Andrea cox

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Archive for the tag “vegan”

My Heart Is Broken Why this world is going plant-based

I was going to post a happy photo of my juice.
I was going to post a video of my pretty vegetables. I was going to say something noble and positive. But I’m not going to!
All of it would be a lie.

My heart is heavy today

I’ve often talked about being an empath and how I tend to take others moods & feelings upon myself. I feel that’s part of this but I cannot deny the strong feeling of sadness deep inside my heart that stems from a much bigger issue. The issue that I’m not making a big enough impact to affect our beautiful sacred animal kingdom.

I see SO many animals that need homes! Especially in Mexico and other less fortunate countries. But this is also a HUGE problem here!

I see SO many people I know and love that don’t see the connection that animals are not food! They’re getting sick. They’re not connecting the dots from the paid fast food advertisers & Big Pharma!

I see the pictures & videos here on Facebook of both factory and even “organic Humane” farms & it makes my heart feel sad. THERE IS NO HUMANE WAY TO MURDER AN ANIMAL!

The burden I feel for what these animals have to go through & the little impact I’ve made is personally heartbreaking💔

I want to do more! It just seems like it’s never enough. My heart BLEEDS for ALL animals!

I want to encourage you that if this meat eating Ohio girl can successfully go vegan and rescue and place dogs & cats in her lifetime SO CAN YOU!

‪Feeling the weight of the world today! But it is nowhere near the weight that the animals suffer each day!‬

Bottom line! There is no reason to not be vegan! There is no reason to cause animals endless suffering.

‪PLEASE GoVegan‬
‪PLEASE STOP consuming dairy!‬
‪PLEASE STOP breeding animals!‬
‪PLEASE STOP buying from pet-stores‬
‪PLEASE Protest for animal rights!‬
‪PLEASE Don’t patronize zoos ‬
PLEASE Don’t patronize Sea World

Four Words I live by Animals Are Not Food!

And if you think for a moment there isn’t a spiritual side to being vegan… YOU ARE WRONG!

When we stop eating animals and all animal byproducts we open our heart chakra and become more compassionate towards all humans and especially towards the animal kingdom.

I truly believe all animals (including fish, birds, lizards, dogs, cats, cows, pigs, sheep and chickens) are spirit animals! They are here on this planet to lead us and give us signs. To guide us along our sacred path and journey.

FACT : One cannot open the third eye while still eating dead decomposing animal flesh!

But PLEASE, don’t take my word for it! Just try going vegan for yourself! You could start the process with baby steps having a vegan family night or going vegan for a week. I think you’ll find once you transition, you’ll never go back to eating animal flesh again. 

I love you

Please love yourself 

And please, Go Vegan! 

Andrea Cox, vegan 19 years, celebrity raw chef and detox specialist.


Regan Russell and what they don’t want you to know!

The vegan community and this world lost a beautiful human recently! Regan Russell was brutally killed at a peaceful protest for the animals!

She was ran over by one of the slaughter truck drivers. The only thing she did was to show up like protesters had for years to give the suffering animals water before slaughter.

This world needs to wake up!

No we cannot be friends if you are still consuming meat and dairy products! I’ve spoken, shouted and written for nearly 20 years now, go vegan or stay asleep to what is TRULY going on around you!

Animals are not food! They are our friends! Regan stood for this truth and will live on in our hearts.

Her elderly parents and husband joined protestors from around the world to honor her yesterday.

Regan was a protester who stood up for animal rights since the 70s. Only to be taken down in her sixth decade of life. Look closely at the way she GLOWS from the inside out. That is from her love and compassion for animals. She obviously was a product of a clean vegan lifestyle. A woman with a huge open heart tragically murdered by the meat and dairy industry! 

If you are tired of wearing a mask PLEASE

🛑 STOP SUPPORTING an industry that kills 84,000 animals per minute!


🛑 STOP SUPPORTING an industry that KILLS activists!

🛑 STOP SUPPORTING an industry that os ruining our planet.



Not pointing fingers here but 

‪I see you‬
‪We see you ‬
‪Your tactics are failing!‬

Big Pharma we see you!

Johnson and Johnson we see you and the millions of lives you took through your cancer causing baby powder!

Round Up Shame on you!

The Dairy Industry… We see your murderous ways!

Factory Farms How can you sleep at night?!

