Andrea cox

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Natural Psoriasis Treatment

Hey Loves:)

You may remember my struggle I’ve encountered twice with psoriasis. For an entire year I was covered with head to toe sores. Not only was I carrying much stress, I was also eating healthy foods that I had no idea I was allergic to. Did you know blueberries and goji berries are actually nightshades? They are!

Here are a few of the steps I took to get my skin healthy again

1) I eliminated stress filled people and scenarios out of my life. I now know to turn away from any person, environment or situation isn’t sitting well with me. I know because my skin will itch.

2) I cleaned up my diet. Simply put…eating a primarily raw vegan gluten free diet simply isn’t enough.

3) I began soaking my body in a homemade epsom salt mix. I’ll be making this exact mix on Facebook live at 4:15 tonight! Join me here

I love you ~ Please love yourself:)


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