Andrea cox

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Archive for the tag “veganism benefits”

Weight loss and anti aging through veganism!

When someone says they eat low-carb

High protein



Have we not graduated yet???

Last night on Facebook live I made a divine plant-based meal! A HUGE avocado salad with NON-GMO raw corn followed by some warmed pumpkin with Sacred chocolate coconut butter on top! About halfway through someone chimes in that they had been “living off only meat for the past six months”. Poor girl looked to be about ten years older than she was. It made me feel sad in my heart.

It’s 2018 ~ no animal needs to die so that you can eat. In fact the more plants you eat the more you will LIVE!

I ate a WHOLE PUMPKIN last night! A BIG one! My stomach is flat today and my cheeks look as though someone sprinkled fairy dust on them. Yea like the pixie kind!

Please, leave the fish in the ocean. Leave the pigs to roll in the mud in the sunshine! Leave the cows with their babies. Wake up World! You are t lacking protein! You are lacking a lifetime of conditioning from mass media, your parents, grand parents and friends who do not have your highest good at heart. Unless they are vegan friends.

You spend all this money on anti aging creams and getting fat sucked from your thighs but you won’t go towards the one direction that leads to the fountain of youth and cellulite being a distant memory?

I only want the best for each and every one of you! Please, Go Vegan!



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