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Awaken Through The Lessons ~ Coaching & Spiritual Detoxification Retreats!

For years I didn’t know how I would ever be able to clear out the emotional clutter of the co-dependent relationships of the past. I had no clue how to end LONG KARMIC CYCLES of on and off relationships or in and out behavior. I was fighting with the people that were the most dear to my heart. Those who I loved the most. I wasnt visiting my family or cultivating close friendships into my life. I was over working while being under paid. I felt like I wasnt truly living my lifes purpose.

My name in the raw vegan detoxification movement was up there with the big boys! But my soul was crying out for more. I knew there had to be MUCH MORE to what I was destined to leave as my legacy. More than just juices and a group of happy glowing people that I had taught my secrets to.


I’ve taken two decades of eating a living foods diet, juicing every day and my cellular detoxification secrets and combined them with a way of communicating with others from a perspective that includes our astrological chart and past life connections. This way of communicating evokes healing past pain to create a better future. Whether you join me for a month of one on one coaching or, for a retreat in a group setting. This program is sure to work in your life towards healing your health, mind and your relationships.

As our past life trauma is awakened the realization that we are working through our soul groups to create change is learned. Here is where REAL IMPROVEMENT OCCURS! Here is the kicker… the one fact that EVERYONE tends to miss! Our issues live in our tissues! If you don’t start detoxifying your body on a cellular level, these past life traumas will never truly come alive! They will simply stay dormat and you will continue to suffer.

With your health

your work

your family

and especially within the rhealm of your relationships!

So how does this work? How do you sign up today to be a part of this transformational life changing experience? You simply make a choice! You ask yourself the following question. 

Do I learn better over an extended period of time? Or, am I more receptive to learning when in a group setting away from home?


Here is the List of ceremonies and classes at the retreat

Divine feminine & Divine masculine Connection

Plants as medicine

Raw Living Foods Education

Food combining

Elixir Tonic making to heal adrenal failure

Juicing with Andrea

Vision board Creation

Daily yoga and meditation

Birth chart and reading from Andrea

Colonics and coffee enemas

Transformational breath work

Lymphatic drainage massage

Learn to lead and partake in moon rituals

All fresh organic juices, raw living foods and supplements provided All fragrance free, chemical free and fluoride free toiletries will be provided. A journal for jotting down Andrea’s recipes and your thoughts will be provided. IN A LUXURIOUS ALL-INCLUSIVE RESORT IN SUNNY SAN DIEGO!


List of classes through our coaching program

The coaching program embodies each of the above cerimonies and rituals that I will be teaching for you. This is excellent for those of you who simply cannot take off from work, or who want a one on one experience with me leading the way.

We speak over skype, Facetime or the phone three times per week for about one hour each call. You also have my personal cell number to reach out to me at ANY TIME within business hours. For services such as the lymphatic drainage, yoga and breath work, I’ll be referring you to the proper instructors in your area from my own personal data base.

To Book Your Retreat Simply Click Here

To Sign Up For Coaching You May E-mail me @

Remember, I only want the best for you ~ Congrats on taking the first step towards loving yourself ~ Andrea


A message for us as an Awakened Conscious Whole

Daily Message ~ People who truly build and give do not discriminate. They do not base their choices on societal standards or social norms. They invite, include and have compassion for all races and creeds INCLUDING animals of every breed ~ Andrea Cox

We’ve entered into a time where everyone is desiring peace , unconditional love, forgiveness & acceptance.

Gone are the days of struggle

Gone are the days of being indecisive about our path

Gone are the days of not taking all into consideration. It’s not about you or me it’s about community. It’s not about the wealthy or the poor it’s about all classes. It’s not about black or white , gay or straight it’s about having

100% acceptance and giving as one community.

Because people who truly build and give do not discriminate. They do not base their choices on societal standards or social norms. They invite, include and have compassion for all races and creeds INCLUDING animals of every breed.

Show me the word collective (that rhymes with selective) and I will laugh. But show me the words conscious awakened whole and I will cheer.


Because we are all one!

Every race

Every religion

Every human animal and species…

Until we stop taking from mother Earth to build tall buildings and pollute our earth we will not be set free.

Until we stop using, abusing and slaughtering animals for food our earth and all of its unique creatures will not be set free.

Until we stop allowing our government and the “modern man” to abuse technology to peer into our most private intimate moments we will not be free.

Until we stop passing judgment on what religion, sexual preference or skin color should be accepted as the norm we will not understand freedom.

We are whole when see clearly that we are one.

Please enjoy this video I shared just this morning about this subject on my spiritual channel The Detox Intuitive 




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