Andrea cox

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Archive for the tag “Sleep”

Have you ever heard of this?


You’ve heard the expression “The Early Bird Gets The Worm”, Right?

The fact of the matter is there is a lot of truth in that statement! One of my New Years resolutions was to get to sleep no later than 10pm and to wake at 5:30. I realized how much time I was wasting getting to the gym at 9 and sometimes 10am! As business owner I get to choose my own hours however my hours in the day were getting shorter and shorter! There just wasn’t enough time to handle my clients, retreats, doggies and my personal life.

I’m happy to say that I’ve gotten up and out of the house and yes, even out of the gym by 8am every morning!
The fact of the matter is there is a lot of truth in that statement! One of my New Years resolutions was to get to sleep no later than 10pm and to wake at 5:30. I realized how much time I was wasting getting to the gym at 9 and sometimes 10am! As business owner I get to choose my own hours however my hours in the day were getting shorter and shorter! There just wasn’t enough time to handle my clients, retreats, doggies and my personal life.

I also began supplementing appropriatly to support this new healthy habit that used to be a ritual before I got into my current relationship. It’s not Will’s fault, heck he wakes at 5am every morning! I just became to comfortable. I can tell you from experience that NO MAGIC happens when we are comfortable!

Join me on Facebook live tonight at 6pm in “the love room”! I’ll be sharing with you my tips that I’ve used to be worked out, showered, dressed and ready between the hours of 7-8am!




See you tonight at 6pm Pacific!

My number one beauty secret. Beauty secrets and tips.

You asked and I’m sharing. My number one beauty secret!
Sleepy girl shoots video to get her point across in todays quick tip video ♥ Enjoy!

What’s Holding You Back?

What’s holding you back from being a rock star?

What’s keeping you down?

What’s standing in your way?

Don’t blame it on another…for another is not responsible for your destiny!

Is it lack of faith in your higher power? Is it a substance that your addicted to? Is it that you don’t believe you are worthy of having it all or even worse that you don’t feel that you deserve it all?

I’ve been there a hundred times over! I have battled through an eating disorder, abuse of diet pills, lack of faith, ill health.

Repeat after me…

I deserve only the best in this lifetime!

I am worthy of love, abundance, health and true happiness!

I walk with God and he won’t lead me astray!

No substance or person has control over me in my life! I am guided by divine light, and I have the power within me to take control of my life and my addictive behaviors to go on and achieve great things here on Earth!

Are you feeling a lack of motivation in your diet and exercise routine?

Feeling lack of mojo on your raw food journey?

Shoot me an Email and let me know how I can help you.

I feel that all of us are given gifts from above and when I was at my worst years ago, struggling with an eating disorder, feeling mislead with all the false diet information out there.

Several people took me under there wing and showed me the way. I wanted to let you know that I’m here to show you the way in that same manner. I care about you and only wan the best for you.

I thought about what I could share with you today to help you on your journey and what popped into my head immediately was to share top 5 tips for good digestion during your transition onto a living foods lifestyle.

TIP#1: Food combining! By far the most important component of good digestion! This broken dow and simplified means melons need to be eaten alone, keep fruit by itself or with greens, always keep carbs and starch away from protein and keep your meals simple! You will notice amazing results in your digestion through these practices!

Tip #2 Ginger and Peppermint! Thats right folks! Toss some ginger in your green juice and put a few drops of peppermint extract in your water
or better yet try fresh peppermint leaves!

Tip #3 Colon hydrotherapy! People always always ask why I get colonics since I eat a pristine raw vegan diet…This video explains why…

Tip#4 Drink water and take your minerals! Lets face it our bodies are made up of mostly water so drink more of it and make sure it’s QUALITY water! Minerals minerals minerals! They just are not in our soil or food supply anymore so take them when nesasary!

Tip#5 Sleep! We all could use more sleep! Chances are if your feeling tired mid day then you need to get to bed earlier! I’ve seen it over and over again, people who “claim” to be healthy yet they are not near the level they could be at because they are going to bed at midnight, 2 or even 3 am, yikes! Get your zzzz’s folks!

Thank you so much for listening,

Andrea Cox

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