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Healing your thyroid


Foods That Heal Thyroid

We have been told for decades by the FDA and Doctors who flow hand and hand with Big Pharma that food has nothing to do with healing the thyroid. This is FALSE! 

In fact, only in the very recent past has modern medicine started to discuss foods as a way to prevent illness. In the last five to ten years conventional medical experts have started talking about the healing benefits of foods more than ever, as if this was wisdom they knew all along.  Because of this trend, it’s critical that you err on the side of caution so you are not fooled by this recent development of trendy misinformation. It’s important to remember that it’s the doctors and experts in alternative health that have known for a very long time that foods heal the body and they were ridiculed for it. Still, both conventional and alternative health communities have yet to fully understand the power of foods that can actually reverse and heal diseases that have plagued people for decades.

The following foods are my absolute FAVORITE foods to heal the thyroid! 

Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables, which include kale, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, broccoli raab, arugula, and cabbage. Cruciferous vegetables get a bad rap! The mistaken theory suggests that the goitrogenic compounds contained in these foods are harmful to the thyroid. However, it is impossible to consume enough cruciferous vegetables for them to become dangerous for your thyroid. In truth, even if you eat a barrel full of cauliflower, you will still be safe. The reason is due to something currently undiscovered within these foods called anti-goitrogenic compounds. These same vegetables that contain the goitrogenic compounds contain equal amounts of compounds that cancel out the goitrogenic ones. Therefore, there should be no fear when consuming these delicious healing vegetables, whether raw or cooked.

Actually, if someone avoids them due to this misinformation, they are truly missing out on what these foods have to offer. There are phytochemical compounds in kale, brussels sprouts, and all these vegetables that do so much to heal your thyroid that you would be cheating yourself if you decided to avoid them “just to be safe.” The phytochemical compounds literally push the virus out of the thyroid and destroy it. Since it is a pathogen we are going after when trying to heal thyroid issues, it is critical to understand the healing properties the brassicas possess and incorporate them into your diet. Some broccoli and cauliflower are not going to hurt you; they will help you.


Look at an artichoke to visualize just how strong and protective this food is for the thyroid. You see the layered leaves on the outside, the tips of which are spiked and sharp. The leaves are thick and hearty on the outer layer and become thinner and denser as they reach the center of the vegetable. At the center lies the heart, which the entire leaf system is safeguarding and supporting. In the same way, the majestic artichoke can protect your thyroid, making it the most powerful food for thyroid healing. This is why an artichoke is on the cover of my book Thyroid Healing.

There are so many undiscovered compounds in artichokes that work for your thyroid, including subgroups of phytochemicals that shrink nodules, tumors, and cysts. There are undiscovered antioxidants and amino acids, which hopefully science will begin to see 30 years down the road. Artichokes also protect your thyroid from invaders, such as the pathogen you now know to be the true cause of thyroid disease.

When consuming artichokes, fresh is best. If you purchase canned, bottled, or even frozen artichoke hearts, citric acid is often an additive, which can be harmful to your health and should be avoided.

Sea Vegetables

Sea vegetables are another food group that tends to ruffle some feathers, typically due to the high iodine content. There is a commonly held belief that anyone with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis should avoid sea vegetables and iodine altogether. This is based on a current trend that’s focused on the idea that iodine creates inflammation of the thyroid. However, the people recommending to stay away from foods like dulse and kelp are the same people who do NOT know what causes thyroid disease in the first place.
Atlantic sea vegetables, especially dulse and kelp do, in truth, contain elevated amounts of iodine, but this is helpful. Iodine acts as an antiseptic for the thyroid. It is a disinfectant and cleans the thyroid out of any viruses, such as Epstein-Barr virus, the very pathogen we are targeting when wanting to heal from Hashimoto’s, Grave’s, or any of the other various thyroid issues that are so prominent today. Iodine deficiency today is very different to the kind we faced in the past. Years ago, we were deficient in iodine due to the new cultivation process of grains, which was stripping grains down so that they became a very different food than they were before. These days, many organic farmers are aware of iodine deficiencies in the soil, and so they cleverly use seaweed fertilizers to enrich the growing process with iodine. This, though, is not enough. We require more iodine than we ever did because of the vast amount of people struggling to fight viruses in their thyroid. This is why it’s so important to include sea vegetables in your diet. Dulse and kelp help you protect your thyroid if it’s under attack from EBV, which is very common for many people, and support healing in powerful ways. The iodine in sea vegetables also protects the thyroid from radiation and helps to prevent thyroid cancer and other cancers.

If you are afraid of the iodine in sea vegetables and are having a hard time letting go of the idea that they are bad for you, try just including a little bit of Atlantic dulse in your diet here and there. Just start off small. Sprinkle a teaspoon of dulse flakes on your salad once a week. Stir a strip of Atlantic kelp into your soup for dinner. Try to get small amounts of it in as you learn to trust that iodine is helpful, not harmful.

My recommendation is to opt for the sea vegetables from the east coast, from the Atlantic ocean. The Pacific ocean is too polluted for us to be regularly consuming vegetables from its waters. The dulse and kelp that come from Maine are the best ones to eat. These are powerful foods that can bring you so much healing.

Be sure not to confuse the iodine in sea vegetables with the bottles of topical iodine from the pharmacy. Topical iodine is not to be consumed orally.


While bananas may seem like a common fruit, they actually contain powerful properties to help you heal from your thyroid disease, conditions, and symptoms. Bananas help restore neurotransmitters and support healing from neurological problems, which are among the symptoms related to thyroid problems. Neurotoxins from viruses like EBV can creep into your body and cause symptoms like brain fog, memory loss, fatigue, restless legs syndrome, insomnia, tremors, tingles and numbness, headaches, tinnitus, anxiety, depression, and many more. This fruit is an anti-inflammatory, anti-EBV food that can greatly help you in healing from and preventing thyroid conditions and symptoms. Bananas are also good for hypoglycemia because they balance blood sugar and protect adrenals. Additionally, they knock out streptococcus, which unknown to medical science and research is the bacteria responsible for SIBO, from the intestinal tract. Streptococcus is a cofactor for Epstein-Barr Virus.

Many people are accustomed to eating bananas when they are still fairly green. Others have been told to eat them when they’re completely green and hard as a rock by recent experts who fear fruit and don’t understand what they’re recommending. They try to back up their recommendations with biased studies that are anti-fruit, which puts people into fruit fear. This is another colossal, trendy blunder that’s slowing down the healing process in chronic illness. When bananas are in this state, they are unripe and can actually be quite difficult to digest and assimilate all the nutrients you are trying to acquire from the banana in the first place. Allow your bananas to ripen until there is no visible green, they are slightly soft to the touch, and there are even some brown spots. You also don’t want them too overripe. The best time to eat them is when they are lightly speckled with brown spots, but haven’t turned mostly brown. When fruits are ripe, they will become much sweeter because the sugar has matured and the nutrients will be their most bioavailable at this point. Their sugars will also most effectively hold and suspend the most important nutrients for reversing and preventing disease.

I encourage you to incorporate as many bananas as you want to in your diet because they are such an amazing gift to us for healing and nourishment without the cost!

Cucumbers are another important food to include because they strengthen the adrenals and the kidneys while flushing toxins created by viruses from the bloodstream. Cucumbers also hydrate the lymphatic system. Our lymphatic system can be found at various places around our body, but some of the most important lymph nodes are the ones that surround the thyroid in the neck. We want to protect this part of our lymphatic system because of its close proximity to the thyroid.

People who are too sick to exercise will benefit greatly from increasing their consumption of both celery juice and cucumbers. This healing food will support your lymphatic system in lieu of the exercise you are not quite ready for.

Garlic and onions

Garlic and onions are incredible foods for thyroid healing because it essentially acts like an anti-viral bomb that can do wonders for eliminating EBV from your system. It also kills off streptococcus, which, as I mentioned above, is a cofactor of EBV. Strep is connected to UTIs, sinus infections, SIBO, acne, and many more symptoms. Garlic has a fantastic way of getting deep into the throat to fight off bugs in the lymph system and thyroid.

Get creative with garlic! Just make sure you brush well. There is no need to burn your throat by eating too much, but try to get garlic in any way you can. Make guacamole with a couple cloves of raw garlic mixed in. Instead of adding one clove of garlic to your vegetable soup, add four. Mince or press a clove of garlic for your savory salad or add it it your salad dressing. You can even rub a piece of raw garlic on a baked sweet potato. Also, I recommend investing in a simple, inexpensive garlic press. This will make it much easier to consume garlic regularly because sometimes mincing garlic with a knife can be a bit tedious.


Celery is one of the most amazing foods given to us to heal from thyroid issues because of its long list of healing properties, most of which are unknown to science and research. Celery strengthens hydrochloric acid in the intestinal tract, helps the liver produce bile to break down food, and stabilizes the adrenals. Celery provides special undiscovered subgroups of mineral salts that attack the virus that causes Hashimoto’s. Celery juice is my personal favorite to have in the morning!


At the moment, scientific research does not know much about what is contained inside an asparagus, but they are beginning to tap into some new chemical compounds. What research does not know is that asparagus supports the thyroid and is one of its most enthusiastic and powerful advocates. Think of asparagus as your friend or family member that consistently has your back and is your constant support. There are phytochemicals in the skin and in the tips of asparagus that push back invaders, whether those invaders are chemical or viral. Asparagus also has an alkaloid that acts as a gentle aspirin throughout the body, calming down the body and lowering inflammation. As opposed to over-the-counter aspirin, this quality in asparagus does not thin the blood or create havoc in the stomach. There are so many ways to consume asparagus. To start, you can try juicing it raw, adding it to raw to salads, or eating it lightly steamed.


Radishes are one of those vegetables that, because they have a bite to them, are often neglected. However, they are wonderful to include if you want to heal your thyroid. Radishes are an antiviral food due to their high and unique sulfur content. The sulfur contained in radishes is unlike that of any other vegetable because it specifically kills pathogens throughout the body. This is one of the ultimate foods for Hashimoto’s or any kind of thyroid problem because of its unique ability to kill off EBV, which is exactly what you want to do throughout your healing process. The sulfur compound acts like a smoke screen, saturating the thyroid and removing pathogens. Another quality of radishes is that they can prevent and stop thyroid atrophy. When the thyroid is infected, it can often atrophy due to its lack of use, which gives you just one more reason to include radishes on top of salads and to eat as snacks. While the variety of radish most people are familiar with is quite spicy, there are so many other varieties to try that are either milder or even spicier. Watermelon radishes and grapes radishes are beautiful choices to be found at local farmers markets and health food stores and are more mild. There are even black radishes that have a strong but delicious bite. These varieties will change everything you know about radishes and are fun to add to dishes and try with your family.


Potatoes are another controversial food because they have been mistakenly labeled as a white food. Even though potatoes are white on the inside, they are not a white food. Radishes, bananas, jicama, and cultivated blueberries are all white on the inside with a different color skin, and yet they are not considered white foods. Potatoes have gold skin, red skin, brown skin, and even purple skin. There are so many varieties of potatoes available to us that are healthful to include in our diet, especially if we want to fight the virus that causes thyroid problems. Potatoes, contrary to popular belief, are not devoid of nutrition. Rather, they are full of it! They have very high amounts of L lysine and tyrosine. The humble potato is one of the ultimate EBV killers and is wonderful to include in your diet despite it being under attack by many diet trends today. These diets and the experts behind them don’t understand thyroid illness or any other chronic illness. By shunning the potato because it goes against their own personal food beliefs they are taking away an opportunity to receive the healing benefits from a fantastic food you may need for no reason.


Tomatoes are amazing for the thyroid because they contain their very own variety of vitamin C. Researchers are currently unaware that there are multiple types of vitamin C in fruit. This vitamin C rich vegetable is TOP in my book! The tomato has always been scrutinized because it’s classed as a nightshade. The new trend of the day suggests we should remove seeds from the tomato, which isn’t helpful. This trend stems once again from well-meaning experts who don’t know what causes thyroid and chronic illnesses in the first place. They are offering food advice based on outdated studies that have a “thumb on the scale” that have influenced their outcomes, which in turn can hinder healing.

Barley Grass 

In my humble opinion this along with iodine (consult with your doctor) is the most healing supplement you should consume for thyroid health!
By including these foods and supplements into your diet on a regular basis, you will be giving your thyroid the best possible opportunity for true healing. Try to have fun with the different foods and find new ways to incorporate these healing, powerful fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, herbs, and supplements into your daily life. When you feed yourself with the foods that fight EBV and support thyroid health and other chronic illnesses, you are giving your body the best support you can and healing can happen.

Want help healing your thyroid? E-mail me your situation at lets see if you are a good candidate for my program.

Detox Salad Recipe!


My closest friends have always called me “The Detox Queen”! They laugh because I am constantly creating new recipes just to be able to prove to my clients that they can eat and detox at the same time! During the holidays people tend to over eat! I created this Quick and Easy detox recipe on the 4th of July to prevent any mishaps such as “BED” or binge eating disorder for you!

Just because the holiday is over doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy this! It’s so light you could eat it as a side or main dish every day!

Enjoy and let me know what you think of the recipe by sharing your thoughts with a post on my Facebook wall here


4 Large cucumbers cut in half then halved again

3-4 medium size tomatoes chopped

1 Medium Avocado chopped

1/2 Cup Apple cider vinegar

3 TB Coconut Palm sugar

1/2 tsp dulse flakes

1 packet of stevia

Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Will keep in the fridge for up to a day! Serves two people or one hungry woman! 🙂

Andrea's 4th of July Detox salad!

Andrea’s 4th of July Detox salad!

7 reasons I prefer to make my own food!

7 reasons I prefer to make my own food!

1) I prefer to know the source of my produce!
The fact is that the vast majority of restaurants do not sourse genetically modified foods and yes, organic foods! Since I am vegan I won’t even touch on where a huge portion of the restaurant meat is coming from!

2) Its expression of creativity!
I consider my food to be “edible art”! I absolutely LOVE creating beautiful living food to nurture my body with!

3) Its faster!
This meal took me 3 minutes to assemble! Did I mention I followed it with vegan homemade cookies that I whipped up this morning? 

4) Preparing my own food allows me to tune into my body more!
When I prepare my own food I can really tune into what my bodies needs and desires are instead of being limited to a menu!

5) All my friends eat sunshine too:)
The fact of the matter is that the vast majority of my girlfriends also prepare their own food 90% of the time! We call ourselves “sunshine warriors”! We know that food is mood and that in order to FEEL good we must eat good too!

6) It saves money!
If I spend $150 at the farmers market or grocery store I know that my food will last the entire week! Thats way more bang for your buck than dining out on a consistent basis!

7) I get joy out of creating living creates for friends and family!
It’s true…nothing makes me happier than creating a meal that I know without a doubt will nourish my loved ones from the inside out!


Lets face it troop! We cannot be too careful these days! Have you ever looked at the amount of salt that is in a restaurant meal? Are you lactose intolerant? I guarantee you the foods you are eating not only contain gluten AKA GLUE, but also have traces of dairy and are cooked in fats that should NEVER be heated! Educate yourselves and get to town in that big beautiful kitchen you just remodeled! Or your college dormitory:) Both will work!

 Use this recipe to rid your body of excess water weight! 

View the recipe at the link above!

View the recipe at the link above!

Todays brunch fit for this raw vegan Queen! Spinach salad with heirloom tomatoes, pineapple and my “cashew curry tofu” that is soy free!!! I grew the sunflower sprouts myself! Try making your own food and watch how your wallet, waist size and mood improves!

Cashew curry salad!

Cashew curry salad!

How to get rid of water retention fast! Try this juice recipe!Cashew curry salad!

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