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Archive for the tag “wealth”

Weekly Health Wealth and Spirit message!

Weekly Health Wealth and Spirit message!

Your soul has a history of lifetimes through which it has learned to be wise and develop certain talents. It is impossible to learn the lessons and acquire the skillset to take on these abilities while eating a complicated diet of too many ingredients.

With all the stressors we have today it is an absolute MUST to go within and center ourselves daily! But what about support? We know that when we don’t have support within a business structure it will fail. The same is true with our bodies. We  MUST support our adrenal glands and other bodily systems with adaptogen herbs!

I’m CHOOSING to create a light raw vegan meal for tonight’s Tasty Tuesdays. It’s what the energy is calling for.

With everything I have going on it’s important that I honor my body and nourish my soul. After all, we cannot be of service to others if we do not first take care of ourselves.

The following day at 3:33 pacific for Wednesday’s Wisdom

I’ll be sharing the spiritual connection to each bodily system and the way each of these systems has the ability to function at a much more elevated state when receiving proper support.

Sound complicated? It’s not! It flows in alignment of the universal law of self care!

May we align ourselves with our highest truth so that we may be able to set out to serve our highest destiny.



This weeks healing elixir tonic recipe!


2 Cups light coconut milk

1 tsp coconut oil

1 scoop of Thrive

a pinch of vanilla bean

1/4 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp dandy blend

1 TB Sexy and raw hair skin and nails formula

2 tsp coconut palm sugar

1 tsp grade B maple syrup for extra minerals

Top with edible flowers!


Heat the coconut milk

Pour the warm milk in a blender, add the rest of the ingredients and blend (leave the edible flowers out).

Enjoy without shame or guilt! I LOVE this drink in the morning!

Take your free health assessment here to learn about some of the FABULOUS adaptogenic herbs I mention in this recipe!


Today’s spirit message is the message of the pig.

Spirit Animal

spirit animal

Are you far too busy dealing with the everyday stresses in life? Have you forgotten how to have fun?

The pig reminds us to get out in nature. To connect with Gaia ~ mother earth! Connect in order to roll around in the mud a bit!

The pig also teaches you how to find the gems buried in mucky situations all while maintaining a playful spirit!

As a vegan of 21 years I must also remind you that it is impossible to open up the third eye while still eating red meat and pork.

So leave the precious piglets off of your plate and use them as a spirit guide instead!

This weeks wealth message

Andrea Cox

Andrea Cox

The truth about what people really pay me for.

Two years ago I started a second business and a second youtube channel. It’s a spiritual business where I use my wisdom, along with my own innate intuition and problem-solving skills and even a few tools in the esoteric arts to help people in their personal life, business and within the realm of their health.

Before I knew it I had more celebrity clients than I ever had in my health business. And thats A LOT! Word of mouth got around and today, I’m booked out three months into the future.

The truth is I’m a problem solver who is able to tap into the akashic records in order to bridge the gap of confusion. I’m not only the detox queen. I’m the queen of clarity. Not just in the realm of health but also within helping others tune into the proper direction they’re supposed to take in love and in life.

As an intuitive healer people come to me with their pain and their sadness and I transmute their pain into their greatest victory. I explain to them why the horrific pain they feel in their hearts is actually tied to their past life karma and how this transmutes itself into their relationships, business partnerships and health issues they have today. I also teach them that without first caring for their bodies at an optimal level they cannot give to others.

I teach people to turn their back to codependency and to embrace autonomy. To know that they are 100% OK and can even THRIVE when facing life situations solo.

You can be absolutely happy and filled with joy while on your own. In fact, you must learn to be joy filled solo. This is where true peace stems from. I learned this very valuable lesson of being perfectly content by myself… within myself many years ago.

Although many question this and often don’t like to see others solo thriving, it’s the key to true fulfillment. Allow their triggers to push you into self sufficiency even more! You can have a life filled with peace joy and happiness. In fact, you can have it all!

I’ve coined for the phrase “your issues live in your tissues”. No where is this more true than in the beautiful underground tribe I have created in my solid second business that has become my spiritual sadhana.

I’m sharing this with all of you for a reason. Just because I “recovered well” from heartache, loss and even a serious stalking situation, doesn’t mean I don’t have a story. I just don’t allow that story to be my current story today.

We should never be quick to judge. You never truly know what someone else is going through. Some of us fought hard to shine again!

If you think you can’t end the destructive chain of codependency

I’m here to tell you, you can!

The most humbling video I have ever shot!

beautiful face

The wealthiest woman in the World!

Three years ago I had well over 2.5 million dollars sitting in the bank! I was considered “rich” on paper but I felt completely broke in my personal life! I didn’t have many close personal friends and my relationships with others were built on a premiss of what they could do for me or vice versa.

This morning as I scrolled down my news feed, I noticed many of my “friends” here on Facebook were either A) Speaking about their wealth B) Speaking of others wealth or C) Trying to sell programs to bring in more wealth when I know for a fact they don’t have two cents to rub together.

This makes me feel a bit disappointed. I’m very careful who I allow to appear on my news feed. This means that somewhere along the way they have stepped away from their true calling and are allowing the mighty dollar to take over their thoughts for long enough to make it a priority to post about it.

I will toss out this tiny piece of advice from a girl who has never known what it is to truly struggle but who has worked for everything she has!
You are only as wealthy as the richness you pour into those around you! If you continue to place the emphasis on money, true wealth will never be yours!

