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Five recipes with less than five ingredients! Bonus video recipe!

Never underestimate the simple things in life! Some of my most enjoyable meals have been created in my kitchen with less than five ingredients! Enjoy a few of my favorites below! One I placed in video format for you!

The nanna salad

Have you tried this combination? It’s a combination of celery and banana together! The saltiness from the celery mixed with the sweetness of banana has proven to be so incredibly delightful to me and many others! Plate your plate with spinach, slice two bananas on top making sure they are spotted to ensure ripeness! Chop two stalks of celery on top as well and finish with a drizzle of raw honey:) Devour without shame or guilt! One of my go to treats! 

    “Andrea’s Dictionary” –    “Nanna” A fully ripened spotted banana!   


                       The "nana" salad!


Berries, coconut creme and cinni:) 

Take a bowl of berries, top with a dollop or two of coconut creme and sprinkle with cinni!

                                                               “Andrea’s Dictionary” –    “Cinni” organic cinnimon 

Berries n creme




The date sammy!

An excellent go to snack! 3 ingredients! 

3 pitted Dates

3 Brazil nuts

Ayurvedic herbs ordered from the Chopra center! 

Stuff the dates with the Brazil nuts after rolling in the herbs! Bliss on Earth!Date Sammy


Sour cream “taters”

Ahhh Baby red taters topped with raw vegan coconut sour creme and fresh dill from Pablo, my local farmer!

8-10 taters depending on how many people you are serving

1 bunch fresh dill (toss the stems)

1 container So Delicious brand coconut yogurt (or make your own)

salt and pepper to taste!

Steam the washed taters for 20 minutes top with other ingredients listed above and enjoy!

               Andrea’s Dictionary “taters” baby red skin potatoes



Rockstar juice!

My go to juice when I need to slim down FAST! 

One cucumber

2 granny smith apples

1 lemon with rind

4 stalks of celery

pinch of good salt for my adrenal glands! MMMMM!!!

 Andrea’s Dictionary- “Rockstar” What we are after allowing ourselves to reach our full potential!




Raw chocolate pudding! MMMMM!


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