! 

Create a safe place of love, a container so to speak where your love can thrive!This is generally different for men and women. 

For women this means shutting up! Yes ladies, actually being quiet when your man does open up to you (and he will). Often its as simple as allowing him to feel through his thoughts about you not appreciating how hard he works to provide or the little things he does for you like taking out the trash cans every week.

For men this means making her feel secure by making her a priority! Women are very different then men. We have a strong need to FEEL a certain way! This isn’t anything that comes with words. It comes with your actions. Planning things for the future such as weekend getaways or even creating a certain night during the week for a “date night” are all things that create a safe space for her to thrive! Women value and love their time with you. It gives them a sense of safety and support that only comes when they are in your masculine presence. Honor that and take pride in it. 

Learn to communicate effectively! This is something you must strive for in every conversation! Without it the relationship becomes a burden and often can become a thing of the past! This is where the over eating comes into play too! Often when we don’t feel heard, we tend to stuff down our feelings or our words with food!

Try to take 20 minutes of time out during an argument to gather your thoughts. This will allow you to both cool off! If yelling or interrupting one another over the phone is a common trait of your communication style I recommend meeting in person. If yelling in person is a trait one or both of you have, meet in a public place to have your discussions. 

Share meals together at home! This is one of the most connecting things you can do to strengthen your bond! Meal times should be sacred times! Allow this to be a time when candles are lit, music is on and cell phones are turned off! When this is done right, with the right mood and environment this always leads to a fabulous night of intimacy! And who would ever choose cookies or chocolate cake over being intimate with the one they love? 🙂

Remember…No matter how much stress is going on around us we can always take the time to pull together a beautiful meal next to candlelight. Keep your space tidy, your colon clean your mind open and your heart full of love!


 Above: A beautiful candlelight dinner for two with essential oils diffusing, soft music and an amazing organic dinner prepared by yours truly!



 Andrea Cox is a former fitness model. She is a raw food celebrity chef, author and owner of and  She has had national coverage speaking about her detox modalities

Her YouTube channel has just surpassed 2million views! Sign up for her news letter at

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