Andrea cox

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Eating better as you enter the 5D

It’s been months since I’ve had to buy fruits or vegetables at the grocery. There is abundant joy in growing your own food! I hit the store today for some dried herbs oils, vinegar,s and raw sweeteners to make a batch of my own dressings! I always put dressings in all my plant-based books but my next book has several! For me, it’s all bout Eating better as you enter the 5D!

I’m so excited about my new book, the future, and the way this world is changing! I literally FEEL like each day is becoming more fruitful than the next! People are waking up to the fact that they must change the way they eat, move, and live! This has been a dream of mine for decades… for this world to awaken to the truth!

I’m about to share with you a small change yielding BIG results! Let’s catapult you into eating better as you enter the 5D!

If you’re not currently making your own salad dressings I highly recommend it. There are so many fillers in the dressings you buy at the store! Many contain atrocious ingredients Such as calcium disodium (EDTA) and hydrolyzed vegetable protein (a source of MSG)!

With just a few ingredients (many that you can buy in bulk) you can save money and create delicious healthy alternatives! I make everything from… a dairy-free ranch dressing out of cashews to my famous tahini bikini salad dressing which is in a base of raw tahini!

There is never a need to waste the money or throw away your health on store-bought salad dressings. In fact, those very dressings that you are covering your greens with may be loaded with cancer-causing chemicals.

Wise up! Grow your own food and start making your own meals! Your body mind and soul will thank you

Raw Vegan Dressings

grocery haul

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Below is a Fantastic Raw Vegan 5D Recipe to aid you during your ascension process!

Pour me a rainbow dressing

I’ve said time and time again that I don’t believe in eating overt fats. Overt fats are oils. I prefer you to eat an avocado instead of avocado oil, coconut meat instead of coconut oil, and olives instead of olive oil.

That being said, there are some people that just have to have a vinaigrette! They simply will not eat a salad unless you give them oil and vinegar on top.

For these people, I have designed a beautiful dressing that has a rainbow of colors! This is a crowd-pleasing dressing that won’t lower your vibration! My pour me a rainbow dressing will not slow your Ascension process just because it has a base of an overt fat. I have lightened it up with a plethora of colorful vegetables in order to balance out the energy.


1 cup of high-quality olive oil

1/2 cup raw apple cider vinegar 

2 stalks of celery

1/4 of a white large onion

4 TB dried garlic flakes

3 TB red pepper flakes

3 TB dried carrot flakes

2 tsp raw honey

2 tsp green stevia powder (green only) 


Put all the ingredients in a high-powered blender and blend until you get a rich golden green or red color! 

Note: The color of this dressing will always change depending on the amount of ingredients you use. Here I show it with more celery (rich green color) and with more red pepper flakes (golden-red color). 

I encourage you to play with the different types of vegetables you add. This dressing will keep in the fridge for up to two weeks.

Green Goddess dressing

Green Goddess dressing




pour me a rainbow dressing

pour me a rainbow dressing



Health benefits of my Pour me a rainbow dressing

  1. Apple cider vinegar is amazing for digestion
  2.  Olive oil is a natural anti-inflammatory
  3. Green leaf Stevia is a cancer preventative, this herb can also grow abundantly in any garden. 

Eating for ascension really isn’t that difficult.

  •  It’s about making sound choices for yourself and your family.
  • It’s about not buying packaged processed foods.
  •  It’s about not buying into the “Got Milk” ads or fast food commercials that you see on TV! 
  • It’s about learning to grow your own food
  • It’s about cultivating old ways of living such as our ancestors did. For me, this means making my own fermented foods such as sauerkraut.
  • It means growing, making, and storing your own pickled and canned goods in mason jars.
  • It means making more food at home and eating out less or maybe not eating out at all. 

Further assistance along your path…

Having issues with your ascension process? Let’s have a one on one session together to remove those blocks that are holding you back. This is common among many people today. I’ve listed two popular roads that many of my clients who are ready to ascend in a major way tend to choose.

You can read about them by clicking the links below. I look forward to holding your hand along this short journey we call life. Whether helping you get on a path towards Eating for Ascension or, aiding you with intuitive guidance, I’m ready to listen with an open heart and innovative strategic mind.

