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Archive for the tag “Ten benefits of juicing”

Why you should be juicing daily!

Good morning beautiful!

If you have been a friend of mine on social media or, if you have read this news letter for a while now, chances are you know I’m the QUEEN of juice! That being said, I got a disturbing Email the other day from a woman who says she cannot stand to juice! She actually said it takes to long to clean up after she’s finished! I’m not sure what juicer she’s using but mine takes 3-4 minutes max! She ended her email with the following question…

“Andrea, what’s the benefit of juicing anyway”?

As if there is only one benefit! Smug! Alright alright, I know, we all have to start somewhere! Her email did however make me feel as though I’ve not been CRYSTAL clear about my juicing views! This email is for her and for you too! 🙂 

My top ten reasons you need to juice!

1) Hydration! Juicing is a good source of liquids & we need plenty of liquids in order to stay properly hydrated!

2) Toss out your vitamins! When we begin to juice suddenly we realize what a game changer it is! It’s a blood transfusion of vitamins and minerals! We can literally toss the junk out in the plastic bottles! Juicing is like a blood transfusion of vitamins and minerals.

3) Antioxidants & Phytochemicals! Minerals and super hero powers anyone? When you juice fruits and vegetables, you get specific vitamins and minerals in a natural, easily absorbable form! Most of these simply cannot be extracted & absorbed when eaten!

4) Plant based Protein! Think protein can’t be found in fruits and vegetables? Think again! Not only will you be getting all the protein you need from plants, you’ll be able to absorb it much better! Why? Because it’s not dead & decomposing! Yuck!

5) Absorption! When you drink juice, the nutrients get into your bloodstream in about 15 minutes! That’s quick! Think “blood transfusion of nutrients” to feed you on a cellular level!

6) Less Digestive Work! Your body will thank you for giving it a rest! Less energy on digesting means more energy for healing!

7) Curve your sweet tooth! Juicing allows you to curve your cravings by giving you the opportunity to nourish your cells! Choose foods like green apples, carrots, beets or even oranges to sweeten your juice! Pretty soon, you’ll be off of the sugar train and onto the juicing train!

8) Get the GLOW! Juicing truly is the #1 way to have great skin! Gone are the days of spending money on expensive creams that are FULL of aging chemicals! With juicing, you can turn back the clock without all of the clogging greasy packaged product lies the cosmetic industry sells!

9) Disease Prevention! Juicing is one of many secrets Big Pharma doesn’t want you to learn! They know that as soon as you begin your juicing journey, they’ll be out of business! Just look at the major natural healing institutes around the world! The number one protocol they all have in common is a regimen of juicing daily!

10) Got Enzymes! There is no better way to up your enzyme intake than by juicing! Fruit and vegetable juices provide a plethora of enzymes! Enzymes spark the essential chemical reactions we need to live! They are necessary for digesting food, clearing brain fog and for providing energy on a cellular level! Not to mention the effect enzymes have for repairing vital tissues in the body!

Alright, the message is clear! Get to juicing! Your mind, body and cells will thank you!

If this article has helped you, Please SHARE this on your social media! If I see you share it, I’ll create more healthy happy motivational pieces to inspire you to create healthy habits! Have a great day & Be well!

If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!

Andrea L Cox

Why you should be juicing daily!

Good morning beautiful!

If you have been a friend of mine on social media or if you read this news letter for a while now, chances are you know I’m the QUEEN of juice! That being said, I got a disturbing Email the other day from a woman who says she cannot stand to juice! She actually said it takes to long to clean up after she’s finished! I’m not sure what juicer she’s using but mine takes 3-4 minutes max! She ended her email with the following question…
“Andrea, whats the benefit of juicing anyway”?
As if there is only one benefit! Smug! Alright alright, I know, we all have to start somewhere! Her email did however make me feel as though I’ve not been CRYSTAL clear about my juicing views! This email is for her and for you too! 🙂 

My top ten reasons you need to juice!


1) Hydration! Juicing is a good source of liquids & we need plenty of liquids in order to stay properly hydrated!

2) Toss out your vitamins! When we begin to juice suddenly we realize what a game changer it is! It’s a blood transfusion of vitamins and minerals! We can literally toss the junk in the plastic bottles!

3) Antioxidants & Phytochemicals! Minerals and super hero powers anyone? When you juice fruits and vegetables, you get specific vitamins and minerals in a natural, easily absorbable form! Most of these simply cannot be extracted & absorbed when eaten!

4) Plant based Protein! Think protein can’t be found in fruits and vegetables? Think again! Not only will you be getting all the protein you need from plants, you’ll be able to absorb it much better! Why? Because it’s not dead & decomposing! Yuck!

5) Absorption! When you drink juice, the nutrients get into your bloodstream in about 15 minutes! That’s quick! Think “blood transfusion of nutrients” to feed you on a cellular level!

6) Less Digestive Work! Your body will thank you for giving it a rest! Less energy on digesting means more energy for healing!

7) Curve your sweet tooth! Juicing allows you to curve your cravings by giving you the opportunity to nourish your cells! Choose foods like green apples, carrots, beets or even oranges to sweeten your juice! Pretty soon, you’ll be off of the sugar train and onto the juicing train!

8) Get the GLOW! Juicing truly is the #1 way to have great skin! Gone are the days of spending money on expensive creams that are FULL of aging chemicals! With juicing, you can turn back the clock without all of the clogging greasy packaged product lies the cosmetic industry sells!

9) Disease Prevention! Juicing is one of many secrets Big Pharma doesn’t want you to learn! They know that as soon as you begin your juicing journey, they’ll be out of business! Just look at the major natural healing institutes around the world! The number one protocol they all have in common is a regimen of juicing daily!

10) Got Enzymes! There is no better way to up your enzyme intake than by juicing! Fruit and vegetable juices provide a plethora of enzymes! Enzymes spark the essential chemical reactions we need to live! They’re are necessary for digesting food, clearing brain fog and for providing energy on a cellular level! Not to mention the effect enzymes have for repairing vital tissues in the body!

Alright, the message is clear! Get to juicing! Your mind, body and cells will thank you!

If this article has helped you, Please SHARE this on your social media! If I see you share it, I’ll create more healthy happy motivational pieces to inspire you to create healthy habits! Have a great day & Be well!
If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:

Andrea L Cox

Andrea Leigh Cox is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people!

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her hometown of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities!

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at


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