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Archive for the tag “rawlicious recipes”

A promise a soul exercise & 2 Raw V. Recipes!

Hi there beautiful!

Another week! Are you ready? What if I were to make a promise to you? Yes, a big promise! Read this E-mail from top to bottom and I promise you if you either make one of my recipes or do the “soul exercise” below, You will have the BEST week ever!


Have you ever felt like you’ve been there for someone over and over again? Then, when you need a shoulder to cry on or a listening ear you are shunned away or even worse, screamed at or told you are being ridiculous? Instead of allowing you to FEEL, you are being told your feelings are NOT important!

When someone is in battle with their mind, self~worth or self esteem, treat them with love not contempt. Love works both ways. To be loved you must show up & openly give of yourself without expectations or desiring something in return. Even when you just don’t feel like it! If someone doesn’t allow you to feel your feelings, they are essentially telling you that you don’t matter! Thats not compassion or love! You can have a positive mindset about your life but you will always have down days. Surround yourself only with the people who lift you up when you are at your worst! The ones who are there for you, ready to listen with an open compassionate heart! With that kind of support your down days will become less and less and the good days will fill up your calendar!




Here we are, another beautiful week! More positive posts, quotes etc! What if I told you that I’m not going to stream a bunch of positivity your way this morning? What if I told you that I’m leaving to care for someone who is only in his 40’s with cancer? what if I told you that I feel that virtually all degenerative disease has to do with whats on your plate, the health of your gut flora, your environment & what chemicals you CHOOSE to rub onto your body everyday?

I don’t have to tell you! I have a feeling you already know this and you’re still choosing to make poor choices. You can lead a person or an entire tribe to the truth that you can expect them all to follow!

My only wish, my only prayer that my only vision for all of you on this Monday morning is that you begin to take that true that you all know and apply it in your daily lives! Especially at the meals that you make for yourself and for your family!

Don’t believe the hype you’re being taught in the “Got Milk” ads, the fast food commercials the “high protein” pushers!

Change your food and your life will follow! I believe in you, I’m in your corner and I’m rooting for you every step of the way!



God is my language, acceptance of others is my political view & the Universe is my tribe! If you don’t agree with what I say or do thats Ok! I don’t know about you but for me, criticism only makes me stronger!

This is one of my tribe members “Jack”! He loves me unconditionally! When we love without conditions & drop the judgements we become more accepting of others! That’s when magic happens!


                                          SOUL EXERCISE 

This week I would love for you to try this soul exercise! Think about a time in your life when you were criticized. I know this may be hard but I promise you I’m going somewhere with it! Ok, when you have that moment in your mind, I would like you to think about how it made you FEEL at the time! Were you sad? Angry? Go ahead and feel that in your heart. Once you feel those same feelings again, imagine a white light that enters your body and goes straight to your heart space. It literally is there to clear those negative feelings from your body! Do you feel better? GOOD!

RECIPES! Lately I’ve been getting a ton of questions from you guys about kale chips and coconut chips! They are snacks that are highly available on the market today with a hefty little price tag! I’m answering your questions below

1) Are they healthy? Well kale chips and coconut chips are healthy the store bought brands are often laden with salts and fat! 

2) Do I make my own? Why yes! I do

 My kale & coconut chips-)

Grab these quick healthy recipes here click here

Andrea L Cox is the owner of  The Healthy Haven &  (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!)

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people! 

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her home town of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities! 

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

If you’ve not checked out Andrea’s Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Twitter yet FOLLOW her below!!! She would love to see you there! 

I want to connect with you!

Find me on

FACEBOOK HERE –> click here

TWITTER HERE –> click here

INSTAGRAM HERE –> click here 


YOUTUBE HERE –> click here

TUMBLER HERE –> click here

MY RETREATS HERE –> click here



If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:) HAVE A BEAUTIFUL WEEK EVERYONE! Be Well & Don’t forget to juice!



Kale & Coconut chip Recipes! Why you should make your own!

Hi Beautiful Health Warrior

Lately I’ve been getting a ton of questions from you guys about kale chips and coconut chips! They are snacks that are highly available on the market today with a hefty little price tag! I’m answering your questions below

1) Are they healthy? Well kale chips and coconut chips are healthy however the store bought brands are often laden with both sodium & fat!

2) Do I make my own? I do! They are pictured below and I guarantee you they are 100 times better tasting than any you can get in the store! I tend to make these on my “Food prep Sundays”! I’m shooting a video series on “Food Prep Sundays” right now!


My kale & coconut chips-)

Kale & coconut chips are EASY to make yourself! Just do it! I know you can!



