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Archive for the tag “retreat”

A promise a soul exercise & 2 Raw V. Recipes!

Hi there beautiful!

Another week! Are you ready? What if I were to make a promise to you? Yes, a big promise! Read this E-mail from top to bottom and I promise you if you either make one of my recipes or do the “soul exercise” below, You will have the BEST week ever!


Have you ever felt like you’ve been there for someone over and over again? Then, when you need a shoulder to cry on or a listening ear you are shunned away or even worse, screamed at or told you are being ridiculous? Instead of allowing you to FEEL, you are being told your feelings are NOT important!

When someone is in battle with their mind, self~worth or self esteem, treat them with love not contempt. Love works both ways. To be loved you must show up & openly give of yourself without expectations or desiring something in return. Even when you just don’t feel like it! If someone doesn’t allow you to feel your feelings, they are essentially telling you that you don’t matter! Thats not compassion or love! You can have a positive mindset about your life but you will always have down days. Surround yourself only with the people who lift you up when you are at your worst! The ones who are there for you, ready to listen with an open compassionate heart! With that kind of support your down days will become less and less and the good days will fill up your calendar!




Here we are, another beautiful week! More positive posts, quotes etc! What if I told you that I’m not going to stream a bunch of positivity your way this morning? What if I told you that I’m leaving to care for someone who is only in his 40’s with cancer? what if I told you that I feel that virtually all degenerative disease has to do with whats on your plate, the health of your gut flora, your environment & what chemicals you CHOOSE to rub onto your body everyday?

I don’t have to tell you! I have a feeling you already know this and you’re still choosing to make poor choices. You can lead a person or an entire tribe to the truth that you can expect them all to follow!

My only wish, my only prayer that my only vision for all of you on this Monday morning is that you begin to take that true that you all know and apply it in your daily lives! Especially at the meals that you make for yourself and for your family!

Don’t believe the hype you’re being taught in the “Got Milk” ads, the fast food commercials the “high protein” pushers!

Change your food and your life will follow! I believe in you, I’m in your corner and I’m rooting for you every step of the way!



God is my language, acceptance of others is my political view & the Universe is my tribe! If you don’t agree with what I say or do thats Ok! I don’t know about you but for me, criticism only makes me stronger!

This is one of my tribe members “Jack”! He loves me unconditionally! When we love without conditions & drop the judgements we become more accepting of others! That’s when magic happens!


                                          SOUL EXERCISE 

This week I would love for you to try this soul exercise! Think about a time in your life when you were criticized. I know this may be hard but I promise you I’m going somewhere with it! Ok, when you have that moment in your mind, I would like you to think about how it made you FEEL at the time! Were you sad? Angry? Go ahead and feel that in your heart. Once you feel those same feelings again, imagine a white light that enters your body and goes straight to your heart space. It literally is there to clear those negative feelings from your body! Do you feel better? GOOD!

RECIPES! Lately I’ve been getting a ton of questions from you guys about kale chips and coconut chips! They are snacks that are highly available on the market today with a hefty little price tag! I’m answering your questions below

1) Are they healthy? Well kale chips and coconut chips are healthy the store bought brands are often laden with salts and fat! 

2) Do I make my own? Why yes! I do

 My kale & coconut chips-)

Grab these quick healthy recipes here click here

Andrea L Cox is the owner of  The Healthy Haven &  (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!)

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people! 

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her home town of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities! 

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

If you’ve not checked out Andrea’s Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Twitter yet FOLLOW her below!!! She would love to see you there! 

I want to connect with you!

Find me on

FACEBOOK HERE –> click here

TWITTER HERE –> click here

INSTAGRAM HERE –> click here 


YOUTUBE HERE –> click here

TUMBLER HERE –> click here

MY RETREATS HERE –> click here



If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:) HAVE A BEAUTIFUL WEEK EVERYONE! Be Well & Don’t forget to juice!



Detox pancake recipe & a success story!

Hi there beauties:) So I’m here in Mexico (again) and I just got done running an AMAZING VIP detox for a stunningly beautiful woman named Minerva! Minerva was Hands down one of my absolute favorite clients to ever do my detox program! Miss Minerva I like to call her! A wife, mother World traveler and speaker of truth!!! I love and adore this woman & wish she was my next door neighbor! 

