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Tips to grow your own food

Hey beautiful soul family,

I’ve been wanting to move out of California for quite some time. To get off this drama filled Pluto line and onto a more calm line that cultivates a more peaceful existence for myself and those I love. But the universe keeps throwing people along my path to help make my life more beautiful each day. Paulina from the Czech republic is one of those people.

Yesterday we built a plethora of sustainable grow boxes. Paulina has a mass of skill set for building these beautiful boxes.I’m also blessed to have my friend from Oregon delivering a greenhouse later this month!

The Lesson in all of this… Be happy where you are even if it’s not the exact spot you want to be. Sometimes what isn’t your ideal spot to be is a lot of other people’s dream come true.

When we learn to embrace the in-between life becomes easier. Loving where you are every moment of each day by living in the here and now is how we embrace those in between moments where we may not have everything in our lives that we feel we deserve. But we become grateful for where we are right here and now.

Today I am grateful for …

My Family

My rescue dogs

I am grateful for the love and support of all of you

I am grateful for my beautiful friend Paulina

I am grateful for my beautiful clients this month who are going through a rigorous Detox and health coaching program that is going to catapult them to do their highest good in this lifetime.

I am grateful for both my spiritual business and my Holistic health business and how they have become stable enough to carry me , support me and also to guide me along my path.

I thought I would share with all of you a few of my Grandmother La Golda’s un spoken gardening tips in today’s news letter. 

  • Plant wild flowers because where the bees go your garden flows! My grandmother had a hillside of wild flowers that were epically beautiful! Bee’s pollinated that hillside and would always travel over to her strawberry patch and vegetable garden to spread their dew there as well. Besides… have you ever smelled a patch of wild flowers?
  • Compost My grandmother (and I) both compost everything! I watched my grandma toss in eggshells, food scraps and anything that was made of waste. Remember your scraps are the gold for your garden!
  • Follow The Sun Always Misjudging sunlight is a common pitfall when you’re learning to garden. Pay attention to where the sun sets and what time it goes down. Sunlight plays through your yard before choosing a spot for your garden. Most edible plants, including many vegetables, herbs, and fruits, need at least 6 hours of sun in order to thrive.
  • Water Water Water Don’t forget to set your garden up close to your water source. I use rain water that I collect in barrels for my herb garden. Even if you only use a hose, this is vital.
  • Plant EVERYTHING with love and good intentions. My grandmother did this and her meals always had so much intention in them. I hope these tips help you and that you are on your way to planting with love! 

I love you,

only want the best for you

please love yourselves and drink your green juice:)


PS I’m going live in the early evening pacific tonight… simply click here and hit the follow button!

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