China We see Yulin is still in full swing! 

Vaccine industry ~ Stop hurting children

Doctors ~ did you become a doctor to save lives or to shake hands with the pharmaceutical industry?!

Cyber bullies hackers and certain government personnel STOP abusing your power! 

Human trafficker leave our children and our people alone!

We SEE clearly now! We are no longer a small body of people that you continue to attempt to silence! We are growing BIGGER than you!


Quick Raw Vegan Recipe to Raise Your Vibration – Magic Truffles!

Hey Luv, look what I made for you! 

In order to have a high vibrational life you must feed your body high vibrational foods but also be mindful that stress within the wallet will create an oxidational stress on your body. 

I’m an independent woman who has a monthly overhead of close to $9000 before I even step out of my home. 

This $9000 includes 

$3200 in a monthly note for my home

$250 towards infusion soft

$150 towards WP Engine

$125 to T-Mobile

$170 to SDG&E 

The list is ongoing and never ending and this is before food costs.

There’s no husband paying the bills

There’s no boyfriend helping out

There’s no roommate

No senior discounts 🙂 

And I live in one of the most expensive ZIP Codes in the country. 

Recently I noticed that I was spending $50 – $65 a week at a local juice bar that I LOVE! One of the things I was spending money on were raw vegan truffles similar to these. I had to stop and ask myself at the end of the month why I was spending this type of money on Raw Vegan truffles when I was a Raw Vegan chef for years? 

Last week I took a screenshot of the ingredients, came home tweaked the recipe and have re-created them myself. Now I am saving roughly $50 bucks a week! I even like my truffles better! 

Be wise with your money. I cut coupons before I go to the grocery store just like my mother did. I cut coupons no matter how much I have in the bank. Always have money set aside. Because at the end of the day you never quite know how things will work out. Take it from someone who had to rebuild her self from the ground up more than once, you’ll want to be prepared for that time and not have to rely on someone else’s money to get you through. 

Be smart

Stay enlightened

I love you

Please love yourself and enjoy the decadent recipe below

These truffles are incredibly decadent! They’re also 100%




Gluten free

Dairy free

Guilt free

Pesticide free

Corruption free


  • 1 2/3 cups + 1 teaspoon gluten free coconut, chickpea or oat flour (I chose chickpea)
  • 3 tablespoons Grade B maple syrup
  • 3 tablespoons melted coconut oil
  • 1 inch of real vanilla bean
  • ¼ cup + 2 tablespoons vegan chocolate chips 

Place dry ingredients in a food processor and blend. Add the coconut oil and grade B maple syrup while the processor is still running. When this is blended, pulse in the chocolate chips. 

I used three toppings to roll my raw vegan truffles in.

Topping #1 Melt Sacred chocolate (or any raw vegan chocolate) on a double broiler and roll the balls in the chocolate. Allow them to harden in the fridge or freezer.

Topping #2 Healthy powdered sugar Simply blend equal parts of arrow root powder with coconut sugar and roll the balls in this mixture. 

Topping number #3 GO NAKED!  (My personal favorite is no topping at all)! The balls look just like raw vegan cookie dough without a topping! 

Enjoy without guilt! 

For weekly recipe videos subscribe to my YouTube channel here!

Why Vegan?

Issues Live In Our Tissues…

I don’t eat clean to keep a six pack set of abs

I am not vegan to claim the status

I don’t fast on a regular basis to have glowing skin

I don’t undergo healing modalities such as lymph drainage, massage, biofeedback and Colon Hydrotherapy to achieve longevity.

I do all of the above to achieve cellular healing because I know that the truth of the matter is “our issues live in our tissues” and in order to clean up our emotional house we must first start with our internal landscape. ©

Enjoy the lovely array of life force energy below. These are just a few of the meals you’ll learn to make when you attend the spiritual fasting raw food retreat (book here) 

I’ll see you tonight at 6pm for Tasty Tuesday’s! I’ll be introducing you to a FABULOUS way to quickly alkalize your entire body. really do love you – please love yourself




Weight loss and anti aging through veganism!

When someone says they eat low-carb

High protein



Have we not graduated yet???

Last night on Facebook live I made a divine plant-based meal! A HUGE avocado salad with NON-GMO raw corn followed by some warmed pumpkin with Sacred chocolate coconut butter on top! About halfway through someone chimes in that they had been “living off only meat for the past six months”. Poor girl looked to be about ten years older than she was. It made me feel sad in my heart.

