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The Immune-Boosting Benefits of Juicing!


Got Juice?

There is surmounted evidence that juicing is beneficial for your immune system. I began juicing twenty-one years ago! Sure, here and there I may have missed a day or two. Usually, because I was water fasting. But overall my go-to “food” is my life-blood… juice!

Now more than ever it is imperative that you juice! I mean let’s face it, the world is a VERY unhealthy place! With all the viruses floating around, don’t you think it’s time you juice?

Look, friend, I know what you’re thinking. You are thinking it’s a pain in your ass to clean your juicer! You’re are thinking you don’t have the time! I’m here to PROVE to you that you DO have the time!

I run two businesses

I have two YouTube channels

I have two rescue dogs

I have 4 websites

I run an Etsy store

I have two other online stores

I hit the gym

Have an avid yoga practice

Heck, I even clean my own home!


My top reasons you should juice!

1) Heighten your vibration!

Many people develop clarity of mind while juicing. Solid foods slow down your system, juicing is a great time to go inward, reflect, and develop new insights. For that very reason, meditation, nature hikes, turning off your cell phone and yoga are fantastic additions to add to your detoxification juicing protocol!

2) Detox! Detox! Detox!

With all of these viruses floating around now is the time to detox! Juicing allows the body to heal from injury and disease by eliminating toxic wastes. The energy used for digestion can now go towards healing your body from ailments it couldn’t heal before.

3) Go Raw

Raw produce offers better nutrition than cooked foods. Many enzymes die at high heat, so eating raw foods ensures you get all the enzymes and nutrients you need. If you can, take this opportunity to go completely raw while you juice, do so!

4) Save money and stop wasting food

Did you know juicing allows you to squeeze out every drop of goodness and money from your organic produce! You might as well get the most from the foods you buy. When you squeeze out the juice from raw fruits and vegetables, you receive a concentration of nutrition! You get all the minerals, vitamins, and enzymes that might not otherwise be available in whole foods. You also can utilize food scraps such as kale stems in your juice! These are hard to digest foods that would otherwise be thrown in the trash!

5) Heal at a cellular level

When you juice your cells have the time to repair themselves and detoxify. During this time, they can regenerate and strengthen your immune system. Many juicers experience a boosted immune system and fight off viruses more easily.

6) Give your digestive system a rest

When intake juice instead of solid foods, you give your body an opportunity to put the energy normally used for digestion into elimination, recovery, and heal


I love you

Only want the best for you

Cilantro kisses ~ drink your juice

~ Andrea

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