Andrea cox

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Archive for the tag “TV”

Look what the stork delivered!

The 7 Day Juicy Cleanse! 7day

I’M SO EXCITED! Hi friends! I’ve got an exciting announcement to make! I just released my NEW seven day Juicy cleanse program on my NEW website!

If you’ve been looking to lose weight, clear up your skin or just desire to FEEL & LOOK better, this is the program for you!For less than what it would cost you to purchase a consultation with a dietitian {who is just going to put you on a standard American diet of pasteurized yogurt fruits vegetables and cold cuts}, you can get a program THAT ACTUALLY WORKS!

I’ve worked on this program for a very long time but wanted to release my new website first! Therefore it’s been tested time and time again on my staff and clients to make sure that it is absolutely fool proof!

This video-based program is a weight loss and detoxification powerhouse! You’ll even be part of a private forum {Here on Facebook} that you can share support tips to keep you on track! You can also ask me questions in this group about the program, detox and weight loss!

GET EXCITED!!! Check out the program below!

Here’s the program!


I was on TV again Last night!

What a blessing to play the roll of “A detox specialist” AKA my role in real life on the hit TV show “The Romance” last night! I made the dating contestants a detox salad! Thank you to everyone who watched! I loved working with such an AMAZING cast!

yoga-treesYour weekly MOJO!

Don’t give up! I know you feel like tossing in the towel. I promise you that all the goodness you’ve poured into this World is about to pay off! You can’t be the guiding light without a little darkness!

Here is what I say when something or someone is leaving my life and I may be struggling! “Dear past, thank you for the lessons. Dear future, I’m ready”!

I love you! Never give up!

Enjoy My latest blog post here

Update for all of you! Speaking my truth through the storm!

Hello everyone! I’ve missed you and have some news for all of you! I’m back! I’ve decided to create a longer news letter this week. My desire in doing so is to share some thoughts on a struggle I am currently going through along with some things that will benefit you such as a few yummy recipes and a video demonstrating a product I am LOVING! Enjoy! Be sure to leave me a comment or two and come follow me on my Facebook page at

The Struggle….Strength through the storm!

Ive gone through a lot in my life. I learned about loss at the age of ten when my father was killed in an accident. I learned about struggle watching my single mother work two jobs to keep food on our table. I learned about heartbreak and untruths and how they can take you from in love at one moment to having no respect for someone the next.

But one thing I have never experienced until this moment is how deceitful and dishonest some people can really be and how the general public can fall for it in the blink of an eye!

My apologies for not being the “silent type”!

If I’ve learned anything it is the following. A speaker of truth and light cannot be held down and will always shine in the end!

pic #10 

The day I got back on the way to the beach to get away from it all:) I couldn’t resist to take one of my “parked car selfies” for all of you:) If I look a little skinny its because I lost a whopping 12 lbs during my time away.sunglasses

On Labor day I was on my way to an REI store and look what I found:) 

YAY! Victory for this little guy I spotted running across a busy street and into a Wall Mart parking lot! We were able to track down his owners!

I’m Amazed at how many people just drove by him as he ran:( The important thing is that he is safe! ♡♡♡

What a great day!!!doggy


I’ve been belting out some AMAZING juice videos for all of you! I decided to save that for my YouTube channel over at

I wanted to let you know about my favorite way to combat the negative effects of radiation from your computer and phones! Check it out below:)

Thanks for all the lovely E-mals the past 48 hours too    I never knew what a wonderful support system I had until now:)

Remember, I only want the very best for each and every one of you!

Love always, Andrea

Strength through the storm!

Ive gone through a lot in my life. I learned about loss at the age of ten when my father was killed in an accident. I learned about struggle watching my single mother work two jobs to keep food on our table. I learned about heartbreak and untruths and how they can take you from in love at one moment to having no respect for someone the next.

But one thing I have never experienced until this moment is how deceitful and dishonest some people can really be and how the general public can fall for it in the blink of an eye!

My apologies for not being the “silent type”!

If I’ve learned anything it is the following. A speaker of truth and light cannot be held down and will always shine in the end!andrea5

We are shooting recipe videos all day for you!

Im so freaking excited! Im shooting recipe videos for all of you! ♡♡♡#vegan #blessed #gratitudekitchen glory

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