It’s 2018 ~ no animal needs to die so that you can eat. In fact the more plants you eat the more you will LIVE!

I ate a WHOLE PUMPKIN last night! A BIG one! My stomach is flat today and my cheeks look as though someone sprinkled fairy dust on them. Yea like the pixie kind!

Please, leave the fish in the ocean. Leave the pigs to roll in the mud in the sunshine! Leave the cows with their babies. Wake up World! You are t lacking protein! You are lacking a lifetime of conditioning from mass media, your parents, grand parents and friends who do not have your highest good at heart. Unless they are vegan friends.

You spend all this money on anti aging creams and getting fat sucked from your thighs but you won’t go towards the one direction that leads to the fountain of youth and cellulite being a distant memory?

I only want the best for each and every one of you! Please, Go Vegan!



Three “must do’s” to becoming spiritually enlightened!

Spiritual enlightenment does not magically occur in a clogged body! When you are clogged from eating animals and their by products, the mind is clogged too! More importantly the heart is clogged and cannot open to love, abundance and truth.

Eat only high vibrational living foods!

I know what you’re thinking! You don’t have the time. You don’t have the knowledge! You just can’t stick to a plant based let alone a high vibrational raw eating lifestyle!

My coaching FOUND HERE can help you! If you don’t want to invest in coaching a good one on one hour phone or Skype consultation FOUND HERE with me is LIFE CHANGING!

Your new life is a click away!

There are no excuses to having the health, energy and spiritual soundness you desire! Its all in your hands! y-pants

NIX the Dairy!

I spared you photos of half dead cows tossed into a pile left to die!

I spared you the blood work of a non dairy human compared to a dairy drinker!

I spared you live video of the cows screaming for their lives as they are lined up to be slaughtered!

I spared you the list of hormones, antibiotics and drugs the cows are shot up with daily! Hormones and drugs YOU in jest whenever you drink a glass of milk or put cream into your coffee!I spared you the HORRIFIC planetary affects the dairy industry is covering up!Wake up! Go vegan &Please go dairy free!


Actually “Getting the lessons”!

Forgive others! Forgive yourself!

The biggest part of the lesson is “getting the lesson”! Everyone we come in contact with in life (bosses, children and life partners) are one of three types. Karmic, soul mate or twin flame! I’m releasing a YouTube video today on this subject! Everyone you have a relationship with (even your parents) you chose prior to coming to this Earth!


5 reasons to drink coconut water & a side of me you haven’t seen!

Hi there beautiful!

I hope all of you had a lovely holiday! I whipped up a lil spread for William & Oliver {our lovely care taker & friend}. The menu consisted of the following. 

  • Fresh squeezed orange juice
  • Young Thai coconuts
  • Jackfruit
  • Fresh watermelon
  • Loquats
  • A big salad 🙂
  • My special anti-inflammatory guacamole
  • Organic salsa
  • Baked root vegetables {butternut squash}
  • Non-GMO corn tortillas
  • Raw chocolate bark

It was a beautiful day with the ocean, Oliver & the doggies!

Today I wanted to share with you my all time favorite way to hydrate! Its with coconut water! Notice that its not one of those white young Thai coconuts! This is do to so many of them being dipped in formaldehyde! Thats right! I avoid them like the plague! Here is why I LOVE to drink coconut water! 

  1. It’s high in beneficial magnesium and potassium!
  2. It contains copper! An essential mineral you don’t hear about to often that everyone needs!
  3. Coconut water contains A LOT of antioxidants to ward off free radicals!
  4. Got cytokines? Whats that you ask? Cytokines are compounds (found in coconut water) that slow the aging process and have been known to fight off cancerous cells.
  5. Its a sweet treat thats actually beneficial and low cal!

I hope this article entices you to begin drinking more coconut water! Just be sure and get it from a reputable source! I never trust a tetra pac or a white coconut unless I’m in the Caribbean!

 Love the Mexican coconuts!

A side of me you haven’t seen! 

I’m hoping you find benefit from the above information. I love coconut water and drink it daily!

