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7 Stress Reducing Health Tips

I can’t make any promises…

Over the next few months I am packing up my entire life from a home I have lived in for almost a decade and moving a great distance. I’ll try my very best to shoot my Tasty Tuesday’s Wednesday’s wisdom and occasional Detox Q&A and Spiritual Sadhana Sunday’s videos. But if somehow I should disappear for a month or two just know I am creating a beautiful new oasis and literally trying to build Rome in a day!

No one is here but me to put this dream in place.The only difference is that this time my creation will be all my own with no outside interference trying to toss blockages in my way. Those days are finally over.

Over the past month I’ve been qualifying to buy a home! Sounds exciting right? Not really! Purchasing a home is a huge deal! Moving from a home I’ve lived in eight years is not easy! I have people pressuring me from several angles. And I’m doing the very best I can to deal with my client load and all the beautiful messages y’all send to me.

So if I don’t get back to you over the next few months know that I am not ignoring you. I am literally rebuilding my life! Brick by brick, piece by piece and tile by tile.

I would never ignore any of you because you are the ones who were there for me in my darkest hours. And you will be there with me during my brightest moments. I appreciate each and every one of you. I’ll see you in my videos even if they are a bit random over the next few months!

I also want to share with you what’s been helping me immensely over the past few months get through these trying times. 

So here are my Top 7 Stress Reducing Health Tips

1) Get on an excellent herbal regimen!

Look folks this is a must! If you’ve been with me any length of time you know that I promote an AMAZING adaptogenic herb company! Interested? Take your FREE health assessment here!

2) Load up on burdock root and Thyme tea!

When you are stressed, cortisol is released and mast cells release histamine. Thyme tea is a great way to calm those mast cells down! Without pharmaceuticals!

3) Start taking both a pre and a probiotic! 

Look, I don’t want to boast but my pre/probiotic I created ten years ago is made from soil based organisms! What’s this? It means it feeds the good bacteria in your gut while starving the yeast and candida! In fact, most of my clients order three bottles at once! Get your bottle here!

4) Minerals, Minerals Minerals!

Over fifteen years ago I created to products that work synergistically together. These mineral based humic and fulvic acid clay based minerals work to balance you out on a cellular level. Most of my clients that take them together report that they have better sleep, thicker longer hair and skin rashes seem to disappear.

5) Spend time in nature!

For at least two hours per day I am outside and unplugged. I’ve practiced this for years! Every morning my first hour of the day is spent in nature. It’s the same with my evening walks. There is truly no better way to balance the body. Mind spirit and soul!

6) Move your body!

Ah how I miss my hot yoga since the lockdown occurred. This doesn’t stop me however from getting a powerful sweat on in my own back yard. Whether it’s rebounding, using my elliptical or hopping into my sauna, a closed gym doesn’t keep this girl from sweating daily!

7) Meditation

Meditation is something I introduced a year ago. Waking up prior to the sun has always been something I’ve done. This extra hour of time is me time! A time to nourish my spirit! This has changed my entire outlook on life! Some day’s I simply sit in silence. Other days I chant. And there are days I play my favorite calming music. 

Andrea Cox - 7 Tips to reduce stress

Cilantro kisses

I Love you, Isn’t it time you love yourself?

~ Andrea

Getting You Back To GREAT Mental Health and Physical Health!

Hey Luv, Andrea here

In these strange times we are living in we need to remind ourselves that in order to keep a state of high integrity high energy along with a positive mindset…


Without these key components you will be deficient in vitamins, minerals and trace minerals.


* The soil sucks! Because our food is no longer grown in quality soil. Unless you are growing your food yourself it is not enough to be buying organic.

* Your internal house (bodily system) isn’t pure. With all the pharmaceutical drugs, recreational drugs, abuse of alcohol and yes (abuse of weed)! Along with the pesticides, herbicides and vaccines floating around we must supplement with quality herbs! Because chances are you’ve been exposed to one if not all of these at some point in your life.

* You are overwhelmed with stress! Chronic stress is also playing a HUGE role in the decline of our vitality and mental health.

* You don’t have a balanced gut flora. Chances are with all of the above your gut flora simply isn’t what it once was. Many of my clients were not taking probiotics prior to starting their health coaching program with me.

* You aren’t supplementing with high quality herbs and you don’t have a clue as to where to start! You aren’t on a reputable herbal regimen like the one I prote, teach you about and represent. (See the free health assessment below)!

* FAKE NEWS! You are being exposed to the TOXIC media! The good, the bad, the ugly, the truth and the not so true daily!

* You’re busy! Many of you who reach out for my help are working two jobs. Several of you have children, are single parents or (and this is rough) are taking care of your elderly parents. The bottom line here is you feel that there simply isn’t enough time in the day to exercise and prepare hearty home cooked meals. Let alone juice!

* You aren’t juicing! Ok, this is HUGE! Juicing is like a blood transfusion of vitamins and minerals into the bloodstream. Without juicing, you are likely deficient.

Chances are, unless you’ve lived under a rock ~ like me:) You’ve been exposed to one or all of the bodily, digestive or mental decline factors above!

Look folks, I care about you! I care about what you put in your mouth and what you put in your kids mouth’s. I also have stayed up many nights crying when y’all have reached out to me saying that you’re just super depressed.

I want you to have fantastic mental health, sexual health along with a great digestive system! 

There is a way around this through the food you eat and the supplements you take! You CAN improve your physical and mental health and well-being WITH THREE SIMPLE STEPS!

1) Join me live for Tasty Tuesday’s at 6pm pacific tonight!

2) Take your FREE health assessment here

3) Pick up a bottle of my AMAZING Smiling Gut pre and probiotics here!

Remember that after you fill out the coaching form above the good questions come! The questions that REALLY help both myself and my assistant get to the bottom of your herbal needs!

I love you

I only want the best for you

Please love yourselves

And drink your juice

All my love ~ Andrea

Just a few of Andrea’s beautiful creations!

Copyright © Andrea Cox



I did! Today we placed the first order for ALL of my reformulated products & for two NEW products I’m STOKED about!
I’m also excited to be working with a new Branding~Label designer!
None of this would have been possible without the push & shove of my biggest fan! ♡♡♡

Within two weeks you will be able to purchase from two of my new lines! From my new “Sexy and Raw” line you will have two new products to choose from!
“The Raw Detox Formula” & “Andrea’s Colon Smooth”!

In my new “PureAndSexySkincare” line my first product has been formulated too {YAY}!!!
“Sexy and Raw” Hair Skin & Nails Formula! This fantastic formula can be taken internally and may also be used as a face mask! Y’all were asking for it!

In my “Longevity Purpose” line I’ve formulated a probiotic called “Smiling Gut” because when your gut is happy, So are you! My probiotic formula uses soil based organisms!!! Thats right! I believe it to be the ABSOLUTE BEST probiotic on the market for your gut!

So I guess I can say, YES! I worked on my dream today! Now go work on yours!



Why you need a pro-biotic. Why Live Colloid is So Good For You- Dr. Jubb’s Live Colloid

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