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Chewy raw vegan carob coconut fudge brownies! Just in case you still thought raw vegans were eating celery sticks:)

I had a craving last night for something chewy, sweet, yet incredibly healthy! I decided since it was late I didn’t want the “high” that raw chocolate gives to me. Here is what I came up with below:) I assure you that these SO hit the spot! Try topping with a dollop of raw vegan coconut “vice cream”!


Raw vegan carob coconut fudge brownies!

1 Cup gluten-free oatmeal

1 Cup carob chips

1/2 Cup coconut oil

1/3 Cup GRADE B Maple syrup (Grade B is less processed)

1/2 Cup shredded coconut

1/4 Cup soaked and sprouted pecans

Take the oatmeal, coconut oil, grade B maple syrup and shredded coconut and pulse in a food processor. Place mixture into a bowl and fold in the carob cups along with the pecans! Place the entire mixture into a baking dish and place into the fridge or freezer until desired brownie texture is reached! INDULGE without guilt or shame knowing you are eating a healthy sweet treat FULL of minerals due to the Grade b maple syrup! 

For more AMAZING gluten free raw vegan recipes pick up a copy of my book “Raw-lic-ous” here >> Raw-lic-ous recipes


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