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My interview with John Salley on The Healthy Haven Podcast Show!

My interview with John Salley

I’m humbled with gratitude to be able to announce that my very first podcast is up today! I’m SO EXCITED for this opportunity to be able to serve ALL of you on yet another platform! You’ve been so incredibly good to me through my You Tube channel (Andrea Cox TV) and via my blog and Facebook Live videos! To be able to serve you in this realm humbles me with gratitude!


I cannot think of a better person to have as my first guest then John Sally!

John is a former NBA star, actor and show host! He’s also a BRILLIANT entrepreneur, a father, a vegan who obviously LOVES animals! What amazed me about John via our first meeting one year ago when he had me as a guest on his show was his love for not only health but also making this world a better place and planet! He is TRULY a gentle giant! Enjoy the podcast below!

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