I wanted to share with you a place where I am very candid! It’s a side of me you won’t find on my Youtube channel or here in my news letter. Its called Snapchat! Its a free social media platform for sharing 10 second videos and photos! Here is a little clip of a day and a half on my Snapchat show at the bottom of this email! Enjoy!

Oh and of course, here is the link to follow me there! I can’t wait to see you over there! Be sure and send me a message to say hi! 

Heres the link ~

How to Make a Quick Anti-aging Energy Boosting Tonic~Your weekly mojo!

Mmmm! What am I drinking on this beautiful Sunday morning? What do I drink every morning? Delicious antioxidant packed, anti-aging Matcha tea! I feel that I owe a huge part of my skin health to drinking this tea daily for the last decade!

And rightfully so! Just look at all of the health properties in matcha!

1) Sustained energy for a minimum of 4 hours!

2) 10 times more antioxidants than other teas!

3) It’s anti aging!

4) It lowers LDL!

green tea

So how do I make this into a POWERHOUSE anti aging tonic? I mix it with other anti agers in a tonic!

First off lets talk Brands! I prefer the following!

The Republic of tea “Ginger Matcha” or “Matcha Love” by ITO EN!

Now, lets talk concoctions! Here is my anti-aging beauty recipe! 

2 tsp (Japanese tsp) of Matcha (always organic)!

2 tsp Maca powder

A pinch of Astragalus

Half a packet of each of the following teas by

“Four Sigmatic” ~ Reshi & Chaga!

Let me tell you that you will be flying by the seat of your pants all day long on this tonic! I go from a run to the gym to yoga write books, make love and then read a novel after drinking this baby! Not to mention HAVE YOU SEEN MY SKIN LATELY? I don’t want to boast but JEESH! People are telling me that I’mGLOWING! Alright, go get on it and hey, be sure and tell each company where you learned about them from and NO I’m not paid for any of this! I just LOVE their products!


I did my first solo headstand!


Always believe in yourself knowing “as you think, you will become”! Yesterday was a tough day for me! What started off as a positive ended up as one of the worst days ever. Still, I managed to force myself to go to yoga. My mind needed an escape from the endless chatter going on around me.

Head stands are NOT my strong suit! I have what is called a reverse cervical spine. Basically it means my neck is bent almost in the opposite direction. This happened after a severe car accident a few years back when my head hit the windshield. I have no scars no visible injuries and so to the average person I look normal. But when my neck goes out I’m down for days. And doing a headstand just isn’t always the best thing for a reverse cervical. That being said a few years back I met a fellow Yogi who had mastered his headstands and he too had a reverse cervical! His was much worse than mine. This motivated me to know that this was all in my mind that I couldn’t do this… This headstand thing. 

Yesterday after class I asked Tracy one of the owners of the yoga studio I go to Yoga Tropics to help me. To be honest with you other than a photo shoot about a month ago I’ve never been able to do it on my own. She tried to teach me how to do it just by putting my head down first and then allowing my body to lift itself up feeling weightless. She then tried to show me a second method when I failed at the first. I’m not sure but I think she could tell that I had a weak neck and upper arm strength. She placed the blocks under my shoulders and I was off and running!

I cried the entire way home. And although I didn’t return home to loving open arms, smiling faces and friendly chatter I will say that yesterday’s accomplishments has me motivated to build my upper arm strength and to see a chiropractor on a more regular basis to get my neck back in the best shape possible. 

To finish, complete and to succeed! They really are the only things I know how to do! No other way is acceptable! SO MANY have much worse injuries than mine! Once you see someone who cannot walk, stand or jump…. There aren’t any excuses! I truly believe ALL of us can do and create AMAZING things…ONLY if we believe we can! Remembering that as we think, we will become!

bottoms up2

I’m headed to the gym to get my pump on with the man~pan~ion!  Did I mention that matcha gives me a hands down advantage in my workouts too?! Sure does! Have a beautiful productive week! Hit the farmers market today & drink your green juice! Oh and drink your matcha too!

If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:)

Andrea L Cox


Andrea L Cox is the owner of The Healthy Haven & (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!) She is known as “The Detox Queen” and is a woman who walks her talk!

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people!

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her hometown of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities!

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

I WANT TO CONNECT WITH YOU! Find me at the following Social Media Links!






Snapchat ~ AndreaLeighCox | 1

Tumbler ~


Weightloss while eating baked sweet potatos, avocados and dark chocolate?!!!

