Andrea cox

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Archive for the tag “solo wellness retreats”

The Omphalos Of Many Dreams

I was recently hired to consult with a woman who is building her lifelong dream of a space for women to heal. Through my work with her I am rediscovering my own dreams. This tends to happen when you are surrounded by positive feminine energy.

All of us have something in common. We all have a life purpose. I’m going to share with you one of my life purposes. A lifelong dream of mine. I have a crystal clear vision of owning a beautiful resort center preferably out of this country or in the desert near my family. Creating a beautiful oasis where we all can heal and grow. A place where we are all loved and not judged. A place where dogs roam free and where we don’t feel the need to dim our light in order to make others feel comfortable. I’ve always seen myself living on site. Tending to the gardens. Creating my healthy potions and juices. Walking a path of my own sacred truth while helping others discover their own. People of all walks of life will come to me to heal & Detox on a cellular level.

Some will arrive healthy

Others will arrive ill

All will leave better than when they arrived

Last night I came across two spaces for sale that are truly calling to my soul. I am open to infinite possibilities as I step forward through this next portal door of creating my own reality. I intend on making this dream a vivid space of freshly pressed organic juices, sound healing, permaculture, creative release art, yoga, breath-work, Shamanic herbalism, whole living foods, and healing on a cellular level. This will be a place where positive self talk and positive intentions towards others will be the only practice allowed.

Through my positive thinking, visualization and hard work and effort I know that this dream….this long held love interest… this creation of spirit will one day be my baby that I give birth to. If you have a dream (as we all do).. hold onto it! Hold space for it! Visualize it coming true! Take it from a woman who has had it all, then had nothing. Had it all again then was forcibly reduced to others version of nothingness. YOU CAN MAKE YOUR DREAMS A REALITY!

Allow yourself to be stripped down to who you were born to be! Then rise up so incredibly high that spirit and your ancestors greet you in that new space you will call Home! The above is just one of many dreams! What is your dream? I would LOVE to hear about it!

I need your help with making my dream a reality… There are several ways to show your appreciation for my work…

Donations towards the omphalos (central hub) of my dream may be made both via PayPal and on Venmo via the links below.


Venmo @Andrea-Cox-16

Attending one of the upcoming retreats I have listed here!

You will leave GLOWING (literally) from head to toe!

*The whites of your eyes will be clear.

*You will have lost 10 to 12 pounds of toxic waste from your body.

*Your digestion will be clear.

*You’ll have a better understanding of your astrological chart and who you should be surrounding yourself with both in your social circle and in love.

*You will have a more clear direction of the path you are to go on in life.

*You will become more abundant due to your system and your mind being cleaned out and clear.

If you have any questions about the upcoming retreat, or if you are looking to collaborate to turn your dreams into a reality, don’t hesitate to reach out via the email address below.

I love you, please love yourself


Heal Your Heart & Body FAST!

 Life is speeding up!

In times of change we are called to look deeper. This is why it’s more crucial than ever to stay grounded. To be surrounded by people who champion your own inner calling and your deeper knowing. Your soul’s ability to journey through these fast pace times of change go far beyond what the minds eye can see. To venture into the underworld knowing you will return changed, and yet even more your beautiful self.

 If you have been feeling triggered, helpless and alone. This retreat is for you.

If you have felt confused and unable to make a decision towards a new career path that you feel is your calling, this retreat is for you.

If you have felt unsettled by situations relationships or jobs that have ended, And desire to clear out the mental repetition of confusion, this retreat is for you.

If you have felt stuck stagnant and like your thoughts are limitless but your actions are not this retreat is for you.

If you have a passion to learn about medicinal plants and their healing properties, this retreat is for you.

If you’ve always wanted to know how to make tinctures creams and healing foods from items you can grow in your own garden, this retreat is for you.

 If you have been wanting to do a gentle fast but have been too scared to try it on your own, this retreat is for you.

If you have wanted to unleash the wild woman or wild man within but have been too reserved, this retreat is for you.

 If you have 10 or more pounds to lose this retreat is for you!

If you love yoga sunshine, plant medicine, animals and positive minded people who are trying to change their health and their life towards a better future, this retreat is for you.

 If you’ve had difficulty releasing ancestral karma and childhood conditioning, this retreat is for you.

If you have a love of crystals, a passion for full moons and you know that there is a medicine woman or medicine man deep within you, this retreat is for you.

Our lives will ultimately be colored by our own experiences, opinions, emotional reactions (or non reactions of those we spend the most time with. Isn’t it time that you made the Proper choices for you? Choices that grow you instead of keeping you in an ego-based state of mind. While it can feel helpful when we are desperate to be told what to do, being plugged into other people’s channels often leads to more confusion.

The alkalize with Andrea Detox fasting Yoga spiritual retreats were created to help born empathic light-workers, healers and soul-based entrepreneurs (or those who wish to be) to answer the highest call of their souls destiny through the health of their bodies. Your five day reset and recharge detoxification retreat will support you to get clear on your purpose and message in order to focus on your craft. This will allow you to create a lifestyle and a business that’s in full on alignment with your souls calling!It’s been a few months since I’ve gathered a group to do this sacred cleansing.

I am now accepting a small group to join me on the following dates

September 30th – October 5th

November 11th – November 16th

These openings will go FAST! I prefer to keep the groups small. 

Reserve your spot Now!

Andrea Cox, Retreat facilitator

Andrea Cox, Retreat Facilitator

Andrea Cox, Retreat Facilitator

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