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Archive for the tag “raw”

A Mother’s Love is a Gift!

Hi there:)

You and I both know that my Email title is VERY true! “A mothers love truly is a gift”!

Guess what’s just around the corner! MOTHERS DAY! I had to put a sale up for all of the beautiful mothers out there? Heck, we {LITERALLY} wouldn’t be here without them! Tonight until midnight on Mothers day I’m offering 10% off of any of my four new products for all of the FABULOUS moms out there! As a BONUS, if you let the operator know that your mom is pulling “double duty” meaning she’s a single mom, she will get my Juicing for Beauty book for FREE! YES! Lets just say I have a special place in my heart for those double duty mama’s out there!


The first thing you should knows that clay  (specifically the clay I use in my products) has all the vitamins and minerals the body needs to THRIVE! The great news is that they are not in an isolated form! Therefore they won’t throw the rest of the body out of whack!

The Raw Detox Formula $93.50 Three months supply & toss all your other supplements away! Its got EVERYTHING you need!

Sexy and Raw Hair Skin and Nails Formula $60.50 If your mother or wife has thinning or dry and brittle hair this is for her! I owe my sexy long locks to this 100% PURE from the Earth product!

Andrea’s Colon Smooth $47 Just like the bottle says, it’s “A colonic in a pill”!

Andrea’s Smiling Gut Probiotic $44 My probiotic formula has both PRE and PRO biotic life! I believe it TRULY is the best probiotic you will ever take!

All products can be taken together! In fact, when taken together they create a synergetic gentle detox and replenishing affect on the body! and we ship all over the world! 

The number to call is 1-844-4-DetoxPro

So what are you waiting for? Your mother and the mother of your children matter! So does your health! Whether you are getting this top of the line vegan supplements for yourself or for your mother or wife, know that the quality is top notch! The mother indoor life will be a happy woman!

If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:)

Andrea L Cox
The Healthy Haven

Andrea L Cox is the owner of The Healthy Haven & (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!) She is known as “The Detox Queen” and is a woman who walks her talk!

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people!

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her hometown of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities!


Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

I WANT TO CONNECT WITH YOU! Find me at the following Social Media Links!






Snapchat ~ AndreaLeighCox | 1

Tumbler ~

Sexy is NOT a size!

sexyThe other night my boyfriend had taken us to Dinner at an organic vegan restaurant in SD. Towards the end of the meal two girls around the age of 20 came & sat at a table next to us. They were tall thin & literally looked like fashion models. Then, I heard something that was all-too-familiar. It was a conversation I had played in my own mind over & over again. A conversation I had with my own bodyfor years, DAILY! We listened as the two girls debated what to put on a salad for almost 30 minutes. When the food was finally delivered it was sparse. They both ordered a tea, stevia (a sweetener) & Romain lettuce.

My boyfriend was oblivious to what was happening however I FELT the eating disorder energy the moment they sat down & the second I heard the conversation. I needed to stay & listen. Selfishly maybe I was doing so to further my own work on myself or maybe I was just checking in with myself to make sure I was still on the “straight & narrow path”. Whatever it was, my heart ached for them both.

I began explaining to Will what was going on next to us, he felt my heart & asked if I was OK. I answered him & said I feel sad. I felt sad for them & I also felt sad for the abuse I put my body under for many years. I wanted to grab them & give them both a hug. I wanted to turn my chair & sit next to them telling them that SEXY IS NOT A SIZE! I wanted to say “your self-worth is NOT measured on the scale & that they will be able to toss away the “Allowed/bad food list” that they carry around in their tormented minds!

You see unless you have struggled with an eating disorder you have NO idea how obsessed the mind becomes with “allowed/avoid food lists”, calories, carbs, proteins & fats! You have no idea how this controls your every move, your every choice & every thought! Out of the millions of times I’ve spoken about poor food choices & helped others improve their habits, I realized in this moment, I could not speak, I had no words, I was numb!

We left the restaurant & I prayed silently for them in the car as we drove away. May they find peace in your words God, comfort with their bodies & love for themselves! May they lose the silent battle within their heads on whether to eat or not.

Ten ways to detox daily & feel better today!Andrea L Cox is the owner of  The Healthy Haven &  (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!)

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people! 

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her home town of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities! 

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

If you’ve not checked out Andrea’s Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Twitter yet FOLLOW her below!!! She would love to see you there! 

I want to connect with you!