Andrea’s SUPER CHEESY kale chips!
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil to every 1/2 head of kale
  • 3 heaping tablespoons of nutritional yeast
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 3/4 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika
  • 1/4 teaspoon fine grain sea salt or pink Himalayan sea salt
  •  (optional) 1TB of sweet miso Directions:
  1. I actually pre heat my dehydrator to about 118 degrese

    Beautiful Kale!

    Kale is FULL of minerals!

  2. Some people remove the stems. If you choose to, you can save the stems for your morning juice. I leave my stems on however. Wash and spin the kale until thoroughly dry.
  3. Add kale leaves into a large bowl. Massage in the coconut oil and sweet miso until all the nooks and crannies are coated. Now sprinkle on the spices/seasonings and toss to combine.
  4. Spread out the kale onto the prepared dehydrating sheet. Be sure not to overcrowd the kale. Just like men~It needs space:)
  5. Dehydrate for one hour, rotate the kale & then place it back into the dehydrator for 1 more hour until the kale begins to firm up. The kale will look shrunken, but this is normal.
  6. Cool the kale on the sheet for 3 minutes before DEVOURING! This really makes all the difference! Enjoy immediately as they lose their crispiness over time.

Feel free to make these in an oven too! Just keep the oven at about 300F and watch them closely! I bake mine in the oven for about 25 minutes total!

 Andrea’s MINERAL RICH coconut chips!

Guess what~I shot a video for this recipe while visiting my sisters home in Arizona! Enjoy it here –>

Yummy coconut chips!

Yummy coconut chips!

I hope all of you will begin making your own kale and coconut chips after reading this news letter/blog post! It really is the healthier more money conscious way to go!

Have a beautiful Wednesday & be well my little health warriors! Feel free to share this blog post~News letter with your social media! Let me know when you do! I just love that! 


                                                                Who is Andrea Cox?
Andrea L Cox is the owner of  The Healthy Haven &  (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!)

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people! 

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her home town of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities! 

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

If you’ve not checked out Andrea’s Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Twitter yet FOLLOW her below!!! She would love to see you there! 

 Facebook click here

Twitter click here

YouTube click here

Instagram click here










Ten minute Pumpkin fig chia cocoa cookies!

Hey everyone! Wow am I hearing A LOT about pumpkin! Is it just me or does every Holiday revolve around pumpkin these days? I like pumpkin just as much as the next person but geese!

If you’re anything like me you also have noticed it’s FIG SEASON! I LOVE figs! So much so that I ate them every day last year while they were in season! YEP!

In this recipe up on my blog TODAY I combine the best of both worlds! I didn’t quite know what to call them so I just called them what they are “Pumpkin Fig Chia cookies”!!! The suprize bitter and salty component in these will rock your taste buds! I took these to a party last week and they were gone within ten minutes!


This recipe is also in the dessert section of my book coming out January 1st Sexy on Salads!!! Enjoy!

Ten minute Pumpkin fig chia cocoa cookies!

2 Cups dried figs soaked for 2-3 hours in good water

1 Fresh Fig (Ripe)

3 TB chia seeds (not soaked)

4-5 TB of Cocoa nibs (I prefer SunFood) 

2 Cups & 2 TB dried coconut shreds

1 tsp Pumpkin Pie spice (HA gotcha didn’t I ~ You thought I was using real pumpkin!:) Told you I’m burnt out on Pumpkin! 

a pinch of cayanne

1 tsp pink sea salt or any “good” quality rock salt

Step 1 Toss all of this yummy RAW ORGANIC goodness into a food processor and blend! You may slowly add some of the liquid used to soak the figs in as well! This will provide the moisture to the cookies. Don’t pour too much:) If you do, you will simply add more shredded coconut to dry the recipe up a bit! 

Step 2 Take spoon full of your mixture into your hands and form into balls. Once the balls are formed split into three groups and place into three different plastic bags.

Step 3 Once the balls are in each bag you will want to take one cup of chia and pour into one bag. Next take shredded coconut (one cup) into another bag. For the last bag take one cup of large crushed keltic sea salt! Shake the balls in each bag until each ball is covered in the different ingredient! 



Want vitamin C? Eat an orange!

Andrea L Cox Owner of The Healthy Haven & Alkalize with Andrea Detox retreats

Andrea L Cox is the owner of & She is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy lifestyle and detoxification! Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications. She runs yoga juice cleanse retreats both in San Diego and Mexico! Her You Tube channel is approaching close to 2Million views. Her website for retreats is Her other programs may be found at

If you’ve not checked out my Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Twitter yet FOLLOW me below!!! I would love to see you there!  





