Andrea cox

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Strength – Meaning

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the word strength. The people in my life who have embodied strength and some who have not. I come from a lineage of strong women. We all have been tested just as I’m sure you have been too.

Lately however the word strength has provided a different meaning. One that goes beyond courage.

There is a natural rhythm to life. A rhythm that should generally flow in a relaxing way. Sometimes however our strength is tested purposely. Not by the Universe but by people who have some sort of karmic beef with us unbeknown to us. By people or even ourselves when we haven’t done “the work”. It’s important to recognize that these unknown issues they (or you, or anyone) may be struggling with really have nothing to do with us at all.

It could be something like a deep issue from childhood. Maybe you remind them of a parental figure who somehow wounded them. It can also be that they aren’t doing what they feel is their life’s calling and want to blame and shame you for following your destined path. More seriously it could be a past life issue which can evoke jealousy or anger. Or, that they haven’t been taking care of themselves in the correct manner. Remember, “our issues LIVE in our tissues”!

My new meaning of the word strength is this… Strength when you’ve been forced into battles you never wanted to partake in and still feel victoriously grateful.

Life feels like art to me these days! Like a peaceful work of art that I am building from the ground up. Purified, strengthened and true to self. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever felt more happy or free! 

I invite you to discover your strengths in both health and within your spirituality. Please subscribe to both of my YouTube channels below. Discover the real you who has been buried within past pain. 



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