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Lessons I’ve learned that led me to True Love!

V-DAY1Today is Valentines Day & I know that many of you don’t have a valentine. Some of you may have even lost that one special person you thought you would spend forever with. So before I go into what I love about my Best Friend & lover, I thought I would share something with all of you that I’ve never shared before.

Nine years ago a ten year relationship I was in came to an end. Like many, we had grown apart. I had met this man when I was seventeen years old. He was older, extremely intelligent and “safe”. I had never witnessed a solid long lasting marriage or courtship. My parents were divorced when I was just three years old. My father had passed in a car accident when I was ten. Quite honestly, I expected every man that entered my life to disappear sooner or later. This man did not! The ten years I spent with him was very steady, we became engaged to be married & even moved to a different city where we built a home. For some reason, I knew it wasn’t meant to be.

After leaving him I spent the next seven years of my life single & celibate. It wasn’t a conscious choice I made, in fact I dated quite a bit. I just wanted to keep myself “pure” for the man I would meet and one day marry. Many of you may ask, why I’m sharing this with you, why am I speaking about a relationship from nine years ago? Am I living in the past? Not at all however sometimes we must revisit the past to see how far we have come. Those going through a struggle today may benefit from our past pain.

Being an empath, I woke this morning FEELING pain for those of you who are hurting & alone. What I’m about to say is for all of you! There were many nights I cried myself to sleep. There were many times I questioned my decision of leaving. There were many times when I would become angry with God asking him why was I alone? I promise you that these feelings are not only natural, they are good for you! There is a divine plan for each and every one of you & I assure you no matter what you’re going through & no matter how tough the struggle feels today there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Today I woke next to the love of my life! We are in LA & in “William style” he picked a sheik hotel where we were sure to wake to an incredible city view! He gave me his signature back & shoulder massage & I rubbed my hands through his thick curls! After a year, he knows exactly what I need in every moment & I know how to serve him like the strong yet vulnerable man he is. This is not to say that every day is a picnic, its just to say that we are finding our rhythm. I would not trade a single argument, misunderstanding or squabble in our relationship. It has made our bond stronger & taken our connection to a deeper place.

I have found my soul mate, my twin flame, my best friend & my companion inside the heart of my “man~pan~ion”. Never in my life have I had a man show up for me in every way that I desire. Today, I honor him for the strong yet vulnerable loving caring soul he is.

Sending each & every one of you SO much love!


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