Andrea cox

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Archive for the tag “Top weight loss coaches”

I can’t believe I’m doing this!

I can’t believe I’m doing this! This is almost as bad as those men who post shirtless photos on dating sites:) I just want to show you what is possible with MINIMAL EFFORT! I wanted to show you what is possible while eating CARBS!

If you think you can’t eat carbohydrates and stay slim, you’re missing out! My plant-based lifestyle consists of

Organic vegetables

Fresh fruits

Nuts & seeds

White rice

Sweet potatoes

Gluten-free cookies brownies & dark chocolate!

Let me take you into 2018 feeling vibrantly healthy!

I’ve got three more Coaching spots open for 2018! E-mail

If your looking for a FANTASTIC gift for under $100, my best selling program makes everyone smile! Check out the Digital Detox here

Here’s to being healthy, happy and fit in 2018 25636959_10211146739725040_1086828120_o

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