Andrea cox

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A Daily Mantra!


Yesterday I treated myself to a 90 minute Lomi Lomi massage! This ancient Hawaiian modality allows you to “wipe the slate clean” in order to move forward in any area of your life. Twenty minutes in, the woman performing the massage said, “all of this tightness in your back and neck doesn’t belong to you”. You are carrying someone else’s sh**. She told me this year was my year of transformation!

She then said “you are divinely protected by God, angels & the universe, I feel this”! I won’t argue with her statement. This is how I feel every day. Surrounded with a white light of protection.

The following are questions I’ve been asking myself daily!

How are you showing up in your life?

Have you let someone down? Fix it!

Have you been unkind to another? Apologize!

Have you not been living up to your FULL potential? Step it up!

Has your exercise routine been lacking? Do something different! I’ve been hiking a lot lately!

Everyday is a new day to begin again! Use the quote on my photo as a daily mantra! Move forward with a clean slate! Love you ~ Andrea

Thank you for always supporting me along my path:)


He washes away with his kiss

He eases my discomfort with his kiss
I feel as though nothing is a miss
He grounds me with his sober mind
his love is gentle and is kind
He wraps me up in his loving heart
he tells me we will never part
He leads us into another land
always being my gentle man
He crushes my fears as we walk away
hand and hand we go off to play
Playing in a distant land
Warm and quiet with lots of sand
Kissing me softly as he always does
I ask him why… he says “just because”
I’ll take my heart and share it with this man
Loving him as he leads me to a different land

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