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Archive for the tag “weight gain”

Why you are Gaining weight while you are in quarantine

Why you are gaining weight while in quarantine…

Hey love Andrea here,

Be yourself! Everyone else is taken.
I’ve pretty much lived the past 2 1/2 years in a quarantine of choice. It has been a time of major spiritual growth for me. A time of starting a second spiritual business that utilizes my greatest gift of intuition combined with my knowlege of health and relationships. A business that thrusted me into self sufficiency and abundance. Although I’ve had several challenges and blocks strategically placed along my path by others, this and they have only elevated me to a higher spiritual state of consciousness. One that in my opinion I wouldn’t trade for the world.
I love how this Quarantine life has gotten me back to my roots! To my ancestral callings. To my sweet open hearted Pisces loving makeup-less uniqueness. I also love how it’s brought out my more masculine Scorpio Moon and rising protective vibe. 
Happiness is not a place, a person or a soverign bank account. Happiness is being perfectly content, at peace and in love with every flower, every green juice, every elixir tonic and every twin soul we meet along the way! 
People will always be challenged when they see you creating magic out of thin air… but hey… I’ve done that since the day I came out of the womb.:) ‬And this my luvs is where the magic is! 
Back to the subject at hand… Why in the heck are so many of you gaining weight during quarantine?! Read below to find out!

Over the past 48 hours I’ve spoke to three different women and one man who reached out to me via social media, set up a phone consultation and told me that they were sick and tired of feeling sick overweight and tired. 

I know what you’re saying “great Andrea… so all of them signed up for coaching with you and all of them are on their way to better health, a sexier healthier body, more energy and an increased immune system”!

The truth is out of all four people only the man signed up for coaching. All three women have either not gotten back to me or, have said it’s just not the right time”. 

Why am I pointing this out to you today? 

Well, first off… let me tell you that I asked for permission from my new client Alexander and he said I could share the following information with you. Alex is an attorney in Houston Texas who is married with two kids. He has an overwhelming schedule, barely finds the time to exercise and often eats standing up while listening to his kids talk about their day and simultaneously going over legal documents. 

Bottom line, he’s busy yet he is still taking the plunge and moving forward with the coaching program.

Alex‘s wife has followed me for years and got a Health Reading in March. She knew when that reading was done that I was the only person that would be able to help her husband lose the weight he needed to get rid of in order to be healthier happier and to give more to their children. 

So why is it that out of all four people only the guy took the plunge? The following is my hypothesis…

Since ancient times men have always gone after what they wanted. They don’t allow finances, other peoples opinions and especially a busy schedule to hold them back. When a man sees something he wants i.e.

a woman

a healthy body

a new job or business idea

or a goal, he goes for it! 

Women often don’t. Which is exactly why I’m sharing this with all of you! 

Now is the absolute perfect time to lose the weight you desire. It’s the perfect time to get the body you have always wanted. To get the man you’ve wanted! It’s the absolute perfect time for you to visualize yourself the way you’ve always wanted to look and feel in order to cultivate the life, home, health and partner of your dreams!

Over the next 48 hours I’ll be accepting one last client for the next 31 days! Not three but one! If you’ve always wanted to fit into those jeans if you’ve always wanted to have a healthy body you can be proud of, heck if you’ve always wanted to have sex with the lights on now is your time to hop on board! 

Shoot me an email at

CC that E-mail to my assistant at

Now is the time for you to get truly healthy and happy in your own skin! 

Remember I only want the very best for you!

Cilantro kisses 

Love you, Isn’t it time you love yourself 

~ Andrea

Copyright (This written material and all other written material on Andrea Cox’s websites and social media are owned by Andrea Leigh Cox and AndreaCox LLC) Copying or using any written material of Andrea Cox’s is punishable by law).

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