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The lymphatic benefits of daily exercise

I triple dipped today
Hiked with the dogs

Although I learned the importance of moving my body decades ago…it’s more evident to me now more than ever that the movement of the body is vastly related to the movement of our lymph.

What is lymph? The primary function of the lymphatic system is to transport and pump lymph (a fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells, throughout the body). The lymphatic system primarily consists of lymphatic vessels, which are similar to the circulatory system’s veins and capillaries. Basically the lymph allows the body to detox on a cellular level. tripple-dipping

Our lymph will not pump on it’s own. It requires walking or ideally bouncing (like I show you on a rebounder here).

These days, I don’t triple dip very often. Running two businesses solo doesn’t allow for that type of free time. I do however move my body daily. I also recommend the following tips to get your lymph moving more freely.

  1. Invest in a rebounder and or chi machine. These are ideal for stimulating the lymphatic system and getting things moving.
  2. Move your body prior to eating. Fasted cardio works!
  3. Try to walk a minimum of 500 steps after dinner
  4. Move your body a minimum of 30 minutes every morning.
  5. Try the walk away the pound videos on YouTube! These are a cheesy type of video that I have done for years. You literally can wake up and do them in your home! No investment needed!
  6. Get outside in nature! This is my number one tip! Whenever we breathe in fresh air oxygen levels raise in our bodies and this is how the body heals! I often grab the dogs and walk to a local lagoon about 3 miles from my house. Not only are the furry husbands getting their exercise but I get silent time in nature. It’s a win win.



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