Find me on

FACEBOOK HERE –> click here

TWITTER HERE –> click here

INSTAGRAM HERE –> click here 


YOUTUBE HERE –> click here

TUMBLER HERE –> click here

MY RETREATS HERE –> click here


If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:) HAVE A BEAUTIFUL WEEK EVERYONE! Be Well & Don’t forget to juice! I WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO SHARE MY RECIPES AND BLOG POSTS ON YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA! Links are below! Thank you! Andrea!


7 Tips! Manage Your Time While Benefitting Your Health!

Hi there beautiful! 🙂 I have three important questions for you today! How do you manage your time? Are you managing it properly, with balance? Do you have trouble saying the word “no”?

Time management is a delicate & difficult balance for many people! Each new day that the sun comes up we are offered another oppurtunity to spend our time wisely! Yet so many of us don’t take advantage of our time! Instead, we end up upset with ourselves and short with others by the end of each day. We wonder, where did the day go? Why have I accomplished so little? Why am I so exhausted?

I turned down plans this past weekend and I’m happy I did. I chose not to overextend myself and said no so that I could spend the weekend cleaning & organizing my entire home! Every nook, inside every cabinet and every closet! I’ve managed to get the downstairs done but there’s so much more to go. I’ve decided it’s time for me to shift my energy and move to a different location. Change is always proven to be a BIG positive for me! I’m ready! Being a recovered procrastinator, I knew it was time to do a “time~management~healthy mind/ body overhaul” once again! 

Home Life 1

7 TIPS! Manage Your Time While Benefitting Your Health! 

1) HEALHY TIP ~ Sip your morning green juice out of a bowl or mug while getting things done! See my juice in the photo above? That way you don’t risk rushing it down like some type of cold brewski! Instead you’ll find you sip it like a warm soup or hot cocoa & it doesn’t give you a “pregnancy belly” from drinking it too fast!

2) TIME MANAGEMENT TIP ~ Keep everything clean and organized in your home! Remember that old saying “everything has a place”? Well, it does! While cleaning my home this past weekend I was astonished of what I found! Everything from family photos to baking dishes! Create a space for EVERYTHING in your home, memorize where you place things or keep a list and ALWAYS put items back in that place! My mother has always done this and I’m here to tell you when your home is completely organized you will feel MUCH better!

3) HEALTHY MIND TIP ~ Limit your time with those who don’t have a clue as to how to manage their time effectively! You know who I’m talking about! These are the people who are always rushing around and EXTREMELY busy yet they accomplish very little. Allowing these people into your life will rob you of your time and zap you of your energy! You’ll end up with broken plans and less time of your own!

4) HEALTHY TIP ~ Utilize the time you spend cleaning and organizing your home as a time to detox! I like to sip only juice while I clean and make it a day of what I call “A cleaning cleanse”! Your body and your mind will thank you for this! You could always reward yourself with a nice healthy meal and a decadent dark chocolate bar that evening! After you are finished & everything is “in it’s place” of course!

5) TIME MANAGEMENT TIP ~ Utilize a timer! I LOVE this tip my mother Bonnie gave me years ago when I was struggling with managing my time! My mother is the Queen of getting things done! She told me to set a timer of when I wanted to have a task completed! I began doing this and WOHA! This single thing changed my life! This also works great if you find you are sitting at home “working” and have trouble getting off to the gym! Set that timer for the exact time you want to leave by!

6) HEALTHY MIND TIP ~ Reward yourself for completing tasks! Ahh I love this one! Keep in mind this doesn’t have to be a reward of a new dress or a big gluten free cookie! As an entrepreneur I had noticed I would often  isolate myself & end up with a mildly depressed mood by three pm if I was “still at home working”! I always reward myself by being around others! Now, I simply schedule my yoga for 4:30 to interact with others after a long work day! Sometimes I’ll schedule an evening walk with a girlfriend or a date night out! All three things mentioned above feel like rewards to me! I always see a day of accomplishments ending with a day of positive interactions as a rewarding spirality rich productive day!

7) TIME MANAGEMENT TIP ~ Don’t keep a To Do list! Keep a planner or online calendar instead! I’ve read several articles that sate the most successful people DO NOT keep To Do lists! Instead, they have a notebook handy at ALL times and utilize an online calendar or a planner! I’m proud to say I’ve done this all my life! YAY!

I hope these tips helped you! If they did feel free to share this blog post! I love sharing! Have a beautiful week everyone! Remember no one is in control of your happiness or the way you manage your time but you!


Andrea Cox on the news in San Diego!

Andrea Cox on the news in San Diego “Meat~less Monday’s!

Andrea L Cox is the owner of  The Healthy Haven &  (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!)

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people!

 Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her home town of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities! 

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

If you’ve not checked out Andrea’s Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Twitter yet FOLLOW her below!!! She would love to see you there!

 Facebook click here

Twitter click here

YouTube click here

Instagram click here


Five tips to have your BEST day ever!

Hi there beautiful!

WOW! What a powerful love and fun filled week! I’ll be sending you my “week in review” along with an AMAZING recipe for vegan pumpkin chocolate chip cookies tomorrow! Until then I wanted to share with all of you why today was one of the absolute BEST days of my life!!!

Last week my loving sweetheart of a man AKA “the man-pan-ion” went dirt bike riding with his son and friends out in Mexico! Apparently they were taken to this stunningly beautiful meadow that he thought would be perfect for us to hike at! Today he woke me early to take me there. He even made my “special coffee mixture” for my coffee enema:) Now thats a man no detox Queen could ever resist!  

Somehow he managed to talk me out of my morning exercise routine (a first)! Apparently he knew we would get lost and end up walking for well over two hours:) To be honest with you, I was happy we did “lose our vehicle”! It was honestly the most stunning place I’ve ever been! 


Prior to leaving I made sure to pack plenty of lemon water with one of my favorite essential oil drops inside! I also slathered a mixture of coconut oil mixed with lavender essential oil all over my body so I wouldn’t get eaten by mosquitoes. They both worked like a charm! I also packed plenty of green juice and a few bananas! Although the “nannas” got mushed, I was glad I took them:)


After our hike we stopped for fresh coconuts and then had a couples massage♡♡♡ We then headed home for my loves favorite pastime, watching the sun set over the ocean off of the deck! I love the effort he is putting forth everyday to be the absolute BEST partner he can be! nl7

This day was extremely special to me! To be honest, the entire weekend was! My favorite moment was when we were walking to get our massages. My shoe came un tied. As he squatted down to tie it my heart filled with more love than I’ve ever felt for another. I love this life, I love this man and I love the possibilities♡♡♡

I have to say that leaving our cell phones OFF was a HUGE plus! Although we did stop to take a few photos, both of us together & of the beauty of nature in its entirety! Having a cell phone free day to “just be”!   

Stunning veiw!

Stunning veiw!








1) Start the day with prayer and or meditation!

When is the last time you woke up and before you opened your eyes you said a prayer? Meditated lately? I know these two things may seem like they’ve been beaten into us by a sledge hammer but they actually have been proven to be HIGHLY effective in relieving stress! For me, yoga is like a moving meditation! I also think that having one on one conversations with God will never grow old!

2) Move your body!

Move it or lose it! Turns out this is true! The more you move, the more you will be in touch with your body, your muscles and your spirit! Not only is moving the body great for the lymphatic system but its also STELLAR for the mind! Hows that for a BEST day ever BONUS! nl1

3) Alkaline your system with fresh pressed vegetable juice!

There is no better way to alkaline the body than to feed it fresh pressed juice! It goes into the blood stream within 15 minutes! Tell that to your smoothie friends!

4) Get out in nature!

Fresh air really is the best remedy for anything! The air I breathed in today filled my lungs with SO MUCH JOY! With the constant bombardment of smog and pollution try your very best to find a place to run, hike or walk with clean air! You’ll be glad you did!



5) Leave your cell phone, social media and computer behind!

Yes, yes and yes! Please trust me on this one! You’ll be SO happy you did!

Stunning veiw!

Stunning veiw!


Post yoga raw vegan “cereal” with brazil nut “milk”!

Mmm! It’s 3am and I’m already up creating a delicious after yoga breakfast for my girlfriends and I! We are headed to a 5am hot yoga class! I get excited for yoga! I get even more excited over good organic raw vegan food! Wild local blueberries, fresh mint, “nannas” and golden mulberries! I’m topping this with Brazil nut “milk” infused with vanilla bean and cinnamon!


The recipe is simple!

1 Cup blueberries fresh or frozen

1 banana chopped 

4 mint leaves chopped

1/2 Cup golden mulberries 

dash of cinnamon 


For the “milk”

Take 1 Cup of Brazil nuts and blend them in a high power blender with three cups of water. Strain through a strainer or nut milk bag and add fresh vanilla bean!


Pour the Brazil nut milk over the chopped fruit and devour without shame or guilt!

To be a Queen, you must eat like one!♡♡♡ #foodporn #lfrv #rawvegan #fullyraw #wholefoods

Raw vegan "cereal"

Raw vegan “cereal”

For more raw vegan recipes, detox tips and “love room” videos check out and leave me your email!