To love what you do for a living is to have peace in your heart!!! This woman was sent from above and will forever be etched inside of my heart!!! Enjoy the photos of her retreat along with two versions of pancakes I know she will be whipping up! 

Miss Minerva’s 3 day detox VIP retreat!

Let the 3 day detox begin!

Let the 3 day detox begin!


After a guided super market tour and a trip to trade in toxic cosmetics for paragon free goods! YAY! Minerva is 100% a girly girl! She LOVES all things about being a woman! 

The beautiful Minerva and I stayed out a bit too late after our trip to the grocery!

The beautiful Minerva and I stayed out a bit too late after our trip to the grocery!










Waiting on my new favorite girl to get her colonic:) I was eating blueberries in the lobby while Miss Minerva was getting “cleaned out”!


























 Before she left, I took her a fresh coconut and made her a salad with organic soy-free tofu made from hemp! She loved it and I call that healthy travel food!!! 

travel food


Minerva left her 3 day detox GLOWING even more than when she walked in! I wrote about fears I was having prior to her coming that taught me a valuable lesson! The following is what I wrote on my Facebook wall after meeting this beautiful woman! 

Beautiful both inside and out!

Beautiful both inside and out!

“Today I had a VIP guest fly in from Texas to do a three day detox here in San Diego. As I went to greet her at the resort, I was a bit nervous. The truth is, as I’ve been speaking to her on the phone the past few months she reminded me a lot of myself. I’m not exactly easy to please and was beginning to fear if I would live up to her expectations.

I spent about an hour and a half with her and then returned this evening to teach her class. Within minutes she opened up to me and invited me to open up to her. Much like the last guest I had a month ago…I fell in love with her kind loving heart! Not only is she beautiful on the outside but also on the inside too!

On the drive home I began thinking “yes…we are a lot a like!” We are both “high maintinance women” with HUGE giving, loving honest hearts! Heck I’m proud to call myself “HM” for the first time in my life! To me high maintenance only means you demand people give you their very best and do the same for others! I’ll take that title ANY day of the week!

Today was a beautiful day of two women from different cultures, different up bringing and different lives coming together to share, love and to heal!

 I am forever blessed to be able to LOVE what I do!”


A divine salad recipe! VEGAN and NON VEGAN PANCAKE RECIPES! YUM!

So here I am “chill~axing” in Mexico and I thought hmmm what would the beautiful friends at the Healthy Haven like to see this week? Then it hit me…some easy to digest recipes! Enjoy these favorites below!
Curry tofu with dried fruit and seeds!
1/2 C pineapple
1/3 C dried cranberries
1 of Andrea’s “sticky balls” (dates, walnuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds rolled into balls and dusted in dried coconut)
1/2 C hemp (soy free) tofu
1 tsp turmeric
1TB curry powder
1 TB hemp seeds
Combine tofu with curry, coconut oil and turmeric set aside.
cover a large plate with raw spinach, break up Andrea’s sticky ball, add pineapple and dried cranberries place curried tofu on top and add hemp seeds! BOOM! Enjoy without shame or guilt!


Ok folks I know I NEVER do NON vegan recipes but Ive been getting requests for this! Here are two FABULOUS recipes for pancakes! One is vegan and one is not!
Gluten free banana pancakes!
1 banana
2 farmers eggs
cinnamon oil by Young Living (E@mail me at to learn how to get 11 essential oils FREE!)
Thats it, yep! 4 ingredient pancakes! Simply mash, mix and cook! See vegan recipe below!!!
Andrea holding her banana blueberry pancakes topped with cinnamon mac almond sauce!

Andrea holding her banana blueberry pancakes topped with cinnamon mac almond syrup!

Here is the vegan recipe! Feel free to share the photo below onto your favorite social media page! I love that!










Enjoy this beautiful weekend everyone and enjoy the BEST part of your life! LIVE IN THE NOW!

Remember, I only want the absolute BEST for you! Andrea L Cox


Week at a glance! A trip to Aulac! Santa Barbara! Recycling!


