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Archive for the tag “quick salad recipe”

7 reasons I prefer to make my own food!

7 reasons I prefer to make my own food!

1) I prefer to know the source of my produce!
The fact is that the vast majority of restaurants do not sourse genetically modified foods and yes, organic foods! Since I am vegan I won’t even touch on where a huge portion of the restaurant meat is coming from!

2) Its expression of creativity!
I consider my food to be “edible art”! I absolutely LOVE creating beautiful living food to nurture my body with!

3) Its faster!
This meal took me 3 minutes to assemble! Did I mention I followed it with vegan homemade cookies that I whipped up this morning? 

4) Preparing my own food allows me to tune into my body more!
When I prepare my own food I can really tune into what my bodies needs and desires are instead of being limited to a menu!

5) All my friends eat sunshine too:)
The fact of the matter is that the vast majority of my girlfriends also prepare their own food 90% of the time! We call ourselves “sunshine warriors”! We know that food is mood and that in order to FEEL good we must eat good too!

6) It saves money!
If I spend $150 at the farmers market or grocery store I know that my food will last the entire week! Thats way more bang for your buck than dining out on a consistent basis!

7) I get joy out of creating living creates for friends and family!
It’s true…nothing makes me happier than creating a meal that I know without a doubt will nourish my loved ones from the inside out!


Lets face it troop! We cannot be too careful these days! Have you ever looked at the amount of salt that is in a restaurant meal? Are you lactose intolerant? I guarantee you the foods you are eating not only contain gluten AKA GLUE, but also have traces of dairy and are cooked in fats that should NEVER be heated! Educate yourselves and get to town in that big beautiful kitchen you just remodeled! Or your college dormitory:) Both will work!

 Use this recipe to rid your body of excess water weight! 

View the recipe at the link above!

View the recipe at the link above!

Todays brunch fit for this raw vegan Queen! Spinach salad with heirloom tomatoes, pineapple and my “cashew curry tofu” that is soy free!!! I grew the sunflower sprouts myself! Try making your own food and watch how your wallet, waist size and mood improves!

Cashew curry salad!

Cashew curry salad!

How to get rid of water retention fast! Try this juice recipe!Cashew curry salad!

Why I LOVE making a meal out of a salad!

I absolutely love to make big salads for dinner! The salad that I make most frequently is a sweet yet hearty date walnut salad with my sweet and sour dressing! It’s one of my comfort foods. Kinda like eating a bowl full of candy on Halloween!

I also make lots of other different varieties, including kale and my famous tahini salad! Adding kelp noodles is a great way to add more substance to a salad. The Salads like the ones I have in the slide show below are hearty enough to make your whole family happy, but if you’re worried they won’t be quite enough, you can easily supplement with fresh raw vegan gluten free bread topped with avocado…yumm! Below are my top three all time favorite salads to make! I casually list the ingredients! Use your imagination and supplement with what you prefer! I LOVE when my body is flowing in perfect harmony with the live food I give it! 

Wild edible salad of arugula, mustard greens and nettles topped with sprouted walnuts, dates and shredded coconut! I used my sweet and sour dressing with a touch of lecithin to mesh the flavors! Vegan food porn at its finest!

Andrea's walnut date salad with sweet and sour dressing!

Andrea’s walnut date salad with sweet and sour dressing!












Kale salad!

Kale salad!

This kale salad is so hearty and filling! I use an entire head of kale! Simply by mashing an entire avocado, a few dates for sweetness, lemon juice and high quality keltic salt….you have a meal fit for a raw vegan King! Or Queen!





This is my all time favorite salad to serve at my Alkalize with Andrea detox retreats! Light and so refreshing…yet filling too!

Arugula topped with lemon tahini dressing! So divine!

Andrea Cox's famous arugula salad with tahini dressing!

Andrea Cox’s famous arugula salad with tahini dressing!



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