Andrea cox

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Why your weight gain could be caused by your relationship!

I hear the following all the time from my clients. They’re over eating, not taking care of themselves, skipping yoga. Once we get to talking, I soon learn its not about the food at all! Its about their relationships with others, specifically their partner! They feel empty in their marriages, not listened to and disconnected from their mate. Some may even feel they have lost their identity in the relationship.  

The women I work with who have weight issues suffer from something I call “BED” or binge eating disorder. Women are emotional eaters by nature. Women eat when they are sad, angry, lonely or simply when they don’t feel listened to.

Many men I work with who are overweight also suffer from binge eating. They often complain of being talked over, controlled or simply feel bored with their partners. They’ve shut down  in order to avoid having an actual discussion about what comes up for them. Avoidance of conversation seems to be a huge factor with the men I work with. Sadly, many men also end up “eating their relationship problems”.

The biggest complaint I hear from women is that their partners don’t make them or their relationship a priority. There are no planned dates, rendezvous or even dinners together. They simply feel unloved and not cherished. This often ties into a under nourished “feeling”!

The biggest complaint I hear from males is that they feel unappreciated and that their female mate quite simply “talks to much”! They often shut down, become silent and don’t even hear what their mate is saying after the first few sentences. How does this relate to health? They end up with a “feeling” of needing to over nourish themselves to tune out the chatter.

When people come to me the first thing I ask them to do is to make a list of ten triggers that cause them to binge. Seven out of ten usually are perceived to come from their partner.

I then ask them to write down 25 traits in themselves that they LOVE! This can be physical or personality/character traits. This is often difficult for both men and women.

The third task I give them is to list 25 things they LOVE about their partner! Just as I did above. The list flows effortlessly. Odd? Not really. You see its not that they don’t love themselves and love their partners. Its that the traits they love about themselves are not being recognized and appreciated by their partners.

The key is communication. Both males and females always say “I don’t feel heard or understood” Why is it that if your marriage is the most important relationship you will ever have with another human being no one ever teaches us the precious skills of communication?

Here are the two homework assignments I always give to my clients who come to me with a food issue that are in a relationship (75% of them)! 

Create a safe place of love, a container so to speak where your love can thrive!This is generally different for men and women. 

For women this means shutting up! Yes ladies, actually being quiet when your man does open up to you (and he will). Often its as simple as allowing him to feel through his thoughts about you not appreciating how hard he works to provide or the little things he does for you like taking out the trash cans every week.

For men this means making her feel secure by making her a priority! Women are very different then men. We have a strong need to FEEL a certain way! This isn’t anything that comes with words. It comes with your actions. Planning things for the future such as weekend getaways or even creating a certain night during the week for a “date night” are all things that create a safe space for her to thrive! Women value and love their time with you. It gives them a sense of safety and support that only comes when they are in your masculine presence. Honor that and take pride in it. 

Learn to communicate effectively! This is something you must strive for in every conversation! Without it the relationship becomes a burden and often can become a thing of the past! This is where the over eating comes into play too! Often when we don’t feel heard, we tend to stuff down our feelings or our words with food!

Try to take 20 minutes of time out during an argument to gather your thoughts. This will allow you to both cool off! If yelling or interrupting one another over the phone is a common trait of your communication style I recommend meeting in person. If yelling in person is a trait one or both of you have, meet in a public place to have your discussions. 

Share meals together at home! This is one of the most connecting things you can do to strengthen your bond! Meal times should be sacred times! Allow this to be a time when candles are lit, music is on and cell phones are turned off! When this is done right, with the right mood and environment this always leads to a fabulous night of intimacy! And who would ever choose cookies or chocolate cake over being intimate with the one they love? 🙂

Remember…No matter how much stress is going on around us we can always take the time to pull together a beautiful meal next to candlelight. Keep your space tidy, your colon clean your mind open and your heart full of love!


 Above: A beautiful candlelight dinner for two with essential oils diffusing, soft music and an amazing organic dinner prepared by yours truly!



 Andrea Cox is a former fitness model. She is a raw food celebrity chef, author and owner of and  She has had national coverage speaking about her detox modalities

Her YouTube channel has just surpassed 2million views! Sign up for her news letter at

A quick tip to help you reach your weight loss goals!

One of the things I do to ward off the “mindless munching temptations” when I’ve clearly made too many raw vegan treats is to Pre-Portion any and all of those tempting Treats! The main way to do this is to portion them out AFTER you have eaten your largest meal of the day! This way you will be full and your mind will be in the right place to do so!

Todays treat that hit the spot were two of my raw vegan “nanna date romaine sammies” I simply pre make the raw vegan gluten free bread by using a mix of bananas, dates and flax and dehydrate! This bread is quite thin! Not like the thick yummy bread I had at my favorite restaurant last night…sigh:( Yet it still really hits the spot and is a much cleaner way to treat myself! I then take a date and a torn piece of romaine lettuce and sandwich it in between the bread pieces!

WALA! A treat made for this raw vegan Queen! Try it and let me know what you think! For more great recipes, detox and beauty tips along with AWESOME videos sign up for my FREE news letter at

#healthyfoodporn #inspiration #motivationalmonday #healthy #giveaway #whatveganseat #lfrv #rawtillwhenever #veganfoodshare

Portion control raw vegan sammie!

Portion control raw vegan sammie!


Andrea never forgets her morning juice!

Andrea never forgets her morning juice!


How I lost the 30 pounds in one month! Using NO supplements, pills or powders!


Why am I smiling so big? Because all of you have been so very kind with your words. You have all noticed my weight loss and have been inquiring as to how I lost it so very quickly!

 The truth of the matter is that once I made the decision to get back into fitness model shape, I did my very own coaching program! The fact is …IT WORKS & WORKS FAST! I’ve held the hands of thousands of clients during the last several years and helped them reach their weight, fitness and health goals. Yet, I had gained a significant amount of weight after two injuries myself. All I did was apply the same techniques to myself that Ive applied to my clients! Before I knew it, the month was over and I had dropped close to 40 pounds of toxic weight!

 I’ve decided to celebrate reaching my goals by taking on ten clients for the month of May! If you have extra weight on your body that you are ready to lose for good this is your chance to work with me one on one! You don’t even have to live in CA to work with me! All of our work is done via the phone or Skype! 

 Here are a few things you are going to get when you become a VIP client!

 • How to release the weight for good! More importantly how to do this without cutting your portions or doing some crazy exercise routine!

 • Improving body image & understand the diet-binge cycle! How to stop binging for good!

• The connections between feelings and food

• Developing a “way of life” plan that you will be able to utilize FOREVER! A plan that ALWAYS gets you back to your ideal weight and balance!

• Getting rid of shame and guilt about eating and weight loss! Developing a happy relationship with your food where you feel safe eating once again! We even cover techniques that help you learn how to deal with stress!

• Recipes, how to eat out and learning the “order of food”! This is often overlooked but greatly needed for long term success!

I’m only accepting ten new clients into my one on one VIP coaching program! This will go VERY fast…so if I don’t respond to your E-mail, that only means that all spots have been filled! I may reach out to you in the future if that is the case.

GET EXCITED! You’re about to lose all of those unwanted pounds and regain your life back again! I can’t wait to meet you!  

Andrea L Cox

feb 18th

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