Keeping up my fitness and staying in tip top shape! With exercise, yoga and good healthy food!

Early morning cardio session!

Early morning cardio session!

Ahhhh the workouts! I’m hitting it but not to my FULL potential! The truth is, I know exactly where I want to be! I also know the dedication it will take to get there! Pre yoga brunch! Omega 3 packed heart healthy avocado salad with baby lettuce that my farmer just brought me!

Keeping up my fitness and staying in tip top shape! With exercise, yoga and good healthy food! Ahhhh the workouts! I'm hitting it but not to my FULL potential! The truth is, I know exactly where I want to be! I also know the dedication it will take to get there! Pre yoga brunch! Omega 3 packed heart healthy avocado salad with baby lettuce that my farmer just brought me!

What a great Sunday! What a fantastic man~pan~ion I have!!!

This man is so kind, loving and incredibly gorgeous! Yesterday I was treated to a “Andrea day!” My beautiful loving boyfriend spent the morning organizing my disgusting messy garage and then treated me to my favorite raw vegan restaurant in Orange County!

In return, I allowed him to listen to the Warriors game the entire drive 🙂 I’m also creating a tonic formula for him to drink daily to repair his stressed out adrenal glands! 
Relationships are a two way street! You have to give in order to get and if you take too much it doesn’t feel balanced! I love that this man is teaching me how to give more everyday! ♡♡♡ Love you to the moon and back baby!

On our way to OC to eat at Aulac! My happy place!!!

On our way to OC to eat at Aulac! My happy place!!!


Taking time to explore a beautiful part of California and myself! My stay at San Ysidro Ranch.

I decided to break away for the first part of the week! I wanted to go somewhere to explore, clear my head and be with self! I called the sitter for my husband with fur and off I went! Armed with cold press juice and a few brown paper bags of fruit I knew this was going to be a grand adventure! The highlights….I met an artist who asked to paint me, I let him! I meditated every morning in a lavender field! I let go of the gym and it served me! I treated myself to a bath in the bathtub below every morning and every night! PURE AND UTTER BLISS I TELL YOU!

My exercise routine consisted of walking through lavender fields! I then filled this claw foot tub with lavender I collected on my walk and essential oil of ylang ylang! 

Looking at the beauty that nature provides is the first step in purifying the mind! Bring that nature indoors and you have the chance to experience new charm! I realized during my stay that by not slowing down I’ve been renouncing all that is great in the pursuit of all that is meaningless!

My spa bathroom in my private cottage in Santa Barbara! This is living!!!

My spa bathroom in my private cottage in Santa Barbara! This is living!!!


A small way that we can all give back to mother Earth

Recycling is so very important in today’s world! We live in a wasteful society. This canning jar goes with me wherever I go. I like to think of her as my little baby that travels with me everywhere. 

Andrea's go to recycled pickle jar filled with green juice:)

Andrea’s go to recycled pickle jar filled with green juice:)

Today my little baby is visiting Santa Barbara. More often than not I take more than one baby with me. sometimes it’s a recycled spaghetti jar and other times I recycle a jar that contained tahini or nut butter in it. No matter what they all get recycled and become unique “stemware”!

On any given day in my home you can see canning jars lined up in the windowsill. I use them to sprout, to drink out of, and to soak my nuts and seeds in. I also rinse them out instead of using the dishwasher. It saves water and we all know that we can use more water in California!

To you this may seem tedious…like it doesn’t do any good. I believe at the end of the day small changes like this can change the future for our children growing up on Earth! I have a 10 year old nephew and I don’t want him walking around in a sea of trash!Do you really want to drink out of plastic anyway? Plastic leaches chemicals into our bodies and they are hard to detox from!

I would LOVE for all of you to visit my personal Facebook page and post what you’re drinking out of today beneath this post. I’m on there under Andrea L Cox 

Have a beautiful Green Day!

Home is where the heart is! It’s also where a little dog named Louis lives!!!