Have a beautiful Sunday & don’t forget to drink your juice!

A quick tip to help you reach your weight loss goals!

One of the things I do to ward off the “mindless munching temptations” when I’ve clearly made too many raw vegan treats is to Pre-Portion any and all of those tempting Treats! The main way to do this is to portion them out AFTER you have eaten your largest meal of the day! This way you will be full and your mind will be in the right place to do so!

Todays treat that hit the spot were two of my raw vegan “nanna date romaine sammies” I simply pre make the raw vegan gluten free bread by using a mix of bananas, dates and flax and dehydrate! This bread is quite thin! Not like the thick yummy bread I had at my favorite restaurant last night…sigh:( Yet it still really hits the spot and is a much cleaner way to treat myself! I then take a date and a torn piece of romaine lettuce and sandwich it in between the bread pieces!

WALA! A treat made for this raw vegan Queen! Try it and let me know what you think! For more great recipes, detox and beauty tips along with AWESOME videos sign up for my FREE news letter at

#healthyfoodporn #inspiration #motivationalmonday #healthy #giveaway #whatveganseat #lfrv #rawtillwhenever #veganfoodshare

Portion control raw vegan sammie!

Portion control raw vegan sammie!


Andrea never forgets her morning juice!

Andrea never forgets her morning juice!


Raw vegan breakfast porridge!

So incredibly good! My fresh peppermint almond milk sweetened with dates over bananas, shredded coconuts, walnuts and mulberries! Raw vegan porridge fit for a Queen or a king! ‪#‎foodporn‬ ‪#‎veganfoodporn‬‪#‎healthylivingtips‬ ‪#‎yogaretreat‬ ‪#‎rawvegan‬ ‪#‎weightlosshelp‬ ‪#‎carbup‬ ‪#‎lfrv‬‪#‎rawtilfour‬
Raw vegan porridge! Recipe as follows! 

Peppermint almond milk

1 Cup almonds sprouted

3 Cups water

4 drops essential oil of peppermint 

2 dates

Pit dates, combine sprouted almonds and water in vitamin blend then strain through a nut milk bag or pasta strainer. Add “milk” back to blender. Add the dates and peppermint oil and you are done!

TIP: For extra selenium add a handful of Brazil nuts when adding dates!

Raw vegan porridge by Andrea Cox



Post yoga raw vegan “cereal” with brazil nut “milk”!

Mmm! It’s 3am and I’m already up creating a delicious after yoga breakfast for my girlfriends and I! We are headed to a 5am hot yoga class! I get excited for yoga! I get even more excited over good organic raw vegan food! Wild local blueberries, fresh mint, “nannas” and golden mulberries! I’m topping this with Brazil nut “milk” infused with vanilla bean and cinnamon!


The recipe is simple!

1 Cup blueberries fresh or frozen

1 banana chopped 

4 mint leaves chopped

1/2 Cup golden mulberries 

dash of cinnamon 


For the “milk”

Take 1 Cup of Brazil nuts and blend them in a high power blender with three cups of water. Strain through a strainer or nut milk bag and add fresh vanilla bean!


Pour the Brazil nut milk over the chopped fruit and devour without shame or guilt!

To be a Queen, you must eat like one!♡♡♡ #foodporn #lfrv #rawvegan #fullyraw #wholefoods

Raw vegan "cereal"

Raw vegan “cereal”

For more raw vegan recipes, detox tips and “love room” videos check out and leave me your email!

Chewy raw vegan carob coconut fudge brownies! Just in case you still thought raw vegans were eating celery sticks:)

I had a craving last night for something chewy, sweet, yet incredibly healthy! I decided since it was late I didn’t want the “high” that raw chocolate gives to me. Here is what I came up with below:) I assure you that these SO hit the spot! Try topping with a dollop of raw vegan coconut “vice cream”!


Raw vegan carob coconut fudge brownies!

1 Cup gluten-free oatmeal

1 Cup carob chips

1/2 Cup coconut oil

1/3 Cup GRADE B Maple syrup (Grade B is less processed)

1/2 Cup shredded coconut

1/4 Cup soaked and sprouted pecans

Take the oatmeal, coconut oil, grade B maple syrup and shredded coconut and pulse in a food processor. Place mixture into a bowl and fold in the carob cups along with the pecans! Place the entire mixture into a baking dish and place into the fridge or freezer until desired brownie texture is reached! INDULGE without guilt or shame knowing you are eating a healthy sweet treat FULL of minerals due to the Grade b maple syrup! 

