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Start Detoxing From Drugs Or Alcohol Today!

Have you ever struggled with addiction? Do you have a friend, family member, or loved one who has? Addiction can be damaging not just to the person with the addiction but also to their friends and family members.

I am not licensed to deal with people who are going through severe drug withdraw. I do however work with major institutions that recommend me when people have finished their withdrawal process and wish to return to a healthier lifestyle.

With each of my one on one retreat clients, my stance stays the same. I teach them how to eat, juice and properly food combine. I get them onto strong herbal protocols to support their adrenal glands. I re-enforce their self-esteem and inner wisdom to aid them in making proper choices for their future.

One thing is for certain, Juicing is a total GAME CHANGER! Especially if you have ever struggled with addiction or recovery! My underground list of elite clientele who struggle in this area sees miraculous results when they come to my retreats! Here’s the link to my one on one living foods juice fasting retreats


If you can manage symptoms on your own, consider these eight steps to safely detoxify your body. 


Look, I know this seems rough but at the beginning of a detox, you will want to stop consuming drugs and alcohol completely. This is imperative to find your balance. In order to rid your body completely of any substance, you must stop participating in the habit itself. This will allow your body to begin shedding the toxins it has long accumulated. The sooner you quit, the faster you’ll get healthy.


Alcohol dehydrates your body and can cause unpleasant side effects like headaches, muscle pain, and fatigue. By drinking lots of quality spring water, you can eliminate these symptoms. High quality high vibrational water (see my video here) also has the added benefit of naturally detoxing you at a cellular level. It flushes out your system, bringing chemicals, toxins, fats, and other unwanted items with it as it exits your body. I have my clients drinking 1 gallon of quality charged water per day!


The best way to change what your body craves on a cellular level is to feed your body high vibrating living foods. Ideally a raw food diet. Every client that does a private detox or group retreat with me consumes raw living foods and cold-pressed juices.

living foods






The best way to get your body jump-started into the healing process is by juicing. Drinking all-natural juiced fruits and vegetables is basically a shortcut to getting all the vitamins and minerals your body needs. It’s like a blood transfusion of vitamins! You can drink about five times more vegetables and fruits than you can eat because your body is only filling up on the juice (where the vitamins are) instead of also consuming the meat of the plant. This is beneficial because you get large amounts of vitamins and can consume more in a day, which is key to proper nutrition.

juice cleanse

juice cleanse


Eliminating toxins through waste, exercise, and sweating are the best ways to start ridding your body of its unhealthy build-up. By accelerating your heart and causing your body to sweat, you’re eliminating the unhealthy toxins through your pores. Running, biking, hot yoga, or any other exercise will not only help you detox but will also produce endorphins in your brain that can keep you in good spirits through this difficult process. An alternative method to remove toxins is to get yourself in a sauna. Not only is this a great way to de-stress, but the heavy amount of sweat that is produced releases chemicals out of your body.

I have two types of saunas I use with my clients. The infrared sauna and also a Finland style sauna that uses hot coals. Believe it or not, both serve a very valuable purpose in cellular detoxification. Epsom salt baths are another great way to accomplish the same thing. Hot water opens your pores and the salt carries the toxins away. I use a resonate light machine with my clients to help with the mental component and the physical components of their cellular detoxification from drugs and alcohol.


Lessen the stress: In the hectic world we live in, it can be hard to avoid stress. Make sure to unwind and treat yourself well each day. Stress hormones, such as cortisol, are detrimental to your health and path towards detoxification and healing. Stay away from coffee and cigarettes: Not only are they harmful toxins themselves, but they can also reinforce unhealthy habits that trigger addiction.

Every client I work with gets on a good herbal protocol after taking the free health assessment on my website. I also highly recommend to my clients that they get a lymphatic massage. This is another great stress-reducer and can aid in the release of toxins from your body via the lymphatic system.


Most of us are sleep-deprived. Ideally, you should get eight to nine hours of sleep a night to reduce stress and keep your body in peak health. You want to get on a good sleep-wake pattern prior to beginning your detoxification process.


Get your family and friends involved: Anyone can take these detox steps to build a healthier life. Having a support system is vitally important. When you can offer support and help one another to keep everyone on track. Start Detoxing From Drugs Or Alcohol Today! The decision to begin to detox is a big step and not one to be taken lightly. By following the above recommendations, you can start on the path to a healthy, drug- and alcohol-free life.

If you or someone you know is suffering from substance abuse and need detox support, please contact us today to learn how we can help after you’ve gone through an initial protocol. Sometimes learning to feed yourself, learning to juice, and discovering the best herbal protocol for you can win the race over drugs and alcohol! 

I hope these tips helped you! I only want the best for you

For more information on my one on one cellular detoxification retreats and coaching, contact me on my business cell at 937-760-0865

Copyright © Andrea Leigh Cox 2020

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