It feels good to be back home! I missed my lil “husband with fur”! Now I get to have my leftovers from Aulac!!! Im eating Chef Ito’s “sweet & sour” soup while getting my vitamin D! Nothing quite like sleeping in your own bed on fresh clean sheets after enjoying a few days away! Traveling even for a short distance makes you appreciate all the comforts of home!

Eating enzyme rich raw soup while getting my vitamin D!

Eating enzyme rich raw soup while getting my vitamin D!






A new day to sign with your purpose for your highest good!

Good morning

Its five am here, I’ve been up since 3:30. Im about to go walk along one of my favorite beaches, hit the gym and go to church. Three things I am looking forward to. Three things that woke me…naturally without the need for an alarm. When we do the things we love, the desire is there and there is no need to be woke by artificial sounds that alarm us for the remainder of the day.

I guess this is a fraction of my new age self-improvement philosophy. This philosophy being bits and pieces of my very strong loving Grandmother La Golda mixed in with a little self help, positive talk and “the work” Ive done to expand over the past decade. This work has proven to be both empowering and crippling.

The work started when I began seeking to align with my purpose of being awake in all that I do, all that I say and in every action I take. I began sensing the feeling that I only wanted to be around truly conscious people who were inline with their purpose. The “truth seekers”. I didn’t want to be around shaky un stable energy. It wasn’t that I thought higher of myself or less of others who had not yet found their path. It was that I had a strong desire for those who were already on the road to that path! In other words…Please be in FULL alignment with who you are before you ever even ask me to go for a morning workout.

When dating, I found I no longer had tolerance for closed off men who were always seeking but never found. Instead I was drawn to influential yet humble men who although stressed and sometimes only semi conscious were awakened enough to see beyond this shell of my body and into my soul! I often had to be mindful as I to this day can become engulfed in processing their stress and anguish into my own. This is where I learned the art of boundary setting and the beauty in letting go! A constant practice that I am still learning to master.

The biggest shift in me was the fact that I was no longer willing to substitute money and gifts as a sign of “love”. I desire now to be lead in a manner that requires a man “showing up” in all of his beautiful sometimes broken glory! I also no longer “require” a man to feel “filled up” or complete! I do know however that in order for me to reach my full potential of opening up myself to the woman I am meant to be, a conscious man is useful. I desire and require a full commitment from a man who is not triggered emotionally to be frightened off by that fact. This commitment is very simple….its a commitment for “full on presence” to be established. The word presence can be defined as showing up when he says and being in the moment the entire time we are together. This man fully knows his role in my life and is VERY pro-active about defining my place in his.

Andrea Cox owner of and detox retreats

Andrea Cox owner of
and detox retreats

Choosing to distance myself from the “shut-down” was difficult. I lost many friends but stood strong while cutting through the BS to find the tried and true. Plain and simple, it drains me to be around closed people, especially those who are un truthful or even worse… anyone who is inhibited/holds back from their true destiny or calling in life. I do my best to avoid those who are not on their way on a sincere quest to be free from the grips of society. I will however help along those interested in creating a lifestyle that ever-expands their capacity to become more conscious. I require more and refuse to settle for less.

So why share this with all of you today? Well, because we have TREMENDOUS power in our lives to attract, create and cultivate the life we want! I dare you on this beautiful Sunday to dig DEEP! Study up for this trip we call life! We have a choice to bring into alignment the lifestyle we desire. Why not start today?

This evening I intend to dedicate my yoga practice to each and every one of you. My heart felt prayers and loving healing energy go out to any of you who are struggling with anything you feel is holding you back. May you be wild and may you be free! May you walk with purpose along the path you are meant to thrive on!

Are you helping your life become more beautiful? Healthy lifestyle tips!

Andrea lounging in Mexico eating one of her "nanna" salads! :)

Andrea lounging in Mexico eating one of her “nanna” salads! 🙂

I have a few questions for all of you….Please leave honest replies. Do you make an effort to create an even more beautiful fulfilled life than you already have?

