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Trusting your intuition to balance your food, friends and family dynamics.

I was having a discussion with my friend who has also been a pioneer in the Raw food plant-based health movement the other day. We were discussing how we both became a bit apathetic a few years back and moved more Into the realm of spirituality with our businesses. And in my case starting a second business and YouTube channel in the realm of using my intuitive-guidance to help guide others. Not only in their health but also in the way of diving deep into their akashic records.

I can’t speak for her but I will say for me, it felt like a natural progression. She mentioned she became a bit bored. For me… it felt natural due to decades of cellular detoxification pushing me more and more towards my North node of Scorpio and the esoteric arts. It became a new way of thinking feeling and knowing that if I didn’t drop the judgment and perceptions that other people had of me and go towards what I truly wanted to go towards, I would be living in the same box that they were. One where judgements, ridicule and societal/childhood conditioning ruled me. One where always staying the same and making date balls in the kitchen and filming my Tasty Tuesday’s show would be the norm at age 90!

And I may very well be filming tasty Tuesdays when I am 90! But the fact of the matter is creating that second business which is a complete niche for me and utilizing my intuition to not only heal people but to guide them in the right direction was the right path for me.

In the near future you’ll see more and more of me working my magic and introducing you more to what I do at “The Detox Intuitive”. The natural alchemic process of healing with herbs, connecting the dots between the troublesome co-dependent relationships we have with others in connection to our past lives and our Akashic records. And my teachings of how to tune into your inner guidance and intuition to find the proper balance of foods friends and family dynamics that work best for your constitution and choices YOU wish to make in this lifetime. Not the choices and constraints that others see fit for you.

I’ve said for years “Our issues live in our tissues”. This means that you cannot have balanced relationships a successful business and a beautiful home life until you first balance the body. With the way my chart placements are it is easy for me to marry these two together incorporating them into one business, body mind spirit and soul. 

Andrea Cox ~ Celebrity Vegan Chef ~ The Detox Queen

And don’t you worry! I am still going to be putting out raw vegan recipes, detox programs and videos on Andrea Cox TV! In fact, how about a simple salad recipe below! 

Simplicity is beautiful!

Today I hiked in the sun, harvested one of my aloe plants and fell asleep in the grass next to my dogs. It was peaceful and somewhat dreamy.  Life is so much more clear when you spend the day in nature.

When I woke, this creamy dressing came to mind! I hope you enjoy the recipe! Feel free to share!

Andrea’s Simplicity Salad Recipe 

4 Cups of wild greens such as arugula, mustard greens and spinach

a handful of chopped tomatoes 

1 cucumber chopped


4 TB stone ground mustard

1 avocado

4 TB Gluten-free nutritional yeast

3 TB apple cider vinegar

Directions: Blend salad ingredients in a blender and pour over greens. Enjoy without shame or guilt! 

Andrea Cox simple salad

The Best Christmas Gift Ever!

Hi Beautiful!

Today I found out that I’ve been published in The Huffington Post. The article I wrote came out a few weeks ago & I didn’t even know due to being so busy!

As an artist, writer & detox expert, this is HUGE for me! I’m incredibly grateful for my boyfriend who reads The Huffington Post everyday. He turned me onto them. That gave me the drive to want to be published there!

 Good things happen to good people who work hard! I would have never thought ten years ago in the midst of my eating disorder that I would be  living out my dreams in so many ways! This is a very proud moment for me! 

You can read the article here –> click here I would be humbled with gratitude if you shared the article on your social media!

I’m feeling that this will be the brightest Christmas will be the BRIGHTEST Christmas yet!  I hope you have a very merry Christmas too! Merry Christmas

Andrea L Cox is the owner of  The Healthy Haven &  (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!)

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach & author who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people! 

Andrea’s articles on detox, health, raw food, juicing and relationships have been published by Body Mind Green, The Huffington Post, The Good Men Project, Fashion 5 point 0 and several other publications!

Latest face

 Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her home town of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities! 

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

If you’ve not checked out Andrea’s Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Twitter yet FOLLOW her below!!! She would love to see you there! 

 Facebook click here

Twitter click here

YouTube click here

Instagram click here



Its my anniversary!

Today is a special anniversary for me:)
Ten years ago I made a pact with myself on this very day to go raw vegan! I never looked back! At the age of 25, I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired!

The first eight years I stayed 100% raw. During the last two years I invited small amounts of cooked food in. 

I DON’T BELIEVE in labels! Not at all! I will say this. I feel best eating a 100% raw diet! It just works for me! It feels good! People tell me I look good and that I GLOW!

Today I made another pack with myself! I made a pack to place myself first. I made a pack to begin creating my raw master pieces every weekend so I’m able to stay raw. 
sxWhen you find something that truly works for you….you just, DO IT!

Ten beautiful years ago, I found my calling and I ended a cycle of abuse that took the form of an eating disorder that almost killed me.

Today, I’m proud to be known as “The Detox Queen”, “Raw food celebrity chef” and the “Queen of juice”! I earned every single one of those titles and wear them proud!

What appeared to be “a crazy fad” in my small town of Ohio has become my life’s calling!

I truly believe that our health is our wealth! You better bet that I’m here to get the word out and to change the World! One juice at a time♡♡♡

What I ate today on my raw anniversary:)
Watermelon rind juice, fresh local raspberries, date melon salad, coconut turmeric wraps and raw dark chocolate:) Food fit for a Queen♡♡♡SEXY FOOD

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