Andrea cox

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Archive for the tag “the secret to a happy life”

The Secret Sauce!

It took me a couple of decades but I think I’ve finally found the secret sauce to a good life, you ready?
After learning what it’s like to lose your parent tragically at nine years old. After almost dying from anorexia and bulimia in my twenties. After dropping EVERYTHING and moving across the country with a little white Lhasa named Louis and a HUGE overpriced handbag. After having my photos sold, resold, cat-fished and lied upon. After having 2 million and negative $2 dollars in my bank account.
After being engaged three times and leaving each situation with literally nothing. After going through two miscarriages alone. After being physically and creatively robbed about 2000 plus times. After standing up to a real life stalker and then later in life a cyber stalker…Here is my massive epiphany and it has nothing to do with coming to the realization that I’ll never have thin thighs and always have an extremely awkward waist to hip ratio. It does however have a lot to do with this!
After being judged for being
Too tall
Too thin
Too fat
Too conceited
Too insecure
Too pretty
Too ugly
Too intelligent
Too ignorant
Too happy
Too sad
Too clingy
Too aloof
Too creative
Too complacent
Too much of a hermit
Too decisive
Too indecisive
Too lazy
Too work focused
Too in shape
Too out of shape
Too spoiled
Too poor
Too rich
Too cocky
Too modest
Too closed off
Too open
Too self assertive
Too opinionated
Too haughty
Too proud
Too difficult (a personal favorite)
Too strong (second fav)
Too independent
Too quiet
Too loud
My huge epiphany is you will always be too much for someone and too little for someone else. The secret sauce recipe is to LEARN to tell them all to go fuck themselves and live your life according to how you see is best for you. This also means to learn to use the word fuck when writing without being afraid of what people will think:)!
I love you
Please love yourself and check out my latest video about “How to Deal with Difficult Situations”.

Free from judgement, free from cyber stalkers, free from creativity thieves… free to be me and free to love!


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