Andrea cox

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Putting Others Before Yourself. My lesson while running a private retreat.

Today I had to REALLY let go of my own “stuff” in order to place my client first. After having less than 2 hours of sleep I was tested with having very little energy. Being a 7 hours a night type of girl and for the past few months my routine has been completely shaken up.

One thing I know is that placing someone else before yourself really helps place everything in perspective. I’m so grateful for the positive change this has brought to my life:)

As I say in this video below, “If I met the girl I was five years ago today…I wouldn’t like her very much”. I’m sure I wouldn’t have handled today as I have. Sad but true:( I’m proud of the changes I have made and who I am today:)

Blessings and love from Mexico:)

Check out my juice fast, raw food yoga retreats at

Retreat in mexico

Retreat in mexico

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