When is the last time you dressed your salad with edible flowers? When was the last time you put on a little ylang ylang oil (or any essential oil) before you walked out of your front door? When is the last time you indulged in a piece of decadent dark chocolate (vegan-or not) cake with no guilt or shame? When was the last time you ate your lunch over looking the ocean? When was the last time you greeted your husband or boyfriend at the front door and gave him a 2 minute kiss while wearing next to nothing? When is the last time you created a four course meal for yourself, lit a candle said a prayer and indulged until satisfied? When was the last time you blew off work to treat yourself to a yoga class? When was the last time you took an hour walk in nature?

I ask you this because I do each and every one of these things EVERY DAY! I cannot remember a night when I didn’t eat a four course meal followed by a chocolate brownie, slice of vegan cake etc! I can count a million times when I’ve turned my car around to hit the grocery store a second time because I left the edible flowers there! I’ve been known to carry my essential oils in my car! I’m an entrepreneur just so I can go to yoga whenever I please~!!! YES! Those are my legs eating my big beautiful fruit filled salad in front of the ocean!

Life is SO very short! It is also SO very precious! I intend to do EVERYTHING in my power to enjoy every last delicious bite! More importantly, I intend on making my life & everything I touch BEAUTIFUL and filled with SO MUCH LOVE!!!



7 Ways to become a happier person and improve your life NOW!

1) Choose to make happiness a top goal and don’t look back! In order to TRULY be happy you must first make the decision to be happy! Lets face it, life is short and I don’t know about you but I sure as heck will choose a happy life over a lack luster boring depressed life any day of the week! Once you make the decision its up to you to act on it! I suggest making a list of all of the things that represent happiness to you then start TODAY to cultivate a plan of action to bring those things into fruition! 
When choosing happiness as your path in life, never look back.

When choosing happiness as your path in life, never look back.

2) Go after opportunities, take risks and travel often! My very first yoga instructor who eventually became my dear friend had something she would say at the end of class. She would say “Do something different every day”! I could not agree more! 
Growing up in Ohio, I’ve never been much of a traveler. Recently I began dating a man who lives here in San Diego and has a home in Mexico. He loves to travel and I didn’t even have a passport when we met:) I’ve been spending my weekends with him in Mexico and I must say I find this absolutely invigorating! My routine gets completely of centered and by the time I return home on Monday everyone tells me I look like a teenager! Travel, take risks and go after opportunities daily!
 Andrea Cox in Mexico!
3) Eat more raw living foods! You knew this subject would pop up! Food really is mood! The more living foods you eat, the more plant based foods you eat the better you will feel! What goes into your body really does make all the difference in the World! We really are what we eat! I don’t know about you, I would rather be a living sprout, juicy strawberry or ripe banana than a dead de composing cow that once was living!
Raw vegan foods feed your body on a cellular level!
4) Juice on a regular basis! Juicing is the best anti depressant I know of! It truly is the color of life. When we juice, we flood our system with live enzymes that feed us on a cellular level! If that doesn’t make you feel happy, I don’t know what will!
Fresh Juice
5) Move your body EVERY day! Moving our lymphatic systems is so incredibly important to our happiness! The lymph system is responsible for cleansing our bodies! Everyday it needs to pump in order to flush us of toxins we intake! If we don’t move, that lymph system gets stagnant and we end up feeling sluggish. Last time I checked, sluggish doesn’t equate to the feeling of happy!
Love my 8am workouts!

Love my 8am workouts!

6) Take time for meditation and spirituality! Recently I interviewed Tom Cronin for my You Tube channel! He is a leading expert on mediation! Tom said that even 10 minutes of meditation can change your entire day in a new positive direction. 
I like to meditate immediately after prayer in the morning. It sets the tone for having an amazingly positive day! 
Relaxation is KEY to enjoying life!

Relaxation is KEY to enjoying life!

7) Fall in love and get married! A new study by Duke University Medical Center found that the key to longer life might be found in your relationship status. The study showed that Baby Boomers who were married had a decreased risk of premature death during midlife years. Individuals who were never married were more than twice as likely to die early than those who had been in long-term, stable relationships.
Find your true love!

Find your true love!


