Andrea cox

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Archive for the tag “October 21 2018”

Kathryn’s Story – Juice fast retreat

Yesterday my absolute FAVORITE client checked into the resort for her annual cleanse. Kathryn is a third time cancer survivor who sees her illness as “a health opportunity”! If that is not a positive attitude, I don’t know what is!

She said that her getting cancer has taught an entirely new way of living! She no longer wakes with an alarm at 5am and heads to StarBucks at 8am for a dairy clogging latte.

Kathryn now starts her day by walking her rescue dog Chip. Kathryn adopted Chip when she went through her divorce 7 years ago. “Chip gives me companionship” she says.

After walking Chip she sips on lemon water while checking her e-mails. She loves the way it aids her digestive system. Kathryn then jumps on the rebounder for 15 minutes. This not only gets her lymphatic system moving, it also improves her mood.

Kathryn hired me to create a meal plan for her after she first came to detox with me five years ago. She now comes every year to keep on top of her cleansing regimen and to improve her overall health.

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