Self Mastery : A Complete Guide to Actualizing Your Potential Spiritual Self – Mastery

Someone needs to hear this today…

In your darkest hour may you find the light

There’s a part of this lock down that is bringing out something deep inside of you that has been hidden. Something deep inside your heart that represents a lost soul part you have long forgotten about. Today and each day moving forward reach down inside and grab those missing soul parts.

You can do this by sitting in silence or practicing breath with movement like I do. Maybe it’s a business endeavor that you sat on for far too long. Maybe you had a dream about becoming a yoga instructor and now is your time. Maybe you’ve always wanted to be a painter but you’ve feared your works of art would be over looked. A few suggestions below on how to remain tapped in and turned on to self mastery during these times of confusion.

Andrea’s Top Tips for self mastery

* Get out in nature ~ Time in nature is vital for me. There are certain days that I find myself only wanting to lay in a spot along local my hike to spend hour laying in the grass. Some of the benefits of spending time in nature are…

  • Encourages Physical Activity and Engagement
  • Reduces Stress.
  • Improves Short-Term and Working Memory
  • Reduces Inflammation
  • Relieves Depression and Anxiety.
  • Grounding

* gentle yoga ~ Yoga has long been my happy place! I discovered hot yoga Bikram Yoga 15 years ago. The first three years that I moved to SoCal (ten years ago) I attended yoga every day! Yes! Every day! Now, I do my own practice daily. I’m actually finding that although I do miss my group classes, I enjoy my nature yoga just as much.

* meditation ~ Meditation has been a learning practice for me. I find that women tend to flow more towards a moving meditation instead of a sitted meditation (who made that rule anyway). 

A few scientific benefits of meditation are …

  • Stress reduction is one of the most common reasons people try meditation
  • Less stress translates to less anxiety
  • Promotes Emotional Health
  • Enhances Self-Awareness
  • May Reduce Age-Related Memory Loss
  • Can Generate a sense of kindness and gratitude
  • May Help Fight Addictions

* Fasting (I tend to do periodic fasting often) People refer to me as the fasting QUEEN! In fact, I have quite a few viral videos on fasting. Here are a few benefits of fasting below. Oh and check out this video I shot on fasting here!

  • Body fat loss
  • Increased fat burning
  • Lowered blood sugar levels
  • Reversal of type 2 diabetes
  • Improved mental clarity and concentration
  • Increased energy
  • Increased growth hormone

* Sun gazing ~ The pineal gland along with the pituitary are considered master glands.  The pineal gland helps regulate our sleep/wake cycle​ and produces two very important hormones; serotonin and melatonin.

Serotonin AKA the “happy hormone” is produced during the daytime. Melatonin also referred to as the “hormone of darkness” is produced in the evening.  It is the production of melatonin that makes us drowsy.  When we are asleep, melatonin converts to DMT or dimethyltryptamine, which triggers dreams and other astral travels.

The scientific fact that the sun helps to decalcify the pineal gland makes this one of the best benefits of sungazing and solar work.  Probably the most well-known and documented sungazer is Hira Ratan Manek aka HRM.​ Dr. George C. Bernard, a leading authority on the pineal gland, was part of a team of scientist that confirmed HRM had significant pineal gland growth and restoration.

I try to sun gaze daily. Another self loving habit I’ve done since the age of sixteen. 

* Writing ~ When I was 10 years old my teacher called my mother in for a “meeting”. To my mothers surprise, my third grade teacher boasted about my writing skills telling my mother that my written stories and ability to be empathetic towards others brought her to tears. That was an awesome day for my mother and I. Since then I’ve been published everywhere including the Huffington Post, Your Tango and The Good Men Project. I find that my best written work is during times of stress. I suggest taking a journal to bed with you. Writing down whatever is stressing you out in order to have a great night’s sleep. Just leave it on paper. 

* Spiritual Baths ~ Ah, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my spiritual baths and have an entire series of them going into my members section found here! Spiritual baths allow the body, mind and especially the soul to release stress anxiety old wounds and patterns. Do them often! 

* Develop a talent that requires daily practice ~ Developing a talent that requires daily practice gives you a goal to achieve and another reason to get out of bed in the morning. My current talent is sound healing! Another membership perk! I was blessed by my sister to be gifted the most stunning singing bowls. They are truly the holy grail for me. a form of relief from every day stress. My chakras have never been so clear calm and free!

I love you, Only want the very best for you.

Please love yourself.


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