Five tips to save you time and money!


Its never to late to get started on a healthier way of eating! The number one complaint I hear from people is “I don’t have the time to make healthy dishes and juices Andrea”!


Here are my top five tips to save you both time and money when you transition to a plant based more raw way of life!


Tip #1 Buy in bulk!

This really is a no brainer! How many times have you been craving a big avocado salad but you ate that avocado last night:( Don’t be a victim of not over shopping a bit and buying in bulk! Lets face it…you will be eating more than just three bananas in a week! Buy in bulk folks!


Tip#2 Shop the farmers markets

If you truly want to get more bang for your buck then shop the local farmers markets for the best deals! 


BONUS TIP! Go there when they are about to close and you will get amazing deals on fresh produce!


Tip #3 Get creative! Some of my most satisfying relishes meals are born from my own creativity! Check out the recipe below! That took me all of five minutes and only four ingredients! Simple always wins the prize!


Tip #4 Take one day a week to prep your food!

For me Sunday is the day i hit the markets and prep my food! I even clean my fridge! Its a day of preparation so I can be sure and be prepared to save time throughout the week!


Tip #5 Make your juices and freeze them!

Yep I said it…freeze them! I once did this for a Tony award winning client who had to take an over night trip out of the Country! He was able to thaw his juices out on the plane! Sure they lose a little enzymes but not near as many as you would think! You still have a fresh juice!


I hope these tips have helped you save money and time throughout this busy Holiday season! Here is a look at what I just created for “brunch”! 


Persimmon date salad!

 Persimmon salad

1 ripe persimmon

3 Cups spinach 

3 dates chopped

1 handful of dulse 


Directions: Place spinach in a bowl break open the persimmon on top and place the chopped dates into the bowl. End this sweet salad with a little bit of natural saltiness by adding the dulse in! Enjoy without shame or guilt!

Five tips to shop healthy at the grocery store!

Have you ever felt completely lost along your health journey when shopping in a grocery store? Ever feel like you just want to throw in the towel with so many choices? Guess what…its okay! I’ve been there too! I’m here to play super woman for you and take the guess work out of your shopping trip!

Here are my top five tips on how to shop healthy!

1) Do you have to hit the store? Look folks now days there are a plethora of farmers markets out there! You really do have all the options you need at your local outdoor market! Go online and find one near you!

2) Shop the perimeter of the store! Yep! This age old tip still stands true! Stay away from the canned, packaged processed items in the center isles and you will be good to go!

3) YES! Buying local and organic is a must! With our government allowing Genetically modified foods in our stores to go unlabeled its important now more than ever to buy organic! When we buy organic and from local growers we can rest assured the food is not sprayed and has literally just come from the farm if it says “local”!

4) GO VEGAN! Want to really trim your waistline and your wallet? Go vegan! Meats and dairy often come from factory farms and are filled with hormones that are not fit for human consumption! When I first went vegan I dropped a whopping thirty pounds! Thats right! Vegan is where its at!

5) Measure out your sweet treats such as organic dark chocolate! These foods are perfectly healthy and completely allowed daily on my program! The trick is to limit them! Try measuring out 2-3oz baggies of organic dark chocolate like I did below!

I know you will put the tips you’ve learned above to good use! If you still are not getting the results you want its not to late to join our seven day juicy cleanse below! Here is the link >>>
Getting ready to get my shopping on at my favorite market!choc

On my way to the farmers market:)

On my way to the farmers market:)

Do you know what day it is?

Do you know what today is? It’s food prep farmers market Sunday! My favorite day of the week! #vegan #healthcoach #rawvegan #vegan recipes #andreacox #buylocal #growyourownfoodPG


The amount of people contacting me to work with them who have cancer is growing at an ever increasing rate. I can honestly say one out of every three clients of mine have some form of cancer. Yet when I suggest to people that they give up white flour, sugar, processed foods, pork, hormone laden red meat and pasteurized dairy they look at me like I’m nuts! As if these foods are fit for human consumption!

If you are not willing to make the changes to become healthy than why hire a coach in the first place? And by all means YES! CANCER SUCKS! So why not take a TRUE honest stance against it! ‪#‎truth‬ ‪#‎Youvegotthis‬fff

Fall Season Is Here

Loving the herbal tonics, raw soups and nut “mylks” (not milk) I have been making this beautiful fall season!

Here we have turmeric ginger coconut gynostema elixir in the upper left. Brazil nut “mylk” sweetened with dates and a touch of nut meg and my curry turmeric carrot avocado soup!!! I LOVE FALL!!!


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