Andrea cox

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Cultivating Abundance a Money Ritual

Many people view me as living an abundant life! Not just within the realm of finances but within the way I create, live and eat. You see whatever I create in life, I make it abundant!

Take these blueberries for example. They aren’t just sprayed blueberries you would find at the store. These are fresh blueberries from a local farmer and my stunning red roses I grew with love surrounding them!  Everything I create in life is beautiful. It’s beautiful because it’s made and created with a deep ancestral love.

Andrea Cox, Farm fresh blueberries

My grandmother had a hill of flowers next to her home. She grew the majority of her food and made everything from scratch. My mother and oldest sister always took time in the mornings getting ready and making themselves beautiful. My middle sister has the strongest work ethic I know and both my older sisters and I are driven when it comes to business.

For me, I never understood how people could not see their food as art? How people could not have flowers growing with succulents at their front door. I am in a constant state of bewilderment at how people can view dead decomposing animals as fit for human consumption.

Not recognizing that we eat with our eyes and that having beautiful growth all around us is not abundant is a cardinal sin in my view. The more abundant our surroundings the more abundant our wallet becomes! 

Once something is dead and decomposing I don’t want it rotting in my body. Nor do I wish to have my consciousness filled with the suffering or death that an innocent animal endured. In the same token, this is not how an abundant mind thinks either. If you think for a moment filling your body with death will create life in your wallet, you’re wrong! 

I’m encouraging each and every one of you today to take the same love that you have for your dog or your cat and to direct that to your dinner table. Because at the end of the day there’s not any difference between a pig a cow and your pet that sleeps at the end of your bed. And from an abundance view point, the less death you consume the healthier your body will be and the more abundance will flow! 

Now I want to share with you my Thursday money ritual! I’ve done this ritual for years!

Every Thursday I do a ceremony in my beautiful home filled with 400 pound salt lamps, crystals and herbs that I grew and steeped for months upon months.

It’s an abundance ceremony! 

I chant, sing and dance while cleansing the energy with a Mexican Sage, Palo Santo Copal Blend smudge bouquet and invite new fresh energy and abundance into flow.

I call upon God and my loving ancestors who walked before me. I clean my floors with rain water and have a vegan feast in the evening.

It seems to work for me. The last time I checked there’s no husband hidden in the closet that takes care of the bills. I have an abundance of fresh organic food. Clean alkaline water and all my needs are met every month beyond what I could ever desire!

My pups and I get our hair done and we are able to set aside for our magical future!

If you wish me to add your name to a nice little list to RECEIVE abundance just hit the like button and say “I receive” in the comments below!

Abundance Ritual


I love you, only want the best for you

Please be mindful, Go Vegan and always remember… Money Flows!


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