Things we all deserve in this lifetime! A letter I wrote to myself when I was twenty-two. Complete with extra cherries on top of your banana split:)

 I’ve always had the gift of being able to write. When I was in third grade we had an assignment to create a book about all of the things we loved in life. We were given one week to complete this task. Mine was finished within a few hours. When I turned it into my sweet fifty something year old teacher she cried. I had no idea what I had done wrong. She called my mother in the next day as she shared my book with the rest of the class. “Beautiful, just beautiful” she said. I remember her clearly saying, “Andrea has a gift of expressing herself…let it grow”.

While cleaning out my office yesterday I came across a box of letters I wrote to myself at age twenty-two. I was five years into a relationship that would end up lasting another five years. Yet I still felt alone. 

I believe that during times when our faith is tested beyond what we can see an end to is where we grow the most in love and in strength. Times that challenge us are where we find within our souls our true calling in life and often that one person who we are to share our lives with is manifested. I was not writing the letter below only to myself…I was writing it energetically to my soul mate that I had yet to meet.

 Why am I sharing this letter with you? It makes me feel sad that so many women come to me with “eating and weight challenges” that have nothing to do with food! Once I dig deeper I see the real issue…they feel “loveless”. They are not “filled up” with love from their partners. They feel ignored, invisible and often as if they cannot live up to what their partner needs or desires. They have been in a relationship for one year, two years, five years without a ring and sometimes without even a commitment from their partner. They lack romance and don’t know how to create it with their mate.  

Because of this, I share with you this letter below! Let it be a reminder to never settle for someone who doesn’t recognize the heart he is holding when you stand before him. You deserve a man who reminds you every day of how much you mean to him. You my beautiful friend….YOU DESERVE EVERYTHING!

The letter is below has traveled with me from Ohio to California! It has ended two engagements and rightfully so. In simple terms, I know what I deserve and will never ever settle for less.

Dear Andrea,
You deserve SO much in this lifetime! The moon and the stars! Kisses that make you weak in the knees! You deserve to be held by arms you trust. You deserve romantic beach walks next to a beautiful blue ocean! You deserve to escape from Ohio winters! You deserve to be spoken to with respect always! You deserve extra cherries on your banana split! You deserve OPTIMAL health in every capacity! Energetically you deserve to bounce out of bed for a workout every morning after a quick love session with your soul mate! You deserve a relationship that isn’t easy. After all, nothing in life of any value will ever come without a struggle!
You deserve to be able to sleep soundly through the night and rest your head without a worry or care because all of your needs and the needs of your loved ones have been met during the day.
You deserve to be loved by a man who places you on a pedestal and treats you as if you are the only woman in the room at all times. You deserve passionate romantic love that takes your breath away and sweeps you off of your feet! You deserve to have someone who misses you the moment you walk out the door. Even when they know you will be returning soon. You deserve someone who calls you angel, princess and beautiful….daily:) You deserve a companion not a combat. Someone who challenges you daily but does not cause you any strife, worry or anguish.
You deserve an honest man who never tells you anything but the truth. Because of this truth he shares, you share your honest heart with him fully. You deserve someone who forgives you when you aren’t feeling your best and may forget to give to him when this occurs, someone who desires to be happy over always being right.
In the bedroom, the candlelight never burns out. You are his every desire and he is in your every thought whenever you get even the slightest hint of arousal! When you are around, he has an almost desperate need to feel your touch. He loves you in the deepest most powerful way and you embrace and allow for that love to enter you fully! What the two of you share is unmatched ~ a one of a kind passionate romantic love that takes your breath away and sweeps you off of your feet!
Most importantly,you deserve to always feel that you are the only woman he desires. Never is there a doubt in your mind of how this man feels about you. You deserve to be loved by a man who places you on a pedestal and treats you as if you are the only woman in the room at all times. You deserve a man whose eyes are always fixed upon your beautiful face whenever you are around. A man who opens your car door when you get in and get out at your destination.
In the bedroom, the candlelight never burns out. You are his every desire and he is in your every thought whenever you get even the slightest hint of arousal! When you are around, he has an almost desperate need to feel your touch. He loves you in the deepest most powerful way and you embrace and allow for that love to enter you fully!
You deserve to feel safe knowing his every move in the business World and in everyday life is to build an even better, more stable life for the two of you! You deserve to look and to move forward in life never worrying that the walls the two of you have built together could possibly crumble. You deserve to feel loved, desired and to always feel like his arms are your “safe place”. You taste of pure honest forever love to him…and “forever” does exist when he looks at you.
You deserve a man who leads, a Godly man who makes decisions when you are unable to. You deserve a man who knows he deserves a woman as magnificent as you by his side, on his arm and in his corner! A woman who encompasses everything he has ever desired in a soul mate and a wife! A man who knows you will give him everything he has ever dreamed of…and then much more.
You deserve to be introduced to friends and family as “the one”. You deserve to be brought into a room with a sense of pride in hand that he is so blessed and humbled to be standing beside you. You deserve someone who always owns the fact that he is with you as you enter a room! A man who always pulls your chair out for you to sit down and who never needs to boast about your intimate activities to his friends or colleagues. After all, everyone can see in his eyes how incredibly lucky he is to be with you. He shines when next to you and you are not just is soul mate…you are his muse!
YOU deserve the World and nothing short of it! Sit back and watch God bring all of this to you in his perfect time!
Love me:)