Good morning sunshine! I picked some flowers from my garden for you. I do that for people I love.😊💐🍒🌷
What’s for lunch you ask? Aloe soup and a HUGE sprout salad! Why? Because a good hip to waist ratio is EXCELLENT for your health!💗💗💗✨Thank you Digital Detox! I have you to thank for this body transformation! 🍏🍎🍊🍓🍐🍉🍌🍅🍇🍈🍍🌽🍒🍑🍋 Look folks, I know it’s just as hard to lose the last ten pounds as it is the first ten! Whatever you have to “remove” from your body, my Digital Detox will get it done!
Right now, I’m offering a FREE 15 minute phone or Skype consultation to everyone who purchases my Digital Detox program found here ==>
Once I get your order, you will recieve an Email to schedule your consultation! I usually charge $250 for a half hour consult! Yours is FREE with the purchase of The Digital Detox program! Because of the high amount of people who are jumpng on this AMAZING offer, I have to end the sale on Sunday evening at 6pm. I can’t wait to speak to you and look forward to helping you transform your body!

abs for

If you want to see how INCREDIBLY easy the recipes are you’ll be eating, check out the video below! Heck, you’ll be eating things like HUGE avocado salads, baked sweet potatos fresh fruit, yogurt made from coconuts and SO MUCH MORE! I look forward to our chat!

Andrea L Cox is the owner of  The Healthy Haven &   (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!)

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people! 

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her hometown of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities! 

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at 

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

Andrea shooting her YouTube videos for all of you!

I want to connect with you!

Find me on






Snapchat ~ AndreaLeighCox | 1

Tumbler ~

Sexy is NOT a size!

sexyThe other night my boyfriend had taken us to Dinner at an organic vegan restaurant in SD. Towards the end of the meal two girls around the age of 20 came & sat at a table next to us. They were tall thin & literally looked like fashion models. Then, I heard something that was all-too-familiar. It was a conversation I had played in my own mind over & over again. A conversation I had with my own bodyfor years, DAILY! We listened as the two girls debated what to put on a salad for almost 30 minutes. When the food was finally delivered it was sparse. They both ordered a tea, stevia (a sweetener) & Romain lettuce.

My boyfriend was oblivious to what was happening however I FELT the eating disorder energy the moment they sat down & the second I heard the conversation. I needed to stay & listen. Selfishly maybe I was doing so to further my own work on myself or maybe I was just checking in with myself to make sure I was still on the “straight & narrow path”. Whatever it was, my heart ached for them both.

I began explaining to Will what was going on next to us, he felt my heart & asked if I was OK. I answered him & said I feel sad. I felt sad for them & I also felt sad for the abuse I put my body under for many years. I wanted to grab them & give them both a hug. I wanted to turn my chair & sit next to them telling them that SEXY IS NOT A SIZE! I wanted to say “your self-worth is NOT measured on the scale & that they will be able to toss away the “Allowed/bad food list” that they carry around in their tormented minds!

You see unless you have struggled with an eating disorder you have NO idea how obsessed the mind becomes with “allowed/avoid food lists”, calories, carbs, proteins & fats! You have no idea how this controls your every move, your every choice & every thought! Out of the millions of times I’ve spoken about poor food choices & helped others improve their habits, I realized in this moment, I could not speak, I had no words, I was numb!

We left the restaurant & I prayed silently for them in the car as we drove away. May they find peace in your words God, comfort with their bodies & love for themselves! May they lose the silent battle within their heads on whether to eat or not.

Ten ways to detox daily & feel better today!Andrea L Cox is the owner of  The Healthy Haven &  (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!)

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people! 

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her home town of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities! 

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

If you’ve not checked out Andrea’s Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Twitter yet FOLLOW her below!!! She would love to see you there! 

I want to connect with you!

Find me on

FACEBOOK HERE –> click here

TWITTER HERE –> click here

INSTAGRAM HERE –> click here 


YOUTUBE HERE –> click here

TUMBLER HERE –> click here

MY RETREATS HERE –> click here


If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:) HAVE A BEAUTIFUL WEEK EVERYONE! Be Well & Don’t forget to juice! I WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO SHARE MY RECIPES AND BLOG POSTS ON YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA! Links are below! Thank you! Andrea!


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