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Raw Vegan Carrot Soup Recipe |Tips on How to Break a Fast

Hey Luv,

Lately I’ve been doing a lot of dry fasting, water fasting,  juice fasting and systematic under eating. I’ve been getting plenty of rest and trying to limit my favorite treats such as Raw Vegan chocolate and my delicious Raw Vegan gluten-free cookies to a minimum. I’ve pretty much been living off my herb garden and foods I find from foraging and by hitting a local underground farmers market.

Working with clients on a one on one basis via zoom and over the phone takes a lot of my energy. So does digestion. Therefore reserving my energy for helping you become healthier wealthier happier and more in tune with your intuition is where I desire my energy to flow. One of the most common questions I get is how do I break a fast”?

This is a great question that I LOVE answering! I’ll just bullet point a few facts below… 

Easing back into solid foods after fasting

Stay away from processed foods and fast food! After a fast it is always important to ease back into eating solid foods.  This doesn’t mean to go out and get some fast food and eat it slowly, if you do, it will be a very unpleasant experience and not at all beneficial to your health. If you are like many people in today’s society who are woke, you simply have never or would never indulge in fast foods knowing the facts that are out there today. 

Focus on eating fruits I find what works best for both myself and my clients is to eat some of the lighter fruits, like apples or melons (melons are FABULOUS after fasting)! Just be certain to eat enough to produce a bowel movement within thirty minutes.  

Only eat until you are almost full. You will know you have eaten enough within the first 10-20 minutes because your stomach will feel full. Make sure you chew your food thoroughly. This allows your digestive system to work slowly, allowing your saliva to saturate each bite. This entire process allows the enzymes in your saliva called amylase, (also in fruits and vegetables) to break down carbohydrates into simple sugars.

Don’t eat until you are hungry! Tuning into our bodies can be difficult. This is where meditation, yoga and just plain old mindfulness come into play. 

Chew your food thoroughly Masticating your food into the tiniest parts, saturating them with your saliva, making digestion efficient and easy on your body. I like to say we should chew our juices and juice our food”. Meditate on that and there will be more in tomorrow’s newsletter.

The photo below is of one of my recipes found in my Raw-lic-ous recipes book here!

This is a quick and easy recipe that is full of enzymes because it’s raw not cooked! This makes it ideal for breaking a fast.

The photo below is of one of my recipes found in my Raw-lic-ous recipes book here!
This is a quick and easy recipe that is full of enzymes because it’s raw not cooked! This makes it ideal for breaking a fast. 
Raw Vegan Carrot Soup Recipe
Place the following ingredients in a blender or vitamix and blend. 
* 34 oz carrot juice
* 1 avocado
* 1 clove garlic (optional)
* 4-6 dates pitted
* 1 whole carrot
Enjoy without shame or guilt! 
I love you, 
only want the best for you
please love yourselves and drink your green juice Blessings of peace love and abundance
Andrea Cox
All material on this website and across all of Andrea’s social media is owned and copyrighted material. Misuse or stealing of this material is punishable by law. 

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