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Archive for the tag “tips for skin care”

Skin healing tonic! Get beautiful glowing skin now!

I recently had a client come to me that had suffered with eczema for almost three years! I created an AMAZING juice for her to drink each morning that solved her skin issue almost immediately! 

The recipe is as follows and it must be made fresh daily and drank on an empty stomach! EVERYTHING MUST ALWAYS BE ORGANIC WHEN JUICING!

6 carrots (High in vitamin A)

2 inches of burdock root (great liver detoxifier)

1/2 inch of turmeric root (anti inflamatory)

1/2 of one cucumber (excellent for acne)

two stalks of celery (high in natural salt and hydrochloric acid to aid digestion)

a pinch of powdered ginger (great for digestion)

a pinch of cinnamon (blood stabilizer)

a pinch of cayenne  (lymphatic mucous destroyer)

Juice all of the ingredients and then pinch in small amounts of the ginger, cinnamon and cayenne! Watch any and all symptoms disappear!

Skin healing tonic

Skin healing tonic

My skin tonic juice is the ABSOLUTE best for anyone suffering with acne, eczema or rosacea! Recipe is going on my blog at

My top ten tips for beautiful GLOWING skin!

WOW!  I sure do get a lot of questions about juicing, fitness, yoga, detoxification and raw food! Heck I even get questions about relationships ever since putting out my “love room” videos on my You Tube channel! The number one question I get however is about my skin care regimen! not a day goes by that people don’t ask me what I use to care for my skin! I even get people who ask me if I’ve had laser cosmetic treatments done to achieve a flawless complexion! The answer is NO! I’ve never touched my face with fillers or lasers…nor would I!

The truth of the matter is you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on cosmetic treatments! Nor do you need to spend hundreds of dollars on beauty creams that are LOADED with paragons, fragrances and colors! My skin care is as simple as my food! It’s cheap, efficient and leaves me glowing from the inside out!

As a teenager, I had terrible acne. At one point my mother even placed me on acutane! It was a drug with horrible side effects that got rid of acne at a VERY high cost to ones health! I begged her to let me get on it! I can remember my heels on my feet cracking to the point of bleeding because the drug was so incredibly drying to the system!

I’m so happy those days are over! I feel truly blessed to have found juices, raw living foods and true health from he inside out! It really is a blissful way to live!

Here are my top five skin care tips to GLOW!

1) JUICE! You simply cannot glow from the inside out if you are eating crap! The quickest way to clean up your diet is to start by juicing at least once per day! I’ll post my skin glowing elixir below!

2) EAT MORE RAW FOOD! Just like the cover of my first book says “Live food live body, dead food dead body”…Any questions?

3) Use only coconut oil to remove make up and grape seed oil to remove eye make up! These are he two most natural oils on the market today that resemble your skins natural oils!

4) EAT DIRT! YEP! One of the main reasons I created my breakfast formula and evening formula was to give my body ALL the micro nutrients, vitamins and minerals it needs without taking any isolated nutrients! Clay has it all and m clay is the best!

5) Don’t wear make up every day! I see women do this ALL the time and it kills me! Ladies, no need to wear make-up to the gym, the grocery or to take out the trash! LET THY SKIN BREATHE for the love of God! Make-up should be used as a “special occasion” type of thing! 

6) USE ONLY VEGAN, CRUELTY FREE, PARABEN FREE AND FRAGRANCE FREE COSMETICS! Anything else will clog your pores, screw with your hormone levels and leave your skin looking awful! Remember, your skin is the largest organ on your body! What you place on it goes into your blood stream in 15 minutes!

7) DRINK HALF TO ONE GALLON OF WATER PER DAY! I know i’m not the first person to tell you this! It really is that important! Hydration is key!

8) USE COCONUT OIL AS AN ALL OVER BODY MOISTURIZER! Yes, it works! No, its not greasy if you don’t OD on it! It also smells delicious!

9) GET YOUR ZZZZ’S! 7-9 hours per night is a must! Sleeping not only makes us look younger, it also reduces inflammation! So turn that computer off and rest up!

10) SWEAT! Moving your lymphatic system and sweating go hand in hand! This is a must to have glowing skin! 






Juice and devour knowing your skin is about to BEAM! 


Andrea Cox's glowing skin!

Andrea Cox’s glowing skin!

Andrea L Cox is a published author, TV personality, spokes person, fitness model and a health pioneer! She is known as “The detox Queen” to the stars! Andrea prides herself on being a cleansing raw food expert! She has certifications from CAHA California academy of holistic arts, Optimal Health Institute and a raw chef certification. She has authored two books, Raw-lic-ous recipes (a story of how she healed herself from bulimia through whole foods and detoxifying her body) and Juicing for beauty! She created “The Digital detox” program and leads juice fast retreats in both San Diego and now Kauai, Hawaii! (main site) (retreat website)

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