Andrea cox

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Types of Water and how much should you drink to stay hydrated.

One of the biggest questions my clients ask me is “what type of and how much water should I drink“?
Before I share with you the type of water I drink (I’m a bit of a water snob myself) let me share the different types of water available. 
There are a lot of choices available when it comes to what water you should drink. I’m a bit of a water snob myself and prefer mountain valley spring water to drink. Municipal drinking or tap water, well water, artesian well water, natural spring water, mineral water, distilled water, ionized/alkaline water and reverse osmosis water.  All of these choices make it very confusing to know what is good, what is bad and what is a fad. Let me explain a little about each one.  

Types of water


I drink 32 oz of warm water every morning

Municipal drinking or “tap water”

Tap water is chemically treated and filtered water, it has trace amounts of impurities, hazardous chemicals and pharmaceuticals in it.  It often has fluoride added too. If you’ve been with me for any length of time you know that I see fluoride as the antichrist. It ruins the thyroid gland.


Well water

Well water is water from an aquifer that is brought to the surface by a man made apparatus such as a pump or bucket.  This could be a very good or very bad choice depending on the environment around the well.

Artesian well water

Well water is water brought to the Earth’s surface by a hole under pressure from the aquifer that is between two permeable surfaces. The water from these wells are filtered by the porous rock that the water travels through to get to the aquifer. It is similar to a natural spring water source except the path that the water rises to the surface from. Because it is man made. This water is usually high in minerals.

Natural spring water

Spring water (my personal favorite) is water that is brought to the surface by pressure through cracks and fissures in a porous rock formation and sourced from an aquifer. This water is often rich in natural minerals and less acidic than other water choices. I personally love the way this water tastes! 

Mineral water

Mineral water is water that has a minimum of 250 parts per million (ppm) of dissolved salts or sulfur compounds, these minerals can be naturally or artificially added.  Sometimes CO2 is added to make it sparkling mineral water.

Holistic health coach Andrea Cox stays hydrated with tea, juice and fruit.


Your skin is the largest organ of your body 

Getting an adequate filtration system for your shower head is also ideal. The skin is the largest organ of the body. We absorb the water that hits our skin like a sponge. I find that a shower filter in the $65 dollar range from a local hardware store is adequate.
shower filters

shower filters

Finding good water while traveling!

I tend to find healthy water in glass bottles while traveling easily. And at the end of the day, if I am traveling and need to hydrate i’ll just buy some distilled water for my enemas and spring water to suffice my thirst.
I hope this healthy living hydration article helped you.
I love you ~ please love yourself
remember I only want the very best for you.
Cilantro kisses ~ Andrea


My Birthday Wish!

I treated myself to a healthy gift for my birthday today!

Today is my birthday! I woke up at the crack of dawn and headed to a meditation center next to my home for yoga. The sky was stunning as I walked out!

I decided to treat myself to a beautiful gift of health after leaving yoga! I went and harvested fresh spring water! You too can harvest your own by going to to find the closest location to tap into this life force water!

I’ll be FaceTiming with my family later and enjoying the beautiful weather with my doggies! Since I can’t see my Facebook wall due to y’all sharing birthday blessings on it:)

I personally think mothers are the ones that need to be honored on birthdays! They are the ones who go through the pain of birthing and raising us! I always thank my mom for birthing, raising and putting up with all my crap!

I may go visit my favorite crystal store in Encinitas today! I’ve been eyeing a HUGE amethyst for over a year now! It’s time to treat myself! Tomorrow we will be launching a brand new website! YAY! I’ve worked on this with a BRILLIANT millennial for a few months now! This is my TRUE calling in this life time and I am praying y’all support me in this new spiritual vision! The new website will have a plethora of health, detoxification and spiritual offerings!

I can honestly say that even though the past year has been extremely confusing and difficult. I am more excited about life today than EVER before!

Thank you for all the birthday love!!!

I only want the best for you ~ Andrea

My Birthday Wish ~ Many of you have requested a PO Box to send gifts. I would prefer you donate to your local high kill animal shelter. If you do this and send me a donation receipt as proof, I will send you one of my programs for FREE! YAY!

Birthday blessings with fresh spring water!

Birthday blessings with fresh spring water!

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