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Archive for the tag “raw food detox diet”

8 Ways to open your third eye

I’ve been diving deep into the spiritual connection that is directly linked to our gut health, liver health, and especially our pineal gland. Going so far as to record and document the 8 ways to open the third eye. I’ve eaten a Raw food detox diet for decades now! In fact, I’m working on something to tie this all together for you. Before that comes out, let’s start with the basics. Let’s begin with a few ways to cleanse your pineal gland in order to open your third eye.

8 Ways to open your third eye

Decalcify your pineal gland The primary function of the pineal gland is to produce melatonin. This regulates our sleep-wake cycle. Melatonin production is stimulated by darkness and inhibited by light. Over time our pineal gland basically calcifies. A few of the ways to decalcify this important gland is to

  • Avoid Fluoride Pay close attention to the water in your life, avoid tap water completely! Tap water is a source of fluoride, which contributes to pineal gland calcification. Add water filters to your sink and shower faucets.
  • Supplement with humic and fulvic acid The list of supplements that support and detoxify the third eye is long and includes raw cacao, goji berries, garlic, lemons, watermelon, bananas, raw honey, coconut oil, hemp seeds, cilantro, seaweeds, honey, chlorella, spirulina, blue-green algae, raw apple cider vinegar, zeolite, ginseng, borax, Vitamin D3, bentonite clay and chlorophyll and especially humic and fulvic acids!

I’ve taken the guesswork out of combining all of these in my clay-based Raw Food Detox Formula.

  • Eat a Raw Food Detox diet

I tell my clients to start with a big juice in the morning and a HUGE salad at night! This seems to be the winning ticket! Here is a sample of what I tend to eat at night on a Raw Food Detox Diet!

  • Use Essentials Oils Many essential oils stimulate the pineal gland and facilitate states of spiritual awareness. A few of my favorites are lavender, sandalwood, frankincense, blue spruce, and pine. Essential oils may be inhaled directly, added to body oil, burned in a diffuser, and added to bathwater. Be mindful around your pets however, these oils can be toxic.
  • Gaze into the sun! I LOVE sun-gazing! The sun is a great source of power. Gaze gently at the sun during the first few minutes of sunrise and the last few minutes of sunset to boost the potency of your pineal gland.
  • Yoga Y’all know I LOVE my yoga practice! Unfortunately, most of the studios are requiring you to wear a mask. These days, I’ve been enjoying yoga at home. I actually find it much more peaceful at home. My doggies love it too!
  • Chanting and Meditation both activate the pineal gland through setting the intention. Start by sitting in a quiet space while chanting “I am love” over and over again. Try visualizing the decalcification of the pineal gland as you do so.
  • Wear Crystal jewelry Crystals are major influential allies in the mission to awaken the third eye. Use crystals and gemstones in the colors of purple, indigo, and violet along with gold and white. These are the colors to awaken, balance, align, and nurture the third eye.

Check out my Etsy shop with a variety of spiritual jewelry and crystals here

Raw Food Detox

Raw Food Detox ~ Jackfruit jicama roll ups













A surprise coming soon!

Jackfruit wrapped in thinly sliced jicama with cashew cheese & dill from my garden.

This is just one of my upcoming recipes in my Love your liver ten-day detox program coming out in the new year!

People just aren’t making the connection between the health of our liver and our third eye-opening. These things truly matter.


Messages from my Morning Meditation…

* The universe needs what you are creating!

* Just like my ancestral guides came through 20 years ago telling me to go vegan and that one day the world would be plant-based, your guides are going to start coming through speaking prophecies as well.

* Codependent behavior will not be allowed or accepted in 2021. In fact, you will start to feel repulsed at the very idea of someone controlling you with money, guilt, or shame.

* Gone are the days where you can research someone’s social media history and try to emulate their vibe. People have woke. They see through the actors and actresses of this world. Saturn will not allow this.

* Anyone who has had their life’s work whether written or displayed mocked, emulated or stolen from will rise above monetarily.

* The veil will be lifted that covers politicians and people in Hollywood who carry a false high status exposing pedophilia.

* Your health must come front and center in order for you to create the type of authentic lifestyle we were all put on this earth to create.

* If you’ve not gone plant-based yet, now is the time. We are evolving as a species and must stand up for the voiceless.

* We are being called to be more mindful to what our ears and eyes take in. Less social media, less news, less gossip.

God, spirit, and your ancestors who walked before you only want the best for you.

Cilantro kisses

~ Andrea

Get your 2021 reading below

Andrea Cox

Andrea Cox











Join me for Tasty Tuesday’s at 6pm Pacific tonight!


holiday1That’s right beautiful! Every Tuesday you and I are going to be making dinner together! Click here to watch!


Food Prep & gearing up for our lift off of the 7 Day Juicy cleanse!

If you haven’t heard, IT’S DETOX TIME! I have the absolute perfect way for you to detox! I assure you on my 7Day Juicy cleanse the weight will leave you FOR GOOD!

Learn More




I wanted to extend my heart and pure gratitude to you for all the support you’ve given me over the years! I truly feel I would be nothing with out your unconditional love and I feel like we are family! I would love to be friends on social media! If we aren’t friend yet lets become social media buddies here

A week spent in Mexico detoxing my client from Vancouver!

Hey everyone! I’m still here b BEAUTIFUL Mexico running a private one on one cleanse for my client Kim from Vancouver! Kim is a beautiful single gal who is CRUSHING it in the real-estate market! She has two BEAUTIFUL  children and is the most selfless person I know! I guessed Kim was a cancer because of her caring nature..

Kim is an extremely private person therefore most of these photos will be of me and the beautiful private home I use for my private retreats! I do hope you enjoy this picture book I created for all of you! The juices and naturally flavored water was so fresh! All of our meals were made by yours truly and to top it off we had massages an yoga daily!

So do enjoy the creative photo book below! And do reach out when you are ready to take your health to the next level! Details for my group and private retreats can be found at  

Ahhh massage time! I SO enjoyed this!

Ahhh massage time! I SO enjoyed this!

I wore this because I thought it looked Mexican:)

I wore this because I thought it looked Mexican:)


 The home made a great back drop for delicious salads, tons of fresh juice and self-ids:) I even made Kim a turmeric mask that was 100% edible! The recipe is so simple! Take 1TB of turmeric powder, 1TB of avocado and 2 tsp of raw honey! Mix in a bowl and place on face before going to bed. Wait 20 minutes and rince! It will leave your skin GLOWING! 


My turmeric salad!

My turmeric salad!

LOVE the fruit here in Mexico!

LOVE the fruit here in Mexico!

Teaching Kim's first detox class!

Teaching Kim’s first detox class!

 Turmeric mask for my client before she goes to bed:) 100% edible skincare!

Turmeric mask for my client before she goes to bed:) 100% edible skincare!



Alkalizing detox salads

Alkalizing detox salads

Alkalize salad

Alkalize salad

Mexican salad night:)

Mexican salad night:)

I even got to sneak in some juice and alone sunshine time:)

I even got to sneak in some juice and alone sunshine time:)

Raw vegan breakfast balls! Oatmeal chocolate chunk!

treatsI’m feeling the need to create today! I’ve been known to spend up to 24 hours in my kitchen when this occurs! A third raw recipe book seems to be in the works!

My oatmeal pumpkin spice breakfast balls are AMAZING! Low in fat and very nutrient dense! 







Blend all ingredients in a food processor, roll into balls and eat!

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