Andrea cox

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Persimmon Perfection

Hello beautiful! Did you know that over half the population is over weight? Yes it’s true. Did you know that your weight directly affects your self esteem and your esteem affects your relationships? Also true!

I’ve had this happen in my own life. Where I’ve not been at my best and allowed it to wreak havoc in my personal life. Although I have always maintained a healthy body weight, their were other areas that I just didn’t feel good about. Once I placed my focus on shifting my vibration the I naturally began taking care of my physical body more and more.

I know what you’re thinking. “Andrea how could you have self – esteem issues”? The truth is, we go through phases and shifts throughout our lives. The important thing is to love ourself throughout this process. But you also don’t want to throw the baby out with the bath water. It’s a must to place your body and the care of it right up there with your spiritual practice.

I thought of a hundred different ways of how I could help you with taking control over your health today. I decided I would start by keeping it simple. Simplicity is working in every area of my life these days. I’m choosing to share one of my favorite fall salads with you!

Enjoy and check out this video too!

Sweet and Savory Persimmon Salad

2 Cups dandelion greens

2 Cups romaine lettuce

3-4 medium size persimmions

1/2 Cup hemp seeds

1/2 Cup walnuts

1/2 cup chopped pitted dates

4-5 TB of your favorite vinaigrette 

Directions : Mix all ingredients in a big bowl and blend in the vinaigrette. Feeds one to two hungry people!

Here’s to embracing SO MUCH LOVE!I

I love you

I only want the best for you

Please love yourself.

Until tomorrow


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