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Archive for the tag “poetry about twin flames”

The Journey – Written one year ago today


I wrote this poem one year ago today. The healing that has taken place since this was written has been an AMAZING journey! I am feeling incredibly grateful today. I only pray that each of you have the healing that you need to create magic in your life! 

Other things you did not know

That she dances, sings and loves the snow

Bet you never noticed her hair up at night

Or when you would argue, how her mind took flight

Did you even enjoy the healthy food she would make

Wasn’t really your thing, you prefer chocolate cake

What about her smile did you not notice that too?

Or would mentioning it make you feel like a fool

It must’ve been hard ignoring all those little things

Even the time she showed up in red with freshly cut bangs

I often wonder if you noticed when she was gone

Or did it take a year or so to realize what went wrong

It’s not really an issue… your friends didn’t like her anyway

She was far too much for them and you felt you couldn’t go out and play

Was it really worth it,,, going after the money in the end?

When you turned your back on her you lost your best friend

It takes a while to realize the one we fear the most…

Is an exact replica of a past life friendly ghost

Before you check in on her like you do time and time again

Know she doesn’t really have a clue as to where to begin

It’s kind of where we all are

One foot in the future and one foot in the past

Hoping the way forward will be an energetic blast!

Her prayers for you are that you find what you’re looking for

Something to satisfy you even more than you were before

Take a hard look… face yourself in the mirror

Eat more fruits and vegetables and stay away from the beer

We learned a lot of lessons, you and I

Some love lives forever and will never die

Andrea Leigh Cox Copyright ~ All rights reserved

Inspirational Life lessons


When you want to give up, keep going♥️

Today, I feel BRICK STRONG, soft in my♥️heart and more focused than ever.
A few things I’ve learned

Be impeccable with your word. It saves people time and much wasted energy.

You will have two to three callings in this lifetime. Do what you are passionate about! What drives you!

Bring closure to personal relationships before starting new relationships . Both in business & your personal lives. To cripple another inside a wall of lies will only lead you back to where you began. Only this time, the door you face will be closed.

Be kind to both man & animals. Animals feel just as deep as humans. We now know there is no need to consume animals or sea life to survive! YOU WILL THRIVE when consuming plant based foods! Adjust accordingly!

Relationships are not business transactions. Relationships are made up of reciprocity. Giving & receiving. Some have a love of money. Others, have a need for physical affection. Some need words of affirmation. You can expect anything to fade away when this balance is not met equally.

Love forgive & respect your parents. You put them through tremendous burdens. Hopefully they still speak to you🙂

Communication is EVERYTHING! People are not mind readers. Communication is the foundation of a relationship.
Learn to listen more & talk less.

Don’t hold grudges, Forgive easily!

DO THE WORK! There are far too many people walking around wounded in this world. By not healing your childhood and past relationship trauma, you place the burdens from the past onto your new partner.

Money can be earned again. A persons heart time and trust often cannot.

When you respect yourself you respect others. You don’t make light of the misfortune of anyone. Nor do you feel indemnified when it comes at the expense of others. No one wins off another’s pain.

Think before you speak. You cannot take back the words you say. Be mindful of this. The guilt will be life long & crippling once that person is gone.

Be with a person who has the capacity to FEEL. God’s plan was not to place you here to fix the wounded. Fix yourself and he will take care of the rest.

There will be one person you will meet in this lifetime who you will KNOW is meant for you! Express yourself. These feelings are most likely from a past life. You are here to heal the pain in this lifetime together. This relationship will feel like a war zone you can’t escape. One day you will wake and realize this person is here to teach you your life’s lessons.


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