Today as I write this, I write from a place of knowing I have a group of close friends although small (I’m selective) that I can open up to about anything! I have a much closer bond with my two sisters and my mother and I have never gotten along better!

I no longer have 2 million in the bank. As a matter of fact I don’t even have half of that. What I do have is a life filled with people, activities and more non judgmental LOVE than I could have ever hoped or dreamed was possible!

This my friends is called being the richest woman on the planet!!!hot!

Life is like a bag of cherries…eat them and change your life

I wholly embrace change that helps us progress and improve ourselves and the world we live in. I spent the first 25 years of my life living the way I was told I should live. I was so conditioned to listening to others advice and “grooming” of me that I failed to tune in and listen to myself.  I had no idea who I was or what I wanted in life. I was pretty miserable. 

Then at age 28 I discovered my true nature and embraced it, and my whole life changed. It’s like I have lived two completely different lives. One as a scared, insecure Pinup & fitness model with a terrible eating disorder who felt she had no future and no hope as to get out of that life & one as a happy, confident, fulfilled woman that boldly steps out there to show others how to avoid or escape that living death pattern and live a truly healthy vibrant life! I have gone from a life of feeling lost and miserable most of the time to one of pure delight. Where I endured life back then, I love every minute of it now. The difference is like night and day.

 I clearly remember the day that all of this began to shift for me. At the age of 28 I was forced to move home after the loss of a ten year relationship. From age 18 to 28 I only new this one man and the security and pure loyalty and love that he had shown me. I moved home a bitter, sad, angry, hurt little girl and my attitude showed it. Not only did I treat myself badly, I treated others around me badly as well. 

 A beautiful late summer day my mother decided to drive out to the little town outside of Lewisburg to visit my grandmother La Golda’s graveside. This was always sad for my mother as she shared a love for my grandmother that to this day is unmatched by any other love I have witnessed. On the way home she stopped at a roadside farmers market and bought 2 2lb bags of dark red cherries. She offered me some (knowing I would turn them down). 

You see as a highly published fitness model who had sworn off carbs, sugar and especially fruit for years. I would not even eat a single cherry. She looked over at me as she drove her jet black Honda prelude and said “Andie (my name at home) life is to darn short to not eat these cherries with me…I think they are the best I’ve ever had”. 

 I again said “no”. 

 “Oh well then I’ll eat them myself” my mother said. “I can definitely eat one bag but I bought the second bag for you.” My mom held one up to my mouth and I ate it, and continued to eat the entire 2 lb bag (an appetizer for me compared to the amount I eat today). In that very moment I was free from the “low carb 0 sugar bondage” that had kept me in a state of depression for so long.

 The “cherry car ride” is one of my most memorable experiences with my mom (although we have shared several others) and–quite honestly–a life changing one. The other day I asked my mom if she remembered that day, the day I thought was dear to only me. She said she did and even said we visited my aunt & uncle that day. I think deep down she remembered the day because she knew she had reached a milestone with me. 

 My mom has since then helped me break so many destructive habits, I owe so many walls being knocked down to her. I am impressed with her ability to employ change in her life on a daily basis. At the age of 60 she moved from a home she had lived in for almost 35 years. My 60 year “young” mother moved across the United States from Ohio to Arizona to be with my nephew and help care for him. She moved to a place she had never even visited. THIS MY FRIENDS IS CHANGE, THIS IS LIVING WITHOUT FEAR! She gave up everything she’s ever owned and you know what, if you ask her if she misses any of those things she will tell you no.

Watching my mother move across the country is what gave me the strength to change my life and move across the country from Ohio to California.

 Only a total “tool” would prefer misery over joy. And, while there are people who will argue for their limitations, at least initially, the argument is always grounded in fear. When an individual is acting and thinking from fear they can not move forward in life. Once they come to believe that they can not only do better, but BE a better person and get really satisfying results, almost all of them are willing to try another way. In fact, I have yet to encounter anyone that didn’t choose to make a positive change once they believed it was possible. Just like that bag of cherries that I enjoyed with my mom as we drove through the beautiful Ohio country, you have a bag of gold in front of you waiting to be spent. 

I’m here to help you, guide you and teach you. I’m here to hold your hand every step of the way. Allow me to feed you that very first piece of fruit and show you that changing your body is just a step away.

Here are my top 5 tips on how to create abundance in health wealth and in our personal relationships using change!

 1) Like my mama always says “You will never know unless you give it a try”. That’s right we must try new things or we will never evolve, never move forward and never be able to achieve our goals. More often than not when we want to change something in one area of our lives, it’s because that area no longer serves us.

 2) Do something different every day. This one comes from my best friend Connie. She always said this and then one day it stuck! Try this one to get you “outside of your box” it works!

 3) “Chill baby” A good tip from my friend Chip he always said when we calm ourselves we are able to then see the areas in our lives that need to change.

4) Visualize the change happening! This may take a bit of work for some of you. I want you to take just 10 minutes a day and really visualize what you want your life to look like. From your body to your home, your personal relationships to the food on your plate. Visualize it all! You will see over time that this has a profound effect! 

5) Surround yourself with people that support your growth and change You’ve heard me say it a thousand times, we are a product of the five people we spend the most time with. This is why I only surround myself with positive people who are on the right path! I encourage you to do the same.In an ideal world, our thoughts, experiences and beliefs would remain in a continuous state of refinement and renewal. I love to be exposed to new and interesting people and situations, and  constantly discover and enhance new aspects of my emotional and intellectual life, I want this for you.

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