For more AMAZING gluten free raw vegan recipes pick up a copy of my book “Raw-lic-ous” here >> Raw-lic-ous recipes


The most AMAZING RAW, VEGAN, NO FUSS & NO BAKE expresso chocolate brownies

Sign up for Andrea Cox’s news letter here and get your healthy haven gift pack!
Check out the exclusive Alkalize with Andrea retreats here
Raw vegan chocolate brownies

Raw vegan chocolate brownies

 These are to die for! They are gluten free, dairy free and take less than 10 minutes to make! This recipe came about once I discovered my beloved expresso brownie at my favorite organic grocery contained canola oil:( Sigh 
I promise you these will be the most decadent moist, divine brownie you will ever eat! They are packed with a unique chocolate espresso flavor! Hey…You ready?! Did I mention they don’t cause cellulite?!
Serves: ~ 10-20 people or one VERY hungry girl who is in her pre menstrual phase or pregnant:) Just kidding!
  • 1 cups raw walnuts, divided
  • 1/3 Cup chopped walnuts
2 – 2 1/2 cups Medjool or Deglet Nour dates, pitted
  • 3/4 cup cocoa powder 
  • 1-2 TB espresso powder or finely ground ORGANIC coffee (depending on preference)
  • pinch sea salt
  • a pinch of cinnamon 
  • a tiny piece of vanilla bean or 1/4 tsp vanilla extract (optional)
  • 1/2 cup vegan chocolate chips
  1. First, sprout your nuts by soaking them over night then draining the soak water in the morning! Then, place 1 cup walnuts in the food processor and process until finely ground.
  2. Add the cocoa powder, espresso powder and sea salt. Pulse to combine and then transfer to bowl and set aside.
  3. PIT YOUR DATES! Then, add the dates to the food processor and process until small bits remain. Remove from bowl and set aside.
  4. Add nut and cocoa mixture back into food processor and while processing, drop small handfuls of the date pieces down into the food processor spout. Process until a dough consistency is achieved, adding more dates if the mixture does not hold together when squeezed in your hand. Fold in the chocolate chips!
  5. Add the brownie mixture to a small cake pan or loaf pan (I like to lightly dust my pan with coconut sugar first to avoid sticking)! Then add remaining 1/3 cup of chopped walnuts. Toss to combine and evenly distribute, and then press down with you hands until it is flat and firm.
  6. Place in freezer or fridge to chill before cutting. Store in an airtight container to keep fresh. Will keep in the fridge for at least 2 1/2 weeks and in the freezer for at least 2 months.

Five tips to save you time and money!


Its never to late to get started on a healthier way of eating! The number one complaint I hear from people is “I don’t have the time to make healthy dishes and juices Andrea”!


Here are my top five tips to save you both time and money when you transition to a plant based more raw way of life!


Tip #1 Buy in bulk!

This really is a no brainer! How many times have you been craving a big avocado salad but you ate that avocado last night:( Don’t be a victim of not over shopping a bit and buying in bulk! Lets face it…you will be eating more than just three bananas in a week! Buy in bulk folks!


Tip#2 Shop the farmers markets

If you truly want to get more bang for your buck then shop the local farmers markets for the best deals! 


BONUS TIP! Go there when they are about to close and you will get amazing deals on fresh produce!


Tip #3 Get creative! Some of my most satisfying relishes meals are born from my own creativity! Check out the recipe below! That took me all of five minutes and only four ingredients! Simple always wins the prize!


Tip #4 Take one day a week to prep your food!

For me Sunday is the day i hit the markets and prep my food! I even clean my fridge! Its a day of preparation so I can be sure and be prepared to save time throughout the week!


Tip #5 Make your juices and freeze them!

Yep I said it…freeze them! I once did this for a Tony award winning client who had to take an over night trip out of the Country! He was able to thaw his juices out on the plane! Sure they lose a little enzymes but not near as many as you would think! You still have a fresh juice!


I hope these tips have helped you save money and time throughout this busy Holiday season! Here is a look at what I just created for “brunch”! 


Persimmon date salad!

 Persimmon salad

1 ripe persimmon

3 Cups spinach 

3 dates chopped

1 handful of dulse 


Directions: Place spinach in a bowl break open the persimmon on top and place the chopped dates into the bowl. End this sweet salad with a little bit of natural saltiness by adding the dulse in! Enjoy without shame or guilt!

Fall Season Is Here

Loving the herbal tonics, raw soups and nut “mylks” (not milk) I have been making this beautiful fall season!

Here we have turmeric ginger coconut gynostema elixir in the upper left. Brazil nut “mylk” sweetened with dates and a touch of nut meg and my curry turmeric carrot avocado soup!!! I LOVE FALL!!!


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