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7 Tips! Manage Your Time While Benefitting Your Health!

Hi there beautiful! 🙂 I have three important questions for you today! How do you manage your time? Are you managing it properly, with balance? Do you have trouble saying the word “no”?

Time management is a delicate & difficult balance for many people! Each new day that the sun comes up we are offered another oppurtunity to spend our time wisely! Yet so many of us don’t take advantage of our time! Instead, we end up upset with ourselves and short with others by the end of each day. We wonder, where did the day go? Why have I accomplished so little? Why am I so exhausted?

I turned down plans this past weekend and I’m happy I did. I chose not to overextend myself and said no so that I could spend the weekend cleaning & organizing my entire home! Every nook, inside every cabinet and every closet! I’ve managed to get the downstairs done but there’s so much more to go. I’ve decided it’s time for me to shift my energy and move to a different location. Change is always proven to be a BIG positive for me! I’m ready! Being a recovered procrastinator, I knew it was time to do a “time~management~healthy mind/ body overhaul” once again! 

Home Life 1

7 TIPS! Manage Your Time While Benefitting Your Health! 

1) HEALHY TIP ~ Sip your morning green juice out of a bowl or mug while getting things done! See my juice in the photo above? That way you don’t risk rushing it down like some type of cold brewski! Instead you’ll find you sip it like a warm soup or hot cocoa & it doesn’t give you a “pregnancy belly” from drinking it too fast!

2) TIME MANAGEMENT TIP ~ Keep everything clean and organized in your home! Remember that old saying “everything has a place”? Well, it does! While cleaning my home this past weekend I was astonished of what I found! Everything from family photos to baking dishes! Create a space for EVERYTHING in your home, memorize where you place things or keep a list and ALWAYS put items back in that place! My mother has always done this and I’m here to tell you when your home is completely organized you will feel MUCH better!

3) HEALTHY MIND TIP ~ Limit your time with those who don’t have a clue as to how to manage their time effectively! You know who I’m talking about! These are the people who are always rushing around and EXTREMELY busy yet they accomplish very little. Allowing these people into your life will rob you of your time and zap you of your energy! You’ll end up with broken plans and less time of your own!

4) HEALTHY TIP ~ Utilize the time you spend cleaning and organizing your home as a time to detox! I like to sip only juice while I clean and make it a day of what I call “A cleaning cleanse”! Your body and your mind will thank you for this! You could always reward yourself with a nice healthy meal and a decadent dark chocolate bar that evening! After you are finished & everything is “in it’s place” of course!

5) TIME MANAGEMENT TIP ~ Utilize a timer! I LOVE this tip my mother Bonnie gave me years ago when I was struggling with managing my time! My mother is the Queen of getting things done! She told me to set a timer of when I wanted to have a task completed! I began doing this and WOHA! This single thing changed my life! This also works great if you find you are sitting at home “working” and have trouble getting off to the gym! Set that timer for the exact time you want to leave by!

6) HEALTHY MIND TIP ~ Reward yourself for completing tasks! Ahh I love this one! Keep in mind this doesn’t have to be a reward of a new dress or a big gluten free cookie! As an entrepreneur I had noticed I would often  isolate myself & end up with a mildly depressed mood by three pm if I was “still at home working”! I always reward myself by being around others! Now, I simply schedule my yoga for 4:30 to interact with others after a long work day! Sometimes I’ll schedule an evening walk with a girlfriend or a date night out! All three things mentioned above feel like rewards to me! I always see a day of accomplishments ending with a day of positive interactions as a rewarding spirality rich productive day!

7) TIME MANAGEMENT TIP ~ Don’t keep a To Do list! Keep a planner or online calendar instead! I’ve read several articles that sate the most successful people DO NOT keep To Do lists! Instead, they have a notebook handy at ALL times and utilize an online calendar or a planner! I’m proud to say I’ve done this all my life! YAY!

I hope these tips helped you! If they did feel free to share this blog post! I love sharing! Have a beautiful week everyone! Remember no one is in control of your happiness or the way you manage your time but you!


Andrea Cox on the news in San Diego!

Andrea Cox on the news in San Diego “Meat~less Monday’s!

Andrea L Cox is the owner of  The Healthy Haven &  (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!)

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people!

 Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her home town of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities! 

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

If you’ve not checked out Andrea’s Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Twitter yet FOLLOW her below!!! She would love to see you there!

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