Please remember this as you travel through this lifetime…. In life we settle on so many things. We settle for the movie we don’t really want to see because the popular movie is booked. We settle for a “quick coffee fix” in the morning instead of getting a good nights sleep or diving into a routine that will support our energy the next day. There are things in life that we “settle” for. Our life partner should not be one of them. Mediocre may be OK for some…but you…you and I both know that we deserve to have it ALL when it comes to love, romance and having our desires filled on every level! 

Love you, Andrea

Andrea Cox owner of and Alkalize with Andrea detox health retreats.

Andrea Cox owner of and Alkalize with Andrea detox health retreats.

Putting Others Before Yourself. My lesson while running a private retreat.

Today I had to REALLY let go of my own “stuff” in order to place my client first. After having less than 2 hours of sleep I was tested with having very little energy. Being a 7 hours a night type of girl and for the past few months my routine has been completely shaken up.

One thing I know is that placing someone else before yourself really helps place everything in perspective. I’m so grateful for the positive change this has brought to my life:)

As I say in this video below, “If I met the girl I was five years ago today…I wouldn’t like her very much”. I’m sure I wouldn’t have handled today as I have. Sad but true:( I’m proud of the changes I have made and who I am today:)

Blessings and love from Mexico:)

Check out my juice fast, raw food yoga retreats at

Retreat in mexico

Retreat in mexico

My interview with Tom Cronin, meditation expert.

I’m so excited to release this new interview with this beautiful man today for Andrea Cox TV! 

After finding meditation and the incredible space it brought him to within himself, Tom couldn’t fake his life any longer for his high paying financial broker life. So soon enough he jumped into silent stillness and is now living his dream.

Tom Cronin shares what he loves, meditation. Through that he has found amazing connections, an incredible life, a fun business and the freedom of living from his heart. Tom now spreads “stillness” through meditation all over the globe! I cannot wait to learn his secrets today!!! 

For more interviews such as this, health tips, beauty tips, love room videos and detoxifying raw vegan recipes and juices, leave me your email at



Mini detox getaway in Mexico:)


I love this photo! It was taken the other morning in Mexico when I had just woke from an amazing two person massage! I was standing in a doorway when the man I adore looked at me and said “you look so beautiful Andrea, I love you with no make up on and your messy hair”. He took the photo and I fell deeper for him??? 

I’m not just falling in love…I’m falling into everything that is true, real and honest. I’m falling into what I’ve prayed for my entire life. #‎thisishappiness

 — in Mexico 


Yes Louis (my furry husband) and I packed our bags and went off for a weekend of R&R in beautiful Mexico! I think the photos below say it all! 


Waking up on the water:) 



I was blessed to have a hot bath drawn for me by candle light!



Louis enjoying the view while I had a two person massage!



This home is SO beautiful! I created Instagram videos Galore next to the fire place!



While in mexico my friend prepared me a juice that was SO INCREDIBLE it reminded me of a “skin tonic” juice I designed for a client of mine! Check my last blog entry on for that recipe!



If